GEM VDI CALLS PART III by Herman de Vrees
Originally published in ST NEWS Volume 1 Issue 6, launched on
November 15th 1986.
Those of us, who were rich enough to buy a color-monitor, know
that there is no way to set the color-definitions easy.
You can set the colors by the 'Control'-accessory, but you can
not save your setting. In the next routine, you can define all
colors. These colors are made by mixing the three ground-colors
'red', 'green' and 'blue'.
Every ground-color has seven different color-densities.
The syntax is:
RED = 1 .. 7
GREEN = 1 .. 7
BLUE = 1 .. 7
'Colornumber' determines, which color gets defined and is the
same as the color in the command 'COLOR', so it can be called by
this command.
It is possible to define a color-palette and save it as a BASIC-
You can make the color with the next program.
The subroutine is:
62702 ' -----> RED ; GREEN ; BLUE
62706 poke contrl, 14
62708 poke intin, colornumber
62710 poke intin + 2, red * 140
62712 poke intin + 4, green * 140
62714 poke intin + 6, blue * 140
62716 vdisys
62718 return
62720 ' --------------------------------------------------
The program is:
5 ' merge "COLORSET.bas"
6 ' merge "RECTANGLE.bas"
9 '
10 fullw 2: clearw 2
20 start:
30 for RED = 1 to 7
40 for GREEN = 1 to 7
50 for BLUE = 1 to 7
60 x = x + 1 : if x = 8 then x = 1
70 colornumber = x + 1
80 gosub COLORSET
90 color 1, colornumber, 1
100 xpos1 = 60 : xpos2 = 250
110 ypos1 = -20 + colornumber * 15
120 ypos2 = ypos1 + 13 : gosub rectangle
130 next : next : next
140 out 2, 7 : goto start
150 end
The colors for VDI- and AES-routines can be defined by the
command 'COLOR'. The 'polymark'-command is an exception on this
rule. This command needs an own routine. You can choose from the
defined color-palette by:
The subroutine is:
62752 ' -----> MARKCOLOR
62754 poke contrl, 20
62756 poke intin, markcolor
62758 vdisys
62760 return
The program is:
5 ' merge "POLYMARKCOLOR.bas"
6 ' merge "POLYMARK.bas"
9 '
10 clearw 2: fullw 2
20 for MARKCOLOR = 1 to 15
40 xpos = 10 + markcolor * 15
50 ypos = 50
60 gosub POLYMARK
70 next: waiting = inp(2): end
The AES (Application Environment System) takes care of:
- Calling and controlling desk-accessory
- Control and management of memory and calculation-time
- Producing and calling options in the desk-top-menus
- Windows
- Mouse-routines
- Icons (Diskstations and wastebasket)
The AES is a part of the computersystem and is therefore always
available. To us, its very large library of routines are the most
important part of the AES. We can call the AES-routines on the
same way as the VDI-routines. Between BASIC and the AES we need
an interface, called 'GEMSYS'.
We also need several special addresses:
CONTROL Contains the length of the next fields
GLOBAL Contains several systemdata
GINTIN Input-field for data
(co-ordinates of a window)
GINTOUT Output of data
(position of the mouse)
ADDRIN Pointer on an address (input)
ADDROUT Pointer on an address (output)
We have to declare these variables each time we use the AES-
routines. We can do this with the next program.
62900 INIT:
62902 aes# = gb
62904 control = peek(aes#)
62906 global = peek(aes# + 4)
62908 gintin = peek(aes# + 8)
62910 gintout = peek(aes# + 12)
62912 addrin = peek(aes# + 16)
62914 addrout = peek(aes# + 20)
62916 return
62918 ' --------------------------------------------------
Most of the AES-routines are used for building and controlling
windows. Some of them are already in ST-BASIC ('OPENW', 'CLOSEW'
and 'CLEARW'). Some of the AES-routines are very interesting to
use in your programs. These routines are called directly by way
of the BASIC-AES-Interface, called 'GEMSYS'.
An example of this is the routine to define for yourself the size
and the position of the window. The routine needs the next
information: coordinates of the left-top-corner, the wanted size
and the number of the window.
The syntax is: (widthe = width, I could not use WIDTH)
XPOS = ..... : YPOS = .....
WIDTH = ..... : HEIGHT = .....
The windownumbers are not the same as in ST-BASIC, they have the
next values:
The routine is:
62000 SETWIND:
62002 ' -----> XPOS ; YPOS ; WIDTHE
62004 ' -----> HEIGHT ; WINDOWNUMBER
62006 poke gintin , windownumber
62008 poke gintin + 2, 5
62010 poke gintin + 4, xpos
62012 poke gintin + 6, ypos
62014 poke gintin + 8, widthe
62016 poke gintin + 10, height
62018 gemsys 105
62020 return
62022 ' --------------------------------------------------
The program is:
5 ' merge "INTIN.bas"
6 ' merge "SETWIND.bas"
9 '
10 gosub INIT
15 for WINDOWNUMBER = 1 to 4
20 xpos = -50 + 100 * windownumber
30 ypos = 10 + 20 * windownumber
40 widthe = 30 + 50 * windownumber
50 height = 200
60 gosub SETWIND
70 next : end
All output-commands are executed in the output-window. Therefore
you can see always the border of the output-window. In many
programs it would be nice to make that border invisible. With
your Atari almost everything is possible, even this. An easy way
to do this, is to define the size of the output-window a little
bit greater then the screen with the previous routine. Now the
borders of the window are forced from of the screen.
The syntax is:
gosub INIT
Particularly for a 'hardcopy' of the screen this routine is very
useful: no more borders.
The subroutine gives you the possibility to define your own
settings: no borders or just a fine line as border when you want
a frame on your printer.
The routine is:
62052 '
62054 poke gintin , 3 :' OUTPUT-window
62056 poke gintin + 2, 5 :' with/ without border
62058 poke gintin + 4, 0 :' 0 : ( -1) ; x1
62060 poke gintin + 6, 1 :' 1 : ( 0) ; y1
62062 poke gintin + 8, 658 :' 658 : ( 660) ; x2
62064 poke gintin + 10,417 :' 417 : ( 419) ; y2
62066 gemsys 105
62068 return
62070 ' --------------------------------------------------
The BASIC-commands 'FULLW, CLEARW, OPENW' give no problems with
the full screen, only with 'CLOSEW' it is advisable to put the
window back to its original size by the command 'FULLW 2'.
At the same time we have to realize that the relation between
GEM-coordinates and BASIC-coordinates changes with a full screen.
In all previous routines we adjusted all GEM-outputcommands to
the BASIC-outputcommands: X-direction 1 pixel and Y-direction 38
pixels. Using the full screen the deviation in the Y-direction is
just 19 pixels and the X-coordinates are equal. You have take
this in account when you are using these routines with a full
After using the previous routine the desktop-line remains. This
line is not accessible by normal BASIC-commands. For those of us
who wants no desk-top-line on the printer, you have to use the
next routine. This routine draws a white rectangle over the desk-
top-line by using the VDI-routine 'RECTANGLE'.
When you used this routine, you lost the desktop-line. You get it
back by 'restart' of the BASIC or by the routine 'TEXTOUTPUT'
(described in part I). This routine has access to the full
screen, like all GEM-routines. Therefore you can generate your
own desktop-line.
The routines are:
62082 ' merge "RECTANGLE.bas"
62084 color 1,0,1 :
62086 xpos1 = -1 : xpos2 = 638 : ypos1 = -40 : ypos2 = -20
62088 gosub rectangle: color 1,1,1
62090 return
62092 ' --------------------------------------------------
64002 ' -----> XPOS1 : YPOS1 : XPOS2 : YPOS2
64004 poke contrl , 11
64006 poke contrl + 2, 2
64008 poke contrl + 6, 0
64010 poke contrl + 10, 1
64012 poke ptsin , XPOS1 + 1
64014 poke ptsin + 2, YPOS1 + 38
64016 poke ptsin + 4, XPOS2 + 1
64018 poke ptsin + 6, YPOS2 + 38
64020 vdisys
64022 return
64024 ' --------------------------------------------------
The AES has routines, which can give you the impression that a
rectangle moves from one point to an other or that a rectangle
grows from one point to its full size. These routines are used
for building windows (for example to show a directory or to show
a message).
We can use these routines in ST-BASIC to make our programs
There are three different routines in AES:
- movements of a rectangle that grows (GROW_BOX)
- movements of a rectangle that shrinks (SHRINX_BOX)
- movements of a rectangle of the same size (MOVE_BOX)
This routine shows a rectangle that starts from one point, goes
to an other point, growing to its full size.
The routine needs as parameters:
- left-top-coordinates of the start-rectangle
- the growing
- the value of the end-rectangle
The rectangle starts its movements from the position
(XPOS1;YPOS1) with the starting-size (WIDTH1;HEIGHT1) to its
destination. There he grows to its end-size (WIDTH2;HEIGHT2).
The routine gives only the movement. The arising rectangle has to
be drawn by an other routine, like 'RECTANGLE'.
The syntax of 'GROWBOX' is:
XOLD = .... : YOLD = ....
XNEW = .... : YNEW = ....
WIDTH1 = .... : HEIGHT1 = ....
WIDTH2 = .... : HEIGHT2 = ....
With this routine and the next you can make very beautiful
graphic effects, like growing boxes with information or with
options. To prevent that the background-information gets lost,
you have to use the XOR-option of the routine 'TEXTFORM' (see
part I).
This routine is the opposite of the GROWBOX-routine. You can use
this routine for closing windows or options.
If the parameters don't change, the syntax is:
Otherwise you have to define the eight parameters again (see
The routines for 'GROWBOX' and 'SHRINXBOX' are:
62102 ' -----> XOLD ; YOLD ; WIDTH1 ; HEIGHT1
62104 ' -----> XNEW ; YNEW ; WIDTH2 ; HEIGHT2
62106 shrinx% = 1
62108 '
62110 GROWBOX:
62112 ' -----> SEE SHRINXBOX
62114 '
62116 poke contrl + 2, 8
62118 poke contrl + 4, 1
62120 poke gintin , xold
62122 poke gintin + 2 , yold
62124 poke gintin + 4 , width1
62126 poke gintin + 6 , height1
62128 poke gintin + 8 , xnew + 1
62130 poke gintin + 10, ynew + 38
62132 poke gintin + 12, width2
62134 poke gintin + 14, height2
62136 gemsys 73 + shrinx%
62138 shrinx% = 0
62140 return
62142 ' --------------------------------------------------
An example is:
5 ' merge "INIT.bas"
6 ' merge "GROWBOX.bas"
7 ' merge "RECTANGLE.bas"
9 '
10 gosub INIT
20 fullw 2 : clearw 2
30 xold = 0 : yold = 300 : width1 = 40 : height1 = 40
40 xnew = 400 : ynew = 100 : width2 = 100 : height2 = 200
50 start:
60 xpos1 = xnew: ypos1 = ynew : xpos2 = xnew + width2
70 ypos2 = ynew + height2
80 color 1,1,0,0,0
90 gosub GROWBOX : gosub RECTANGLE
100 for a = 0 to 1000 : next
110 color 1,0
120 gosub RECTANGLE : gosub SHRINXBOX
130 for a = 0 to 1000 : next
140 goto start
The last routine of this group is 'MOVEBOX'. It moves a rectangle
from one point to another. The box keeps the same size. As in the
previous routines the routine only takes care of the movement.
The rectangle has to be drawn by another routine.
The syntax is:
XOLD = .... : YOLD = ....
XNEW = .... : YNEW = ....
WIDTHE = .... : HEIGHT = ....
The routine is:
62150 MOVEBOX:
62152 ' -----> WIDTHE ; HEIGHT ; XOLD ; YOLD
62154 ' -----> XNEW ; YNEW
62156 poke contrl + 2, 6
62158 poke contrl + 4, 1
62160 poke gintin , widthe
62162 poke gintin + 2, height
62164 poke gintin + 4, xold + 1
62166 poke gintin + 6, yold + 38
62168 poke gintin + 8, xnew + 1
62170 poke gintin + 10,ynew + 38
62172 gemsys 72
62174 return
62176 ' --------------------------------------------------
An example is:
5 ' merge "INIT.bas"
6 ' merge "MOVEBOX.bas"
7 ' merge "RECTANGLE.bas"
9 '
10 gosub INIT
20 fullw 2 : clearw 2
30 xold = 50 : yold = 50 : width = 50 : height = 100
40 xnew = 500 : ynew = 100
50 start :
60 gosub MOVEBOX
70 color 1,1,1,0,0
80 xpos1 = xnew : ypos1 = ynew : xpos2 = xnew + width
90 ypos2 = ynew + height : gosub RECTANGLE
100 swap xold , xnew : swap yold , ynew
110 for a = 0 to 1000 : next
120 color 1,0,0 : gosub RECTANGLE
130 goto start
140 end
The text of the articles is identical to the originals like they appeared
in old ST NEWS issues. Please take into consideration that the author(s)
was (were) a lot younger and less responsible back then. So bad jokes,
bad English, youthful arrogance, insults, bravura, over-crediting and
tastelessness should be taken with at least a grain of salt. Any contact
and/or payment information, as well as deadlines/release dates of any
kind should be regarded as outdated. Due to the fact that these pages are
not actually contained in an Atari executable here, references to scroll
texts, featured demo screens and hidden articles may also be irrelevant.