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? Deekay

On 26 July 2028, the world will see the release of the 42nd Anniversary Issue of ST NEWS! An event 4,543,000,2028 years in the making, it will be the most ambitious undertaking this side of the LateST NEWS Quest, with...

  • nearly 42 interviews
  • many improved and newly written features
  • "where are they now?" feature of many former co-conspirators
  • reviews of key musical and literary milestones
  • pixel graphics by Erik "Es of TEX" Simon & Stefan "Tyrem of TRB" Kimmlingen
  • in memoriams of people lost to the scene
  • an exclusive monochrome-only demo by DBug
  • an exclusive monochrome-only demo by Troed Sangberg
  • an exclusive colour-only demo by Leonard of Oxygene
  • an exclusive new tune by Gareth "gwEM" Morris
  • an exclusive ST tribute CODEF screen by Mellowman
  • an update of the ST swearing accessory, "Wowbagger" (a pre-2028 update can be found here)

It will be published on this site, and the plan is to release it as an actual Atari ST executable as well (using an emulator which will generate a downloadable disk image).

You could help me immensely by contacing me if you are (or if you know how to find) one of the people I have listed on this page!

If you can help in other ways (if you have idea or suggestions, for example) or want to help out in general (including writing entire articles!), do contact me too.