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ST  NEWS  is  a  magazine written for and  written  by  Atari  ST 
computer enthusiasts.  It is published at irregular intervals  by 
the  Amazing Cracking Conspiracy,  and spread through the  Public 
Domain. It may be copied freely to anyone you wish.

Editorial staff: Richard Karsmakers (Editor/GfA Basic/Software)
                 Frank Lemmen (MIDI/Music)
                 Jos Schilders (Hardware)

Official ST NEWS distributors outside The Netherlands:

                 Gerardo Greco
                 Via Roma, 75
                 I-80055 Portici-NA

                 Ivo van Vlaenderen
                 Lostraat 23
                 31000 Heist-op-den-Berg
                 Ewe Håkansson
                 Pilspetsv. 4
                 291 65 Kristianstad

                 Stefan Colombier
                 Marienburger Str. 17
                 5300 Bonn 1
                 WEST GERMANY

                 Page 6
                 Les Ellingham
                 P.O. Box 54
                 ST16 1DR

The following other people contributed to this issue of ST NEWS:

Gerardo Greco                       Stefan Colombier
Mark van den Boer                   Commedia (The Netherlands)
Rüdiger Eichin                      Friedrich W. Hofmann
Paul Kolenbrander                   C. Janssen
Ronald van der Kamp                 Lucas van den Berg
Math Claessens                      Peter Vlemmings
Holger Gehrmann                     Hubert van Mil
Les Ellingham                       Antoni Lapinski
Ewe Håkansson                       Ivo van Vlaenderen
Robert Heessels                     Eerk Hofmeester
Marcel van Valen                    Frans Ottenhof

The  editor  accepts  no responsibility  for  any  damage  caused 
directly or indirectly by the use of any of the information given 
in  this  issue  of ST NEWS not those  information  contained  in 
previous issues or issues to come. Writers remain responsible for 
their viewpoints and possible conflicts with other people  caused 
by the publication of their article in ST NEWS.

Although  ST NEWS belongs to the Public  Domain,  the  individual 
articles  may not be used in other magazines,  in English or  any 
other  language,  before  the permission therefore  is  given  by 
author of the article.

If  you  feel ST NEWS is worthy of a contribution on  your  side, 
please  feel free to donate any amount of money on  giro  account 
number  5060326,   t.n.v.   Richard  Karsmakers,   Helmond,   The 
Netherlands. Thank you in anticipation!

The text of the articles is identical to the originals like they appeared in old ST NEWS issues. Please take into consideration that the author(s) was (were) a lot younger and less responsible back then. So bad jokes, bad English, youthful arrogance, insults, bravura, over-crediting and tastelessness should be taken with at least a grain of salt. Any contact and/or payment information, as well as deadlines/release dates of any kind should be regarded as outdated. Due to the fact that these pages are not actually contained in an Atari executable here, references to scroll texts, featured demo screens and hidden articles may also be irrelevant.