After the absolute success of the previous 'real-time' article
in ST NEWS Volume 3 Issue 2 (the one about the visit of The
Exceptions to Holland), we decided that something like that
should be done again. So that's why you will now witness the
"Computer Orgy" at Den Bosch - the weekend of July 9th and 10th
1988, in which both ST NEWS Volume 3 Issue 4 and "Synth Sample V"
were to be finished at Stefan's little 2 by 4 metre room in his
parents' Den Bosch, Holland, residence.
First, I will draw a small sketch of the situation: In this
room there are a bed, a bureau and a stereo tower. The latter is
currently playing the last few numbers of Vangelis' "Antarctica",
and on the bureau Stefan is momentarily editing ST NEWS. On the
bed is a "portable" Olivetti M21 personal computer running "Word
Perfect", on which I am now typing this text. Next to this hard
disk equipped PC, huge amounts of crisps and other miscellaneous
things to crunch on are located. Somewhere near the ST, a 1 litre
bottle of Lavaro Vieux (three stars) is located. Downstairs, in
the crowded fridge, some large bottles of various liquids are
stalled - just waiting to be cooled sufficiently so they can be
absorbed to the consumer's reasonable satisfaction. First, let's
hop back to earlier moments of this morning, when this remarkable
small but heavy Olivetti device was not yet booted up....
Some pigeons awoke me from my erotic dreams, trying to break into
my window. After hunting them away, I went to sleep again.
My biorhythm awakes me, just in time (I programmed my alarm
clock, but forgot to trigger it - so I was lucky) to start
packing my things (shaving gear, toothbrush, "Lord of the Rings",
walkman, crisps, Coke, 'drinknuts' and various audio tapes). My
dad starts expanding my knowledge of foul language when I awake
him with my noises.
The wonders of my digitally programmed Kenwood stereo
installation get working and wake me with Jean Michel Jarre's CD
"Zoolook". Time to get crackin'.
The train down in Helmond leaves to take me to Den Bosch. There
are no gorgeous females sitting anywhere, so I close my eyes and
dream away on the sound of "2112" of Rush...
I arrive at Den Bosch station, where an enthusiastic Stefan
Awaits me. We turned out to have both spent the larger part of
the previous evening typing our last ST NEWS articles and
mentally preparing ourselves for the event that would start in a
mere couple of event that would later be referred to
as....The Computer Orgy! After my arrival, we both went to the
city of Den Bosch to buy some of the last necessities for the
Orgy (such as the aforementioned bottle of strong liquor).
We arrive at Stefan's residence. The whole family is fast asleep
still, and we wonder WHO are crazy?! Stefan's thrown some "Fat
Boys & Chubby Checker" twistin' on his CD player and slowly but
surely the whole family awakes (the neighbourhood, too, I'd bet).
After demonstrating some of the recent stuff TEX sent me to an
amazed chief editor, we started putting some of the ST NEWS
articles together. There were quite a lot of them, so we'll have
quite some trouble gettin' it all in ST NEWS....
We went downstairs to drink some coffee, and Stefan fried an egg
to strengthen his physical being (that's a quote!). After having
finished preparing it, he held it under my nose, too?! Anyway, I
could refrain myself from attacking, anyway (be it barely) and
sipped my coffee.
Stefan boots up the Olivetti machine I'm using now, and formats
a disk to store this article upon. Installing "Word Perfect" and
installing a macro so that I can work with it, too (saving the
doc now and then, that is), took another 10 minutes.
It surely looks like that this issue of ST NEWS is going to be
filled up to the last nibble, I just transported all articles
Richard gave me after letting my editorial-eye passing over them
to the ST NEWS directory of my ever-whirring hard disk. WHAT?
455K of uncrunched article space? Oh boy, this is surely going to
test my cruncher. I have to fit them all on a single-sided disk
together with the ST NEWS program, the VIXEN picture, some
programs, the ST NEWS machine code files, the readme, the
Sometimes it gets too much. So I have to assume my editorial role
and start to delete articles...... This is really a tough job.
Richard urges me not to delete any of his articles, because he
has worked so hard on them....
A little note, sitting here in the centre of my 120-watt Magnat
boxes, really reveals the wonders of stereo-music to me. The Art
of Noise is currently giving away and I am really inspired. YEAH!
The Art of Noise has stopped playing, and Richard asks me to
insert one of his Yngwie Malmsteen tapes in my high-tech Stereo.
The wailing guitar sounds start filling my room and Richard
shouts that he is getting really inspired now.
I am feeling a little bit depressed. I have just had a look at
many of the articles, nibbling some final bytes off them
(deleting unnecessary lines, which saves three bytes a piece).
Can we get all this stuff into it?! No doubt, this Volume 3 Issue
4 of ST NEWS will be the largest and most massively filled
since...well, since it started, I think. We will know in a moment
or two if we will succeed in putting the thing on a 81 tracks/10
sectors per track disk. See ya soon, I am planning a visit to the
Ooof. That relieves some of the pressure. As Stefan was writing
the editorial, his gorgeous sister Melanie barged into the room.
Can I be even more inspired?!
Orgasmic cries are being spilled forth as we crunch more and
more bytes off many documents (Stefan's screaming RIGHT NOW as I
type this!). I didn't know deleting bytes could be such fun!
Anyway, I will assist our dear master editor now.
OOOF! After the first trial run of the cruncher, we ended up with
316637 bytes of compressed article space! Are we going to make
it? And we did not even delete any articles. The cruncher took
off 80K. Clever stuff. Richard is busy designing the menu-bars.
There are so many reviews in this issue that we have to make two
review drop-down menus! (There is a limit on the size of drop
down menus which is 1/2nd of the screen, approx. 13 items)
Yngwie Malmsteen has stopped playing, my stereo reverses the
tape, and Rush ("2112") starts playing.
The first bottle of Coke has been opened, and right now we are
filling our insides with this black, bubbly fluid. The phone
rings, and my boss is on the phone. After an interesting talk, I
continue my relentless work on ST NEWS.
The documents of ST NEWS are about ready now, and we are crossing
our thumbs if it will fit.... Anyway, Stefan's now busy crunching
and programming again. His fingers fly across his poor ST's
keyboard, his printer buzzes... That's what computing is like,
and I lllove it! "The total size 319872 bytes when crunched!"
Stefan just now remarked. I hope it fits, but my hopes are not
really high.
The same music that inspired Erik of The Exceptions at their
visit to Eindhoven is now gently floating through the room: Jimi
Hendrix' "1983 (A merman I should turn to be)" and "Moon, turn
the tides...gently, gently away" from his Electric Ladyland
album. Not bad, not bad.
Stefan just made my heart stand still for a while. After having
reprogrammed the ST NEWS program, he suddenly pressed the reset
button and made panicing gestures after having done that. When I
started panicing, too, he told me he had saved it already. I'll
KILL him next time he pulls a trick like that again!
Allright! All articles have been crunched, packed and indexed.
The ST NEWS menu bars have been programmed, some tiny little bugs
have been corrected and it WORKS! The menubars look slick, the
program runs and it is great. Absolutely the best ST NEWS ever. I
love it! Richard is now busy checking all documents to make sure
no weird little bugs have crept in and he still doesn't make
funny noises, so I take it that it works fine. Jimi Hendrix is
really raping my stereo now and it sounds very psychede...
(*&%!!! Richard shouts and makes funny gestures. A BUG! It looks
like I forgot to format my Hard Disk backup article so the GfA
statements are all over the screen. This means I have to correct
the article, recrunch the lot and probably change the indexes in
the program! Grunt. OH NO!!! Another bug. Either the crunch or
the decrunch routine rather messes up special characters like
pound-signs and dutch guilder signs. This means that this bug is
also present in the previous issue because the crunch routines
have not been changed.... Better get back to the ST and start
Oops. Those were some minor setbacks I've just discovered. These
must not be discovered in too high quantities or it might take a
bit too long to finish ST NEWS....and we have to finish "Synth
Sample V" as well!!
Stefan just closed the curtains because the sun was shining in
his face (he had this weird tendency to sneeze uncontrollably and
loudly whenever this happens) and the lights have been turned on.
All documents (including a proper version of the article about
hard disk back-upping mentioned above) have been crunched again,
and there are now 10 extra bytes....oops.
The guilder'n'pound bug has been located, and is present in the
crunching utility. Whenever a space and a special character (code
above 128) appear after each other, they are crunched whereas
this should not happen... Anyway, it's a quite minor bug that
will probably be gone in just a minute (Stefan is right now
editing the machine code source in "Tempus", and adding one BTST
and one CMP.... does it already sound like TEX programming?).
I'm afraid there are some more things wrong now. The guilders and
pounds are back, but many characters have disappeared: Every time
when multiple spaces occurred, the first character of the word
after these has disappeared. But Stefan will surely find a
solution to that. As a matter of fact, he's working with "Tempus"
already, while Hendrix' "EXP" castrates some of the Watts in his
mighty Kenwood installation (it's amazing what Jimi can do with a
mere guitar and some basic sound effect devices).
The bottle of Vieux has just been opened, and I will soon taste
the heavenly warmth in my throat. Stefan produces craving noises
as he tastes his first sip. The first bag of crisps (Mama Mias)
is opened...
"Gen ST" editor sucks! (But the assembler is great)
That stupid little bug has been crushed! This is the real thing.
The Vieux and the Mama Mias have a stimulating effect on me and I
really want to get down now. Keep on reading 'cuz you are in for
a treat.
Jean Michel Jarre is slammed on the CD player (finally, music!
Stefan quote) - "Oxygene". The bugs are gone now. By the way:
Drinking Coke through a Mama Mia is great!
We just compressed the "Vixen" piccy to use it in ST NEWS - we
might have some more space problems soon, as it is a bit over 20
Kb (!) is size now!!
The music (still Jean Michel Jarre) is fantastic beyond
description, and I really like everything right now. If only
Willeke was here (but that's an entirely different story).
Stefan, anyway, is now crying triumphant cries more and more (the
Vieux is starting to affect his brain already - no wonder, it's
35%). And he only had one small glass (which we call "neut" in
Things are really wrapping up now. The music, BMX Simulator II by
David Whittaker has been added, the stunning and hormone-
provocing Vixen picture is there and it still works. It seems to
me that the mouse has been influenced by the heavy alcoholic
vapours momentarily occupying my room because it started to act
really weird a few moments ago. The Jean Michel Jarre music
really gets to my biorhythms now and I start becoming lyric about
this absolute Master of the synthesizer. Richard just finished
viewing all the documents and there are no more bugs there. Will
there be an end to this Orgy? Will ST NEWS be finished in time?
Read on and you will be presented with the results.
My dad just came in, meeting Richard for the first time and being
a little astounded by the great amounts of coke, booze and crisps
present in my room. He worked all day (it's Saturday!) and
brought me a bag of 'Kroepoek' (impossible to translate in
English. It is an Oriental delicacy composed of fried shrimp.
Very crispy). Right now I am crunching it and it tastes fine.
I think I'll go outside into the garden and get some fresh air
because the air in my room starts getting worse and worse... I'd
better open that window.
The scrolling message of ST NEWS is ready (I think). I just got
an immediate urge to visit the smallest room in this house, so
I'll do that right now. See ya later.
ST NEWS has just been compiled, and the whole disk is currently
being filled....machine code files....the picture....the ready-
to-run programs. "Ready for another Vieux?" Stefan asks, happy
that the end is nearing and longing for some sort of celebration.
"Allright", I answered. So I will have a drink again and leave
you all alone.
Stefke just discovered that he had lost a basic program (the one
about smooth vertical scrolling) that was sent in. After cursing
a bit, he started extracting it from the author's document
(cursing a bit more). At the moment, Stefan is also putting on
some more Music (with a capital M). After "Oxygene", the radio
had taken over and when the Supremes were starting to send the
shivers down our spines, we both found the time ready to put on
"Zoolook" (from Jean Michel Jarre, of course). Stefan's beasting
right now, already. He reconceived the file, but now GfA Basic
refuses to Merge the file. "No ASCII file" it said. And it WAS
saved as an ASCII file from "1st Word Plus"?! Anyway, he's now
looking desperately for the program again. I will assist him now.
Everything seems to be OK, and I've seen Corinne Russell
scrolling smoothly across the screen in GfA Basic (be it
vertically). "Zoolook" indeed is a very experimental CD, and I'm
not yet sure whether I like it or not. ST NEWS is now in its
final stages - a bit later than we had thought, but that's about
the only thing that's "wrong". I think we'll start with "Synth
Sample V" after having eaten (I understood we'll have chips
(French fries), for which purpose the Posthuma family buffered
some extra stuff to soothe my giant appetite.
DAMN!!! There is 4 Kb too little on the ST NEWS disk! (Shit!
Stefan Quote). We have just decided to throw the "Time & Magik"
review out of it (sorry, Piper!!). You will probably find it back
in the next issue (the one you're reading now, that is). Anyway,
the problems are not even as big as I had anticipated.
The total document size is 313266 bytes....oof. Not too much,
this time.
IT IS FINISHED!! The Fcopy program is now making the first copy
of ST NEWS issue 3.4! This is a historical landmark in the
history of the ST. The best ST NEWS ever has been completed. Or
maybe not. There is no more space on the disk to save a medium-
res desktop. We are now thinking about making the bootsector
executable so it will boot with a medium-res desktop. My mother
comes upstairs. Time to eat!!! Really hungry, we rush downstairs,
greatly encouraged by the heavy french-fries vapours currently
reaching our noses.
Back again in the room where it all takes place. We have filled
our bellies beyond measurement and we are now currently trying to
cope with uncontrollable eruptions of certain gasses. Richard
just released some foul-smelling gasses while typing in the boot-
code he obtained from Frank over the phone. He has just consumed
a considerable amount of rectangular pieces of fried potato, a
'frikandel', a hamburger and a 'goulash kroket'. The quoted words
are typical specimens of Dutch junk-food that defy any reasonable
attempt of translation. In fact, he was still eating when my
mother was busy cleaning the table. He was still eating when we
started to wash the dishes. Then he stepped forward with a
satisfactory smile and offered us a hand. The senior staff of ST
NEWS joining forces to wash the dishes. Another unique event in
the history of the ST! Jean Michel Jarre is once again moving our
senses with his brilliant 'Rendez Vous'. My Kenwood stereo
produces sounds beyond the possibility of human description. It
looks like Richard has finished typing and we can get on with our
work. It does not work after testing it for the first time. The
desktop still is low-res. YUK.
While studying the Vixen manual, I was suddenly startled by a
loud cry from Richard. I looked up, and on the screen of my ST,
there was a medium-res desktop. Big deal you might say, but it
was freshly booted from the ST NEWS disk without a DESKTOP.INF
file on it. It has been established by an executable bootsector.
But opening the drive A window produces an empty window. It looks
like the bootsector has been tampered with a little too much.
Richard assumes a weary expression and starts hacking.
Richard looks and sounds like he has 2 hamsters in his pants,
using his private parts for nest-material. The disk boots
perfectly, and shows all the files in the desktop. In other
words, it WORKS! He is now putting the final touches to it and it
looks like we can finally rest our minds about ST NEWS!
This calls for some small celebration (and a drink, of course):
The blasted disk magazine is ready at last. Now, we intend to
have some pause, watch "Miami Vice" and then get back behind our
keyboards to start codeing "Synth Sample V". Well, ST NEWS has
taken well over 8 or 9 hours to complete. Just a minute.....
Stefan just interrupted, making me quite unhappy with telling
that a small part of some bootcode for his harddisk backup
program still needs to be added to the disk...that means (since
there are 0 bytes free)..I shan't tell you. I'll kill him when it
doesn't appear to be in 'Inline' in his GfA Basic 3.0 program
that is already on the disk. Now I think of it...I might ENJOY
killing him!!
Everything's OK. So ST NEWS is ready after all. Deep sigh. Time
for a celebration......AAARRRGGGHHH! That Vieux IS nice (the
third one).
We thought we had a non-working version of the game "Virus" of
Firebird, but we tried to reboot it for the zillionth time and IT
WORKS, too! Stefan is currently trying to fly, and says he finds
it "very difficult". I will join him. Bye!
I played the game, and I am stunned!! The 3D graphics are
fantastic, mind-numbing and brain-crunching. It slides, scrolls,
slithers, moves and is downright GREAT! BUY IT!!!!!! PLAY IT!!!!
I can't wait to play it yet again. Super mega duper great!
We have just seen both "Miami Vice" and "Family Ties", and we're
back at it again! We have booted up the 'portable' Olivetti again
(I start drooling whenever I see those NUM LOCK and CAPS LOCK
lights flashing on startup). Stefan is now playing "Virus" again,
and he seems pretty impressed. Well, it's a rather nice
(understatement!) game, one might say. He just died, and promised
to play it just ONE time more. Well, eating paprika crisps (we
just opened one of those large family bags) and simultaneously
playing "Virus" IS a bit difficult...
Holy shit. It turns out that VIRUS works on Richard's crummy
single-sided disk but NOT on my double-sided drive and it is an
original Atari drive! I AM FRUSTRATED!!!!!!! WHY?? This game is
THE game for the ST and I am not able to play it! Richard has
tucked the original in his bag with a sardonic smile on his face.
GRRRRR. I am going to phone British Telecom and COMPLAIN. I want
a working copy! WEEEEE!!!! (Sudden childish outburst. Does happen
once and a while when my emotions take over. But I'll get over it
and I'll play the wretched game for sure). Yeah, get myself
together, go downstairs, relieve me of some fluids and get some
more chilled, black and bubbly stuff!
A grumpy Stefan
Stefan is at the moment installing harddisk partitions for the
creation of "Synth Sample V", and is also putting Jack Lancaster
& Robin Lumley (one of his dad's records) on the record player.
It sounds very experimental, though, and I don't think I like it.
But since it doesn't make any sounds like Michael Jackson or
George Michael I don't hate it either.
We crossed our scrolling texts for "Synth Sample V" and it has
now been transformed into an 68 Kb sized file. The Vieux goes
around once more as the record I talked about just now has been
thrown off the record player and the first disc of Jean Michel
Jarre's "Concerts in China" is inserted in that miraculous piece
of human craftsmanship called a CD player - the ultimate heaven
on the field of high quality sound processing. Stefan is now
writing something about his "Digital Insanity" laboratories on
the Atari ST again, and I am listening to Jarre's sounds, typing
here, drinking, and eating from my nose.
It's about time for a note to the people of TEX (to whom the
"Synth Sample V" program is also dedicated): We miss you, guys!
We had so much fun on that weekend early in March, and I hope we
can one time do it again! We now wish you were here - in spite of
the hopelessly limited dimensions of Stefan's little room. The
only thing we now have to remind us of that nice weekend are some
of Gunter's photographs....come back again if you like to!
I am beginning to sound ridiculous, or what? I'll just have a sip
of my Vieux.....asjhdgsjdfhga....great! Am I now becoming an
alcoholic? Or might I now perhaps be defining the fundaments for
an existence as a Clochard in Paris? I don't know, and to tell
you the truth - I don't care. We're just lucky that small sips do
wonders with that stuff, since it's quite expensive. Stefan is
still a bit pissed about "Virus" not working on his drive (an
original Atari SF 314 drive!), and is wildly tapping the keys of
the ST in a desperate attempt to reproduce the "DI Story" for the
"Synth Sample V" scrolling message. And Jarre? He just goes on
amazing us and I am really getting in the mood for more. Those
Magnat speakers of his surely are excellently reproducing Jean
Michel's sound here in this small room (I think we're hearing
"Equinoxe" now - I don't know which part). Let's have a look at
Stefan writing.
Ouch. All this computing is getting to me. My eyes grow sore, my
typing starts to get worse and worse. And am I becoming word-
blind? I really don't know. Maybe I should go outside and shout a
little. Fragments of frustration still haunt my emotional being.
Am I a computer-sissy? Can't I stand computer orgies? NO. GET
YOURSELF TOGETHER! SLAP!!! My rational being has now taken over
and I am in control again. The VIRUS frustration is now gone. I
still have 'Carrier Command' and I still have to crush the Omega!
Yes! Let's get going. When are we really going to get down?
The scrolling text of "Synth Sample V" is just about ready, and
the actual codeing will start right now. Stefan is currently
reading my small 'wishlist' that I wrote (features that have to
be changed or added) and will in a minute start running his
favourite editor ("Tempus") again. Machine code programming is
something I'd rather leave up to him, and so I can now write
something more again.
Oops. I requested Stefan to replace the % in the scroll character
set by a & sign and now he has to DRAW that! He ripped the other
characters from "Fleet Street Editor" (very complex indeed), and
he doesn't have that program anymore.... And Stefan's no artist
when drawing is concerned (neither am I, for that matter). So
we'll see what happens.
While I'm at it, let's tell something more about the computer
that was used to process this document: The Olivetti M21 portable
PC. Well, 'portable' is just because the thing has a grip on it,
since it's quite impossible to be carrying it with you all the
time or even to store it temporarily on your lap (unless you want
fragmented knees). Well, the M21 has 640 Kb of memory and a built
in 20 Mb harddisk. We'd like to extend our thanks to Alfred and
Harm of SPCT for arranging this nice machine for us to lend
during these critical hours (SPCT is a division of the company
where Stefan works).
After exhausting my artistic capabilities on designing a '&' for
the scrolling character set, I was very proud of the achieved
result and showed Richard the little GEM. He stared at it for a
little while and said two words: "Zum Kotzen". In other words, it
is no good. Well, my artistic talents are not very high and I
don't blame him for this critical remark on my behalf. Richard
squirms past me (my room is indeed very small) and stumbles down
the stairs (everybody else is out) to get some more coke.
We have just entered SUNDAY MORNING, and Stefan is putting on
some of his heavy Anthrax stuff (the B-side of the "I'm the Man"
album) (Burp - Stefan quote). Codeing has now finally started and
he is now using GfA Basic V3.0 to do some scroll text adaption
and things like that. Our eardrums (in fact, our whole bodies)
are being shaken by Anthrax' sounds. Great! Heavy! Groovy! DEF!
We're momentarily drinking our Xth Vieux (I lost count - was it
the fifth?). We are still trying to convert the text, which seems
to create some minor problems. But we'll master them, I'm sure.
Geee. I didn't know computing could be this heavy. I am really
getting tired know. I mean I have worked all week, did not get
much sleep this entire week because of heavy working and here I
am, again computing, this time an Orgy. I just put the Dire
Straits 'Brothers in Arms' CD in the CD-player and I actually
forgot to press the play button! Anyway, a quick press of the
button unleashes Dire Straits and the acoustic guitar sounds
start floating through the room. I'll just go to the bathroom and
after that we'll go for a game of Supersprint because the
scrolling message convert program has been finished.
After putting some cold H2O on our faces, and refilling our
glasses, the Supersprinting can begin!
We have just finished playing "Super Sprint" and I made it to the
first place in his hiscore list (sorry, I had to laugh a bit just
now). "Super Sprint" is now cast into the oblivion of Stefan's
disk storage cases, and "Bubble Bobble" is booted up - the
ultimate game that we still play quite a lot (at least, I play it
several times a week - no exaggeration).
It all could have been so nice.....we lost our first credit at
"Bubble Bobble" at level 31, and I just died when there were no
credits left on level 83. Stefan is currently playing level 84.
The rest of the Posthuma family is probably already fast asleep,
and we are both quite tipsy from our six Vieux drinks each today.
Well, anyway, this day has seen the finishing of ST NEWS
according to plan, and we have started on "Synth Sample V" as
well - though I must say that we didn't do much. Before finally
going to sleep (Stefan just turned off the computer system for
the first time since 10 o'clock this morning) we will drink our
last little Vieux. We were planning on going on computing ALL
night, but alas! Stefan has to start working again on Monday
morning (I can just sleep, sleep, do nothing, things like that).
So it will not be long before Stefan has a final bit of writing
for today and we will seek our beds for the night. Well. All I
need to do is wish you a good night's rest. All the alcohol I
have consumed should take care that I have that for sure.
Now, it's Stefan's turn.
By the way - this Olivetti types nicely, although I still confuse
the " and the @ on the PC keyboard. And I like the flashing
lights on startup...
Uuuuuh. Sure. I have to type now. Bubble Bobble is purely a
matter of instinct or else my drunken joystick waggling would
have surely brought me to a certain death. Drinking pure Vieux is
getting to me. I can't find the keys anymore on the keyboard and
the cursor is turning into a blurry blob on the small screen of
this 'portable'. Without computer sounds, my stereo blasting away
and Richard shouting, my room is really silent. Silent enough to
let the alcohol get to my brains and start intoxicating me with
funny thoughts and waves of sleep. Better make a mental note not
to consume large amounts of alcoholic liquids next Orgy. My
inspiration is also fading away and being taken over by that ever
present and now very apparent sleep. ...... uuuuuh ..... I am
going to hit the sack.
The text of the articles is identical to the originals like they appeared
in old ST NEWS issues. Please take into consideration that the author(s)
was (were) a lot younger and less responsible back then. So bad jokes,
bad English, youthful arrogance, insults, bravura, over-crediting and
tastelessness should be taken with at least a grain of salt. Any contact
and/or payment information, as well as deadlines/release dates of any
kind should be regarded as outdated. Due to the fact that these pages are
not actually contained in an Atari executable here, references to scroll
texts, featured demo screens and hidden articles may also be irrelevant.