by Ken Butler
Ricky was aSTute. He underSTood the need to fully STuff himself
with knowledge to prepare for the challenge of university but the
demands of that and of ST NEWS were exhauSTing. LaST but not
leaST he had Willeke to consider.
Could he STop the moST eSTimable job he had ever STarted - he
almoST felt the hoSTile outburST from his enhusiaSTs as the
daSTardly thought STruck him. No, no - he could not and would
As he wreSTled with the problem he was reminded of all the
assiSTance he had received from a hoST of STatarians including
Guid STumpe, Mark & STeve van de HorST, Eerk HofmeeSTer, the two
STefans, PoSThuma and COlombier, John ForreST, STephan Englhart
and Dave STaugas.
He decided that his firST love, the librarianship of the Public
Domain programs, muST be given up. He would offer it to the ST
Club at Eindhoven, but firST he would telephone Willeke.
Willeke liSTened to the STory of his STrange dream and said how
glad she was that, thanks to him, the dragon had not made a feaST
of her as, unresiSTing, she lay proSTrate beneath it. That she
loved Ricky could not be in doubt but she associated dragons and
other naSTies with computers and wondered whether his intereST in
the machine had a dehumanising effect. Everything he did was in
terms of the computer: it was a digitized picture of her that he
wanted and although they both knew that the result would not do
her juSTice it was beST for the computer.
When Ricky asked her to STray with him for a few days she
agreed for they enjoyed being together and she knew that he could
be truSTed. They talked endlessly, held hands, went to the movies
but as time passed Willeke realised that his love neST was really
in the miSTy depths of the ST: it was a fairly typical STatarian
love STory and she did not want to change it.
Willeke responded by beSTowing upon him all the siSTerly love
she could muSTer and Ricky reSTed content for he did not thirST
for a passionate involvement. He loved her like a twin and now
knew that she would always be there.
When she returned to SoeST he was diSTraught for a time but his
mind wandered to AuSTralia and what diSTribution problems there
might be for his ST NEWS.
Willeke had been right, you see. There was no conteST in this
STatarian love STory.
The text of the articles is identical to the originals like they appeared
in old ST NEWS issues. Please take into consideration that the author(s)
was (were) a lot younger and less responsible back then. So bad jokes,
bad English, youthful arrogance, insults, bravura, over-crediting and
tastelessness should be taken with at least a grain of salt. Any contact
and/or payment information, as well as deadlines/release dates of any
kind should be regarded as outdated. Due to the fact that these pages are
not actually contained in an Atari executable here, references to scroll
texts, featured demo screens and hidden articles may also be irrelevant.