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? Erik 'ES of TEX' Simon, 1989

As summer 1990 approached, Marc “Eclipse” Rosocha was growing more and more displeased with management, and in particular how management sought to curtail his artistic freedom. At one time, management picked me to be the producer of what would later become “Wings of Death”. A task for which, within hours after being assigned it, Marc and me and sundry realised I was eminently unsuitable. But even after Marc's freedom had been restored, a seed had been sown in his head that would eventually lead to him leaving Thalion and making “Lethal Xcess” for his own Eclipse instead of “Wings of Death II” for Thalion.

In this photo he is having a heated discussion about some or other creative decision. In my photoalbum the text under it reads “Marc is angry again”. He was angry a lot, in the months before leaving.