The "Ultimate Virus Killer" contains no copy-protection, as it
is our firm belief that copy protection decreases the
userfriendliness of programs - especially when the program in
question happens to be a utility program such as the "Ultimate
Virus Killer".
Copying it to others, however, is illegal and depriving me and
others of a modest income made by the sales of this product. A
unique licence number is contained in the program, so that
illegal copies can be traced back to the offender. This is not
visible to the user and hidden in the program code.
Just use the GEM desktop facilities to copy the files to another
disk (or to hard disk) for backup purposes. For the program to
run properly, the "DATA.PAK" and "UVK_x_x.PRG" files on the
original "Ultimate Virus Killer" disk are needed. An optional
configuration file may be handy (see chapter 11). If you wish to
use the program as a desk accessory you may rename the
"UVK_x_x.PRG" file to "UVK_x_x.ACC" and copy the necessary files
to the root directory of your boot drive. Usually this is
partition C if you have a hard disk, drive A if you don't.
If you are not familiar with the GEM copying conventions, please
refer to your computer's user manual.
Notes on using the "Ultimate Virus Killer" as an accessory:
Usually an accessory is located within the root directory of
your boot drive. However, with use of small accessories such as
"Chameleon" that can load and unload another accessory it may
very well happen that you load an accessory from somewhere else.
The "Ultimate Virus Killer" has no problems with that as long as
you make sure that the supplemental files are located in the
current directory of a floppy disk or hard disk partition. This
means that you have to open a window to that directory first,
then use "Chameleon" to load the "Ultimate Virus Killer". If you
neglect this, as a rule only the root directories of all your
valid partitions will be checked for occurrence of the
supplementary files.
You can leave away the "DATA.PAK" file when using it as an
accessory in order to save significantly on memory requirements.
If you want to use the "Ultimate Virus Killer" as an accessory
on colour monitors, you have to make sure that your system is
switched into a proper resolution (not ST low resolution!) before
any accessories are loaded. They may be achieved through AUTO
folder configuration programs (such as "Superboot", "XBoot" or
variety of others) which can leave your system in medium
resolution upon leaving.