by Douglas N. Wheeler
Reprinted from "ST Report" Volume 2 Issue 38.
What is GDOS?
GDOS is an extension to GEM which adds new capabilities to your
ST. Originally, GDOS was intended to be an integral part of GEM,
but due to time restraints, had to be left out. Atari is now
offering GDOS to registered developers at a cost of $500 per
application using GDOS (it doesn't cost anything to look, except
for the cost of becoming a developer).
Three Primary Advantages of GDOS
1. The ability to use multiple fonts in various point sizes on
the screen, printer, and other output devices.
2. Allows the creation of metafiles, which are standardized files
intended to be usable by many different applications. This
allows files created in one file to be usable in another.
3. Support for various output devices with resolutions up to
32,767 x 32,767 (including emulation of this resolution on the
screen). This allows graphics to be printed at the highest
resolution of the output device.
How to use GDOS
In theory, using GDOS is as simple as putting GDOS.PRG in your
AUTO folder and booting the computer. In practice, though, a
series of conditions must be met. The most important of these
conditions is that there must be a valid ASSIGN.SYS file present
in the root directory of the boot disk.
The following is a typical ASSIGN.SYS file.
01p SCREEN.SYS ; default screen
02p SCREEN.SYS ; low resolution
ATSS10.FNT ; fonts
03p SCREEN.SYS ; medium resolution
04p SCREEN.SYS ; high resolution
21 FX80.SYS ; Epson 9-pin dot-matrix printer
31r META.SYS ; metafile driver
As you can see, I have divided the file into distinct groups.
The first line of the ASSIGN.SYS file is use to tell GDOS where
the fonts and device drivers are located. This line must always
start with PATH= which is followed by a pathname of up to 64
characters locating the fonts and drivers.
Following the path identifying line is the list of device
drivers and their associated fonts. Each group is composed of
four parts. First is a number representing the type of device:
01-10 Screen drivers
11-20 Plotter drivers
21-30 Printer drivers
31-40 Metafile drivers
The Atari has four built-in Device Drivers
01 Default screen (used when an application doesn't care about
the screen resolution)
02 Low resolution screen
03 Medium resolution screen
04 High resolution screen
Immediately following the device number may be a "load flag" of
either "p" or "r". A "p" indicates that the device driver is
"p"ermanent and does not need to be loaded by GDOS. Because the
ST has its screen drivers built into ROM, there will be a "p"
after devices 01-04. An "r" indicates that the device driver
should be kept "r"esident, causing GDOS to load the device driver
immediately. If a load flag is not present, GDOS will only load
the device driver when an application opens (accesses) that
After the device number and load flag is the filename of the
device driver as it appears in the disk directory. In the case of
ROM-resident drivers, the filename is only a place-holder (but
must be present). Keep in mind that the device driver must be in
the folder specified in the path line. On the lines following
those three items is a list of fonts associated with that device
(again, these are the filenames as they appear in the indicated
path of the disk).
You may have noticed a few lines with semicolons (;) in them.
GDOS will treat any text on a line to the right of a semicolon as
a comment and will ignore it.
Editing/Creating ASSIGN.SYS
Now, why would you want to change your ASSIGN.SYS file? Well, if
you have just one program which uses GDOS, and you are happy with
the fonts you have, then there is no reason to change it. But,
now that GDOS is beginning to be accepted on the ST, many of us
are acquiring a collection of GDOS applications and fonts. By
editing or creating a new ASSIGN.SYS, you could create a
"universal" ASSIGN.SYS and font/driver folder to be used with all
of these programs!
Luckily, the ASSIGN.SYS file is a standard text (ASCII) file
which may be edited with most text editors and word processors.
The only requirement is that the file not contain any formatting
codes. This can usually be accomplished in a word processor by
turning document mode off, or selecting "Save as text" (check
your word processor manual for exact instructions for doing
this). If you are using a text editor, such as MicroEmacs or
Tempus, all you have to do is save the file.
Starting at the top, the first thing you may want to change is
the PATH= line at the beginning of the ASSIGN.SYS file. By
changing this line, you can put your fonts and printer drivers on
another disk or hard drive partition (instead of your boot disk).
If you are using floppies, keep in mind that this directory
(folder) must be present when an application accesses any of the
GDOS devices. Also, to speed booting, this directory should be
present when GDOS is loaded.
Recommended Configurations of Disk Drives
One floppy drive:
Boot disk (drive A) with:
AUTO folder containing GDOS.PRG
GDOS.SYS folder containing the fonts and drivers
Any GDOS application(s) (you may wish to create
separate boot disks for each GDOS application)
Two floppy drives:
Boot disk (drive A) with:
AUTO folder containing GDOS.PRG
Font/driver disk (drive B) with:
GDOS.SYS folder containing fonts and drivers
Application disk (drive A after booting GDOS) with:
Any GDOS application(s) (you may wish to create
separate application disks for each GDOS application)
Hard drive (booting from floppy):
Boot disk (drive A) with:
AUTO folder containing hard drive boot program and
Hard drive partition C with:
GDOS.SYS folder containing fonts and drivers
Any hard drive partition with:
Any GDOS application(s) (may be on any partition)
Hard drive (autobooting):
Hard drive partition C with:
AUTO folder containing GDOS.PRG
GDOS.SYS folder containing fonts and drivers
Any hard drive partition with:
Any GDOS application(s) (may be on any partition)
Of course, these are only suggestions, and other configurations
may be better for different applications. Hopefully you should
now be able to create other set-ups without too much difficulty.
There are a few "musts" that have to be observed:
GDOS.PRG must be in the AUTO folder of the boot disk.
ASSIGN.SYS must be in the root directory of the boot disk.
The PATH = line in the ASSIGN.SYS file must contain the
complete pathname of the folder containing the fonts and
drivers. The fonts and drivers must be in the right place
when and application or tries to open a device.
A Bit about Fonts
One question about GDOS fonts that people ask is, "when are the
fonts loaded?" Many people are under the impression that all the
fonts are loaded when GDOS is initially loaded. This is not true
(and cannot be done). An "r" load flag in the ASSIGN.SYS file
will cause GDOS to load only the device driver, not the fonts.
Fonts are loaded only after an application opens a device and
asks for the fonts to be loaded. At that time, GDOS will attempt
to load all the fonts for that device. If there is an error
(can't find the file, not enough memory, etc.) GDOS will skip
over that font and continue with the next one. When an
application is through with the fonts, it can "unload" the fonts
to free up that memory.
Another fact that many people don't understand is that the font
filename is irrelevant to GDOS. Each font has a "header"
consisting of various parameters, some of these are: point size,
font name, and a font ID which is used to identify fonts of the
same type (i.e. all swiss fonts have the same ID). Another thing
to note is that GDOS does not handle line spacing, this is
handled by the application regardless of the actual size of a
given font. Some programs use the point size to determine line
spacing, and others use the actual height of the font (yes, the
point size can be set different from the actual size).
For those of you creating your own fonts (with GEMFED or
FONTZ!), you must assign a unique font ID (from 0 to 32,767) to
each of your fonts, and all font of the same type (i.e. Times),
but of different size, must have the same ID. Another thing you
must know when creating your own fonts, is the resolution of the
devices you are creating the fonts for. The following is a list
of most of the currently available devices and their resolution.
Low resolution screen 45 x 45 (horizontal dpi x vertical dpi)
Medium resolution screen 90 x 45
High resolution screen 90 x 90
9-pin dot-matrix printer 120 x 144
24-pin printer 180 x 180 or 360 x 360 (NEC P-series
Laser printer 150 x 150 (some) or 300 x 300
As you can see, most of these devices have square (round)
pixels. This allows for sideways printing using the same fonts as
for vertical (normal) printing. A notable exception to this is
with the 9-pin dot-matrix printers, which will distort characters
when printing them sideways. Different drivers (from different
companies) handle this problem differently: they either ignore
the fact (and print distorted characters sideways), or they print
the left and right sides of a horizontal page on two separate
vertical pages, which must then be taped together. The first
method is the easier (and faster) of the two, but the second
method will produce correct characters, and the taping isn't too
bad if you are going to photocopy the final product.
It would be possible to create separate fonts for sideways
printing. but so far this has not been done. Also, Epson printers
(and 100% compatibles) have a 144 x 144 dpi (double plotter) mode
which could be utilized. This would not only allow non-distorted
sideways printing, but offers slightly higher resolution in the
horizontal axis.
Font filenames
As I stated earlier, font filenames are not used by GDOS, but to
us humans, consistent filenames can greatly simplify things. With
the official release of GDOS (late last year), Atari adopted a
standardized way of naming font files. Here I will explain
Atari's idea and add a few extensions
A font filename like ATSS10EP.FNT may look meaningless to
someone who doesn't know how the filename was derived, but is, in
fact, very functional.
The first and second characters (AT) indicates the
creator/distributor of the font (in this case Atari). Atari has
suggested that these characters be "AT" for all fonts used on the
Atari, this seems meaningless to me, as I don't have any fonts
for any other computers on my ST disks. (Why would I?) I feel
these two characters can be put to better use to specify the
The third and fourth characters (SS) identify the type style (in
this case Sans Serif). These should be unique to a particular
rendition of a specific typeface.
The fifth and sixth characters (10) specify the point size of
the font. This should be the point size as printed on the device
the font was designed for, not the pixel height. Also, sizes less
than 10 should have a leading zero (i.e. 06) to maintain the
overall structure.
The seventh and eighth characters (EP) specify the device for
which the font was designed (in this case the Epson 9-pin
driver). If there are no seventh and eighth characters, the font
is assumed to be for the high-resolution screen.
The filename extender on all fonts will be .FNT.
Although not many companies/individuals have produced fonts for
the ST (yet), I would like to recommend that all font filenames
follow the following format to avoid confusion.
A Suggestion for Standard Identifiers
AT - Atari MG - Migraph
TW - Timeworks NC - Neocept
SS - Sans Serif (Atari's Swiss) TR - Times Roman (Atari's Dutch)
TP - Typewriter (Atari CL - Camelot (Neocept
DL - Drury Lane (Timeworks) MA - Madison (Timeworks)
RK - Rockface (Timeworks RA - Ravinia (Timeworks)
DB - Dingbats (Timeworks' Bullets)
MG (or none) - Monochrome graphics (high/low resolution screen)
CG - Color graphics (medium resolution screen)
EP - Epson 9-pin dot-matrix printer (120 x 144)
NB - Star NB-24 24-pin dot-matrix printer (180 x 180)
NC - NEC C-series 24-pin dot-matrix printer (360 x 360)
LQ - Epson 24 pin dot-matrix printer (all)
LL - low resolution laser printer (150 x 150)
LS - standard laser printer (300 x 300)
In many cases, the creator/distributor is not important, in
which case the first four characters can be used for the
typestyle. You will also notice that I have listed typestyles
from various companies, I have done this because I recommend that
you rename all of the font you currently have to match the above
conventions, this will save you a lot of confusion in the future
when you may have ten times as many fonts. One thing to note if
you create a master ASSIGN.SYS file, is that although the
Timeworks Swiss and Dutch fonts are different from Atari's, they
use the same font IDs. GDOS could get very confused if you have
two fonts with the same ID and point size. My personal
recommendation is to replace Timeworks' Swiss and Dutch fonts in
the 10, 12, 18, and 24 point sizes with the ones from Atari, I
feel these are much more professional and true to the original
Helvetica and Times Roman typefaces.
Metafiles are (in theory) ideal files which can be exchanged
between different GDOS applications. Metafiles are those files
with a .GEM extender. Metafiles are "ideal" in the respect that
they are resolution independent. They are simply instructions for
the computer to recreate a page on any output device at that
device's highest resolution. This is accomplished by storing
commands for drawing lines, circles, rectangles, text, etc.,
unlike most picture files (.NEO, PI?, etc.) which store the dots
making up an image.
Unfortunately, metafiles are not 100% standard yet. This results
in programs not being able to read metafiles created by another
application. Technically, the fault lies with the program trying
to load the metafile, not the creator. Many different parameters
may be present in the header of a metafile, but only a few of
these are required. Unfortunately, many applications expect some
of the optional parameters to be there and can't load the file
correctly if they don't exist. Currently Easy-Draw (version 2.3)
is the most capable of the available GDOS applications, and can
read just about any metafile.
Some of the more recent GDOS applications are allowing the use
of GEM image files (those ending in .IMG). These are bit-mapped
images similar to those created by the various ST paint programs
(but without the screen size and resolution limitations). As is
the case with other paint files, these images may be jagged or
blocky when printed on a high resolution device.
A very important fact about images in metafiles is that the
metafile does not actually contain a copy of the image. The
metafile only contains the filename of the image on disk. This
means that you must not remove the disk containing an image while
the metafile is being printed, and everytime you print that
metafile, the image must be in the same disk (or you will have to
change your file). If GDOS can't find the image, it will just
skip over it. Be warned.
Miscellaneous Comments
If you are using the Timeworks Desktop Publisher ST (TDTP), you
must run the FONTWID.APP program each time you modify the
ASSIGN.SYS file. Another important fact is that the relative
widths of the Timeworks fonts are not the same for different
devices. What this means is that if you create a document with
TDTP installed for use with an Epson 9-pin printer, then load the
file into TDTP installed for use with a laser printer, the text
will be re-flowed. This may result in different column breaks,
lost text, extra white space, etc. The best solution to this
problem is to create the document with a TDTP installed for the
device which will create the final copy. Another idea is to use
Atari's fonts (if you have them, they are not public domain), as
the relative sizes between devices is very close (there still may
be a few differences, but can be fixed readily).
For those of you who have seen a lot of DEGAS Elite GDOS fonts
floating around, don't get too excited. For those to print
properly (even blocky), you must have matching printer fonts for
the screen fonts. GEMFED or FONTZ! greatly simplify this process,
but if you intend to create a complete set of fonts in four or
five sizes, you will have a lot of work ahead of you.
Anyone creating fonts for the general public (either commercial
or PD), try to remember that not everyone is using the same kind
of monitor or printer you are. If at all possible, create fonts
for all the devices I have listed above.
Another thing I didn't mention are metafile fonts. These are not
really fonts, but merely width tables designed to keep correct
character spacing in a file when used with different GDOS
applications. In most cases, you can eliminate metafile fonts
without any loss of quality.
Device (Graphics Device) - Anything used to create some form of
output, usually on a video screen or
printed on paper or film.
Device Driver - A computer program used to control a device as
specified by a "master" application.
Font - A typeface of a given style and point size.
GDOS - Graphics Device Operating System; an extension to the
Atari ST's operating system allowing for the use of
various fonts and graphics devices.
GEM - Graphics Environment Manager; the portion of the ST's
operating system which is responsible for most of the
visual aspects of the ST.
Header - A portion of a file (usually at the beginning)
containing various parameters describing the file.
Line Spacing - The distance between successive line of text,
usually measured in points.
Pixel - Picture element; a single dot, usually one of many used
to create a complete image on a video screen or printed on
paper or film.
Point - A typographical unit of measure; approximately 1/72".
Copyrights, Trademarks, Etc.
This document is copyright 1988 by Douglas N. Wheeler.
Any questions or comments about this document can be directed to
Douglas N. Wheeler
PSC 3 Box 6096
Travis AFB, CA 94535
(707) 437-3786
GEnie address D.N.WHEELER.
This document mentions several commercial/copyrighted products.
In each case, it is to be understood that the names are
trademarks of their respective companies and are used here only
as references. I am in no-way connected, either through
employment or otherwise, to any of these companies.
I cannot be held responsible for any damages resulting from the
use or misuse of the information contained in this document. This
document was created for the purpose of providing information, it
is up to the reader to accept responsibility for the results of
the use of this information.
The text of the articles is identical to the originals like they appeared
in old ST NEWS issues. Please take into consideration that the author(s)
was (were) a lot younger and less responsible back then. So bad jokes,
bad English, youthful arrogance, insults, bravura, over-crediting and
tastelessness should be taken with at least a grain of salt. Any contact
and/or payment information, as well as deadlines/release dates of any
kind should be regarded as outdated. Due to the fact that these pages are
not actually contained in an Atari executable here, references to scroll
texts, featured demo screens and hidden articles may also be irrelevant.