ATARI ST MEMORY MAP by Richard Karsmakers
I bet you must have seen some memory map somewhere already. But,
like most people, you'll probably have thought: "That's no bloody
memory map at all!". Especially people who were formerly used to
the Commodore 64's programmer's reference guide will surely have
been ultimately disappointed when they saw anything of the kind -
uptil now.
Some time ago I went digging in the ST's operating system,
together with Frank. After many, many nights of documenting the
ROM (we're still not ready by miles), we think we have now gained
some information that we already want to share with you. The
memory map that I offer in this article is still not complete -
it would take a whole issue of ST NEWS to write all that down if
we would have found out all of it.
A warning needs to be given before you all start using the given
information: With the launch of the new Mega STs, it might very
well be possible that the undocumented system variables/addresses
will change. So programs that run smoothly on a regular ROM TOS
ST, might then not work at all!
All numbers in the following table are given in hexadecimal
notation. The characters behind the address indicate whether the
address contains a byte (.B), word (.W) or longword (.L) value.
If an asterisk (*) is added as well, this means that the address
mentioned is undocumented - so beware!
For more specific information about the addresses, I fear I must
direct you to either "ST Intern" or the "Concise Atari ST 68000
Programmer's Reference Guide".
Exception vectors
$000.L Reset initial SSP value
$004.L Reset initial PC address
$008.L Bus error
$00C.L Address error
$010.L Illegal instruction
$014.L Division by zero
$018.L Chk instruction
$01C.L Trapv instruction
$020.L Privilege violation
$024.L Trace mode
$028.L Line 1010 (Line A routine)
$02C.L Line 1111 (Used by AES)
$030.L Unassigned
$034.L Coprocessor protocol violation (for MC68020)
$038.L Format error (for MC68020)
$03C.L Uninitialised interrupt vector
$040.L Unassigned
$044.L Unassigned
$048.L Unassigned
$04C.L Unassigned
$050.L Unassigned
$054.L Unassigned
$058.L Unassigned
$05C.L Unassigned
$060.L Spurious interrupt (Hacked to level 3)
$064.L Interrupt level 1 (Used when user wants Hblanks)
$068.L Interrupt level 2 (Hblank sync)
$06C.L Interrupt level 3 (Normal processor interrupt
$070.L Interrupt level 4 (Vblank sync)
$074.L Interrupt level 5
$078.L Interrupt level 6 (MK68901 MFP Interrupts)
$07C.L Interrupt level 7 (NMI)
$080.L Trap #0
$084.L Trap #1 (GEMDOS interface calls)
$088.L Trap #2 (Extended DOS calls)
$08C.L Trap #3
$090.L Trap #4
$094.L Trap #5
$098.L Trap #6
$09C.L Trap #7
$0A0.L Trap #8
$0A4.L Trap #9
$0A8.L Trap #10
$0AC.L Trap #11
$0B0.L Trap #12
$0B4.L Trap #13 (BIOS interface calls)
$0B8.L Trap #14 (XBIOS interface calls)
$0BC.L Trap #15
$0C0-$0FF Unassigned
MFP hardware bound interrupt vectors
$100.L Parallel port interrupt_0 (Centronics Busy)
$104.L RS232 carrier detect (dcd) interrupt_1
$108.L RS232 clear to send (cts) interrupt_2
$10C.L Graphics blt done interrupt_3
$110.L RS232 baud rate generator (Timer D)
$114.L 200 Hz system clock (Timer C)
$118.L Keyboard/MIDI (6850) interrupt_4
$11C.L Polled fdc/_hdc interrupt_5
$120.L Horizontal blank counter (Timer C)
$124.L RS232 transmit error interrupt
$128.L RS232 transmit buffer empty interrupt
$12C.L RS232 receive error interrupt
$130.L RS232 receive buffer full interrupt
$134.L User/application (Timer A)
$138.L RS232 ring indicator interrupt_6
$13C.L Polled monochrome detect interrupt_7
$140-$1FF Unassigned
Application interrupts
$200-$37F Reserved for Other Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs)
Processor state (Post mortem dump area)
$380.L Proc_lives
$384.L Proc_regs (saved D0)
$388.L Proc_regs (saved D1)
$38C.L Proc_regs (saved D2)
$390.L Proc_regs (saved D3)
$394.L Proc_regs (saved D4)
$398.L Proc_regs (saved D5)
$39C.L Proc_regs (saved D6)
$3A0.L Proc_regs (saved D7)
$3A4.L Proc_regs (saved A0)
$3A8.L Proc_regs (saved A1)
$3AC.L Proc_regs (saved A2)
$3B0.L Proc_regs (saved A3)
$3B4.L Proc_regs (saved A4)
$3B8.L Proc_regs (saved A5)
$3BC.L Proc_regs (saved A6)
$3C0.L Proc_regs (saved A7_ssp)
$3C4.L Proc_pc
$3C8.L Proc_usp
$3CC.W Proc_stk (total of 16 words)
$3CE.W Proc_stk
$3D0.W Proc_stk
$3D2.W Proc_stk
$3D4.W Proc_stk
$3D6.W Proc_stk
$3D8.W Proc_stk
$3DA.W Proc_stk
$3DC.W Proc_stk
$3DE.W Proc_stk
$3E0.W Proc_stk
$3E2.W Proc_stk
$3E4.W Proc_stk
$3E6.W Proc_stk
$3E8.W Proc_stk
$3EA.W Proc_stk
$3EC-$3FF Unassigned
System Variables
$400.L Etv_timer (Timer handoff)
$404.L Etv_critic (Critical error handoff vector)
$408.L Etv_term (Process terminate handoff vector)
$40C.L Etv_xtra (Space for additional GEM vectors)
$410.L Etv_xtra
$414.L Etv_xtra
$418.L Etv_xtra
$41C.L Etv_xtra
$420.L Memvalid (Cold start OK if #$752019F3)
$424.B Memcntlr (Memory controller low nibble)
$425.B Unassigned
$426.L Resvalid (#$31415926 to jump through 'resvector')
$42A.L Resvector (System reset bailout vector)
$42E.L Phystop (Physical RAM top)
$432.L _Membot (Available memory bottom)
$436.L _Memtop (Available memory top)
$43A.L Memval2 (#$237698AA)
$43E.W Flock (Floppy FIFO lock variable)
$440.W Seekrate (Floppy seekrate)
$442.W _Timr_ms (System timer calibration)
$446.W _Fverify (Floppy verify flag)
$448.W Palmode
$44A.B Desfshftmd (Default video res if monitor changed)
$44B.B Unassigned
$44C.B Sshiftmd (Shadow shiftmode hardware register)
$44D.B Unassigned
$44E.L _V_bas_ad (Screen memory base pointer)
$452.W Vblsem (Vertical blank mutual exclusionm semaphore)
$454.W Nvbls (No. of longwords 'vblqueue' points to)
$456.L _Vblqueue (Vblank handler pointer to pointers)
$45A.L Colorptr
$45E.L Screenpt (Screen base next vbl pointer)
$462.L _vbclock (Vertical blank interrupt count)
$466.L _Frclock (Count vblank interrupts not vblsem'd)
$46A.L Hdv_init (Hard disk intitialise vector)
$46E.L Swv_vec (Monitor changed vector)
$472.L Hdv_bpb (Hard disk vector to return BPB)
$476.L Hdv_rw (Hard disk vector to read/write)
$47A.L Hdv_boot (Hard disk boot routine vector)
$47E.L Hdv_mediach (Disk media change routine vector)
$482.W _Cmdload
$484.B Conterm (Console sys)
$485.B Unassigned
$486.L Trp14ret (Saved Trap #14 return address)
$48A.L Criticret (Saved return address for Etv_critic)
$48E.L Themd (GEMDOS memory descriptors) (M_link)
$492.L Themd (M_start)
$496.L Themd (M_length)
$49A.L Themd (M_own)
$49E.L _Md
$4A2.L Savptr (BIOS register save area pointer)
$4A6.W _Nflops (Number of floppies attached)
$4A8.L Con_state (State of Conout() parser)
$4AC.W Save_row (Save row# for x-y addressing)
$4AE.L Save_contxt (Pointer to saved processor context)
$4B2.L _Bufl (Data sector buffer)
$4B6.L _Bufl (FAT and DIR sectors buffer)
$4BA.L _Hz_200 (Raw 200 Hz timer tick)
$4BE.L The_env (Default environment string)
$4C2.L _Drvbits (32 bit vector of live block devices)
$4C6.L Dskbufp (Pointer to common disk buffer - 1 Kb)
$4CA.L _Autopath (Pointer to autoexec path)
$4CE.L _Vbl_list (A total of 8 longwords that are executed
at every vertical blank)
$4D2.L _Vbl_list
$4D6.L _Vbl_list
$4DA.L _Vbl_list
$4DE.L _Vbl_list
$4E2.L _Vbl_list
$4E6.L _Vbl_list
$4EA.L _Vbl_list
$4EE.W _Prt_cnt (Print counter, intially -1, ALT-HELP inc)
$4F0.W _Prtabt (Printer abort flag)
$4F2.L _Sysbase (Base of OS pointer)
$4F6.L _Shell_p (Global shell info pointer)
$4FA.L End_os (Pointer to end of OS memory usage)
$4FE.L Exec_os (Pointer to shell addr. to exec on startup)
$502.L* Hardcopy (Hardcopy routine vector)
$506.L* Listin (Parallel port status routine)
$50A.L* Lstout (Output character to parallel port routine)
$50E.L* Auxostat (RS232 output status routine)
$512.L* Auxout (RS232 output routine)
$516-$83F Unassigned
Other more or less useful addresses
$840 * Pathname buffer (e.g. PATH= A:\)
$93A.L* Return address for Auto files
$93E.L* Pathname address (\AUTO\*.PRG)
$942.L* Filename address (\*.PRG)
$946.L* DMA address
$964 * Filename in autofolder buffer (e.g. NAME.PRG)
$972 * Whole name buffer (e.g. \AUTO\NAME.PRG)
Memory address that are used by the OS hardcopy routine
$992.L* Buffer for '_V_bas_ad' when hardcopy
$996.W* Offset
$998.W* Screen width
$99A.W* Screen height
$99C.W* Left
$99E.W* Right
$9A0.W* Buffer for 'sshiftmd'
$9A2.W* Quality mode
$9A4.L* Color palette address
$9A8.W* Printer table
$9AA.W* Parallel/serial flag
$9AC.W* Mask pointer
Memory addresses that are used by the floppies
$9B0.W* Retrycnt (Retry count)
$9B2.W* Write Protect status
$9B4.W* Cdev ('wplatch'?)
$9C6 * Sector number
$9CC.B* CDMA (DMA buffer for bad sector list)
$9CD.B* DMA high
$9CE.B* DMA mid
$9CF.B* DMA low
$A06 * DSB Drive A
$A0E * RS232 Input buffer
$B0E * RS232 Output buffer
$C0E * Keyboard buffer
$D0E * MIDI buffer
$DCC * Keyboard/MIDI table
$E28 * Mouse buffer
Addresses that are used by XBIOS function 32, 'Dosound'
$E44.L* Music data pointer
$E48.L* Temporary storage register
Miscellaneous other addresses
$167A-$1879* Sector buffer (Boot sector)
$29B4.L* Max access time *20 ms
$5220 * Directory buffer
The text of the articles is identical to the originals like they appeared
in old ST NEWS issues. Please take into consideration that the author(s)
was (were) a lot younger and less responsible back then. So bad jokes,
bad English, youthful arrogance, insults, bravura, over-crediting and
tastelessness should be taken with at least a grain of salt. Any contact
and/or payment information, as well as deadlines/release dates of any
kind should be regarded as outdated. Due to the fact that these pages are
not actually contained in an Atari executable here, references to scroll
texts, featured demo screens and hidden articles may also be irrelevant.