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ST NEWS VOLUME 1 INDEX PART I by Richard Karsmakers

This  article  comprises  a list of  important  reference  words, 
together  with a list of pages and issues of last year's ST  NEWS 
in which they can be found. This list is by no means complete and 
only  tries to give you some clues as to which issue you'll  have 
to sift through to read something you want to read.  The ST  NEWS 
Volume 1 Compendium,  ST NEWS Volume 2 Issue 1 and ST NEWS Volume 
1 Issues 1 and 2 or not included,  as are ST NEWS Volume 1 Issues 
5  and 6 (which will be covered in the near future  as  well...). 
With each entry,  the number between () means the issue number in 
which the pages can be found.
Names of people should be looked up at their surname!
(GfA) Basic Commands,  entries in lists,  etc.  are not mentioned 

1st Word                           See First Word
1st Word Plus                      See First Word Plus

A3                                 See Henksoft
ABC Software                       (4)27
ACC                                ???
Accolade                           (4)5
Activision                         (4)4-5,28
ADJ                                (4)15
Amiga                              See Commodore Amiga
AMY                                (3)2-4
Antiware                           See Lemmen, Frank
Arcade O'Harris                    (4)27
Ariolasoft                         (4)28
AS68                               (3)13
AST                                (3)15,(4)29
Astona Engineering                 (4)26
Atari 800 XL                       (3)2
Atari Benelux                      (4)27,42
Atari U.K.                         (4)28
Atari ST                           ???
Austro Compiler                    (4)40
AUX                                (3)8
Axel F                             (4)20,41

Bach                               (4)41
BAM (Block Availability Map)       (3)20
Banville                           (4)64
BASIC                              (3)5-6
BASTA                              (4)26
Bconin                             (3)8-9
Bconout                            (3)9
Bconstat                           (3)8
Bcostat                            (3)10
Beethoven, Fifth of                (4)41
Beverly Hills Cop                  (4)20
BIOS (Basic I/O System)            (3)8-11,(4)36
BOF                                (3)12
Bond, James                        (4)20,41
BOS Software                       (4)28
BPB (BIOS Parameter Block)         (3)10
Brataccas                          (3)2,6
Brückman, Rolf                     (4)24
Byte (magazine)                    (3)2-4
C (language)                       (3)12
Casio CZ 230 S                     (4)63
Casio Sampling Keyboard            (4)37
CD (Compact Disc)                  (3)3,(4)37
Chopin, Frederic                   (4)60
Cluster                            (3)20
Commodore 1541                     (4)37
Commodore 64                       (3)2,13,15,(4)4,31,33,36-37,40
Commodore Amiga                    (3)2,15,(4),38
Commodore Business Machines        (3)15
Computer Club Veldhoven            (4)26
CON                                (3)8-9
Conterm                            (3)9
Critical Eror Handler              (3)10
Cronos                             See Karsmakers, Richard
CTK                                (4)27

DAC (Digital to Analog Converter)  (3)2
Dalglish, Ben                      (3)2
Data Becker                        (3)4,15,(4)24,27,42
Data Becker Nederlands             (4)27
DB Master One                      (3)21
Degas                              (4)20,41
Desaster Area                      (3)1,21,(4)1
Diode                              (4)42
Disk Sorter                        (4)40
DrieDim                            (4)23
Drvmap                             (3)11
DSP                                See Schilders, Jos

Easy Draw                          (3)21
Emerson, Lake & Palmer             (4)41
English, Lothar                    (4)24
Epyx                               (3)2,(4)30,64
Equinoxe                           (4)41
Eurosystems                        (4)27

Faber, Gerard                      (4)15,39
F.A.S.T.E.R. (Disk magazine)       (4)38
F.A.S.T.E.R. (User group?)         (4)39
FAT (File Allocation Table)        (3)20
Figge, K.                          (3)15
First Word                         (3)12,20
Floyd                              (4)65-67
Foreign Affair                     (3)21
FTL                                (4)64

Galway, Martin                     (3)2
G-DATA                             (3)15,(4)27
GEM                                ???
GEMDOS                             (3)8,10-11,(4)24-25,36
Gem Paint                          (3)21
Getbpb                             (3)10
Getmpb                             (3)8
Gerits, Klaus                      (4)24
GfA Basic                          (3)13,17-18,(4)7-14,36,38,40-
GfA Systemtechnik                  (4)13,42
G-Multi                            (3)15
GST Computer Systems               (4)28,42

Haba Systems, Ltd.                 (4)28
Hacker                             (4)4
Hacker II                          (4)4
Helden, Richard van                (4)37
Henksoft                           (4)15,38
Hippo(potamus Software)            (4)42
Hiscore Terminal                   (4)40
Hubbard, Rob                       (3)2

IBM PC                             (3)11
ICG                                (3)2,15,(4)6
IMA (International MIDI Assoc.)    (4)30
Infocom                            (3)14
Iron Maiden                        (4)20

Jarre, Jean Michel                 (4)41
Jeismann, Jürgen                   (4)27,65,67
Jondd                              (4)64

Karsmakers, Richard                ???
Kay, Alan                          (3)2
KBD                                (3)8
Kbdshift                           (3)9,11
Killers                            (4)20
KISSED                             (4)65
Krabat Schach                      (3)5,(4)23
Krüppel, Sven                      (4)16-17,19
Kuma Computers                     (4)28

Laser Software International       (4)29
Leaderboard                        (3)16,(4)4-5
Lemmen, Frank                      ???
Level 16                           (4)16
Llamasoft                          (4)29
Low to High Converter              (4)16-19,

Magnetic Fields                    (4)41
Marko Software                     (4)27
Marlboro                           (4)6
Mean 18                            (4)5
Mediach                            (3)10
Megaroids                          (4)36
Mercedes                           (4)20
Metacomco                          (4)29
Microdeal                          (4)29
Microprose                         (4)4
MIDI (Musical Instr.Dig.Interface) (3)3,8,(4)20,41,60-63
Millipede                          (4)36
Minute Waltz                       (4)60
Modula-2                           (3)12
Motorola                           (4)42
MPB (Memory Parameter Block)       (3)8
MS/DOS                             (3)15,(4)24
Music Programming                  (3)2-6
Music Studio                       (3)12,(4)20,36

Neochrome                          (4)20
N-Vision                           (4)20

Otto                               (4)38
Oxygene                            (3)21,(4)41

Paperlogic                         (4)29
Pawn, The                          (3)13
Personal Computer World            (3)2
Peter Gunn                         (4)41
Philips CD 650                     (4)37
Pop Corn (Makers)                  (4)41
Print & Technik                    (4)27
Process Terminate Hook             (3)10
PRT                                (3)8
PSG (Programmable Sound Generator) (3)4
Psygnosis                          (3)2,(4)29

Rainbird Software                  (4)29
Randomize Picture Show I           (4)6,23
RDS                                (4)5,28,40
RFJ                                (4)7
Robinson, Phil                     (3)2
Robolock                           (4)64
Rondo Russo                        (4)41
RS232C                             (4)60
Rwabs                              (3)9

SAG (Stichting Atari Gebruikers)   (4)26
SDL                                (4)29
Setexc                             (3)10
Shivji, Shiraz                     (3)2-4
SHN                                (3)14,(4)26
Siberia                            (3)4
SID (Sound Interface Device)       (3)2
Silent Service                     (3)16,(4)4
Silica Shop                        (3)2
SOUND                              (3)3-6
Sound Programming                  (3)2-6
Schilders, Jos                     ???
SID                                (4)65
Sky                                (4)41
Steiberg Research                  (4)28
ST Computer                        (4)38
ST, Stichting (Foundation)         (4)39-40
ST Intern                          (3)4,(4)24,42
ST NEWS                            ???
ST User                            (4)38
Stenberg, Berdien                  (4)41
SubLOGIC                           (4)30
Sundog - The Frozen Legacy         (4)64
Synth Sample                       (3)12-13,16,(4)20-23,36,39
Synth Sample I                     (4)39
Synth Sample II                    (3)7,13,(4)6,20-22,41
Synth Sample III                   (3)13,(4)20,23,40-41
Synth Sample IV                    (3)13,(4)20
System Timer Interrupt             (3)10

TDI Software                       (4)29
Teletron                           (4)37
Tempelmann, Thomas                 (4)31,33,37
Templemon                          (4)23,31-33,37
Temple Trilogy                     (3)6
Tickcal                            (3)10
Toccata                            (4)41
TOF                                (3)12
TRAP                               (3)8
Treesoft                           (4)26
Triorex, MCGV                      (4)26,42
Tron X                             (4)40
TTL                                (3)4

Ultimate Examining Utility, The    (4)40
UNIX                               (4)24

VAX 780                            (3)3
VDI (Virtual Device Interface)     (3)18,68-80
Velleman, Jos                      (4)15
VEST ZN                            (4)26,38
Vlemmings, Peter                   (4)15
Wasp Software                      (4)29
WAVE                               (3)5
Wehkamp                            (4)38
Winter Games                       (3)2,(4)64

XBIOS (Extended BIOS)              (4)36
X-Tron                             (3)21,(4)5,40

Yamaha PSR 40                      (3)2
YM-2149                            (3)2-5

Zoom                               (4)65
Zoomracks                          (3)21
Zork I (solution)                  (3)14
Zork II (solution)                 (4)81-82

The text of the articles is identical to the originals like they appeared in old ST NEWS issues. Please take into consideration that the author(s) was (were) a lot younger and less responsible back then. So bad jokes, bad English, youthful arrogance, insults, bravura, over-crediting and tastelessness should be taken with at least a grain of salt. Any contact and/or payment information, as well as deadlines/release dates of any kind should be regarded as outdated. Due to the fact that these pages are not actually contained in an Atari executable here, references to scroll texts, featured demo screens and hidden articles may also be irrelevant.