Several months back, Frank and myself already went digging into
the ST's ROM and came up with some interesting things. Now, we
have done some more investigating and again want to offer you an
even larger list of undocumented system variables.
Warning: Since Atari has made significant changes to the OS of
the new MEGA ST (stupid, stupid), many of these locations will
probably have changed now. The MEGA ST is not very much enough
compatible and all entertainment software will still be written
for the ST, so I advise you only to use these system variables
when necessary (and if possible not in programs that also need to
work on MEGA ST).
$502 Hardcopy (hardcopy routine vector) L
$506 listin (parallel port status routine) L
$50A Lstout/Prt_vec
(output char. to parallel port routine) L
$50E Auxostat (RS-232 output status routine) L
$512 Auxout (RS-232 output routine) L
$840* Pathname buffer
$93A Return address of the auto files L
$93E Pathname address (/auto/*.prg) L
$942 Filename address (/*.prg) L
$946 DMA address L
$964* Filename in autofolder buffer
$972* Whole name buffer
$992 Buffer for "_v_bas_ad" when hardcopy L
$996 Offset W
$998 Screen width W
$99A Screen height W
$99C Left margin W
$99E Right margin W
$9A0 Buffer for "sshiftmd" W
$9A2 Quality mode W
$9A4 Color palette address L
$9A8 Printer table W
$9AA Parallel/serial mode flag W
$9AC Mask pointer W
$9B0 Retrycnt (Retry count) W
$9B2 Write protect status W
$9B4 Wplatch (Status unsure?) W
$9B6 Acctim (Access time) L
$9BE Motor on flag B
$9C0 Deslflg (Deselect flag) W
$9C2 Cdev (Device number) W
$9C4 Ctrack (Track number) W
$9C6 Csect (Sector number) W
$9C8 Cside (Side number) W
$9CA Ccount (Sector number) W
$9CC CDMA (DMA buffer for bad sector list) B
$9CD DMA high B
$9CE DMA mid B
$9CF DMA low B
$9D0 Edma (End of DMA address) L
$9D4 Spt (Sectors per Track for format) W
$9D6 Interlv (Interleave factor for format) W
$9D8 Virgin (Default fill value for format) W
$9DB DMA Address B
$9DC DMA Address B
$9DD DMA Address B
$9DE Default error W
$9E0 Currerr (Disk Drive TOS error number) W
$A06 Address DSB0 (Drive A) L
$A0A Address DSB1 (Drive B) L
$A0E* RS-232 input buffer
$B0E* RS-232 output buffer
$C0E* Keyboard buffer
$D0E* MIDI buffer
$D8E Iorec for RS232 L
$DB0 Iorec for Keyboard L
$DBE Iorec for MIDI L
$DCC Keyboard/MIDI table L
$DD0 Pointer to Keyboard error routine L
$DD4 Pointer to MIDI error routine L
$DD8 Statvec (IKBD Status package) L
$DDC Mousevec (Mouse action) L
$DE0 Jdostime (Time vector) L
$DE4 Joyvec (Joystick action) L
$DE8 MIDI sys-vector L
$DEC IKBD sys-vector L
$DF0 Keyboard status B
$DF1 IKBD index B
$DFE Mouse position B
$E01 Pointer to clock time buffer L
$E07 Joystick data B
$E0A New time L
$E0E Time to be converted L
$E18 Pointer to end of time buffer/mouse
emulator buffer L
$E1B Shift status B
$E20 Pointer to shifted keyboard table L
$E28 Mouse buffer
$E39 Repeat flag B
$E3C Keyboard delay #1 B
$E3D Keyboard delay #2 B
$E3E Last time L
$E44 Music data pointer (for Xbios 32 ) L
$E48 Temporary storage register (Xbios 32) L
$E4A RS232 printer check flag B
$E4C Handshake flag B
$167A - $1879 Sector buffer (boot buffer)/also used as
internal PTSIN array
$16A2 Horizontal Alignment W
$16A4 Vertical Alignment W
$16A6 Text width in pixels W
$16A8 Text heigth in pixels W
$16AA X-difference for inter-word spacing W
$16AC Y-difference for inter-word spacing W
$16AE Rest counter for inter-word spacing W
$16B0 X-rest for inter-word spacing W
$16B2 Y-rest for inter-word spacing W
$16B4 X-diference for inter-character spacing W
$16B6 Y-difference for inter-character spac. W
$16B8 Rest counter for inter-character spac. W
$16BA X-rest for inter-character spacing W
$16BC Y-rest for inter-character spacing W
$16BE ??? W
$197A - $1A7A Internal copy of PTSIN Array 128W
$25AE Start angle W
$25B0 Current font address L
$25B4 Part of circle length W
$25BC End angle W
$25BE Counter W
$25C0 Y-maximum for filled area W
$25C2 Y-minimum for filled area W
$25C4 W
$25C8 Begin style W
$25CA End style W
$25CC Color index for polygon fill W
$25CE Fill perimeter visibility W
$25D8 X-coördinate of circle middle W
$25DA Radius x W
$25DE Y-coördinate of circle middle W
$25E0 Radius y W
$25E2 X-offset action point W
$25E4 Y-offset action point W
$25E6 Format flag (XOR/VDI) W
$25E8 Background color W
$25EA Foreground color W
$25EC Background pattern 0 W
$25EE Foreground pattern 0 W
$25F0 Background pattern 1 W
$25F2 Foreground pattern 1 W
$25F4 Background pattern 2 W
$25F6 Foreground pattern 2 W
$25F8 Background pattern 3 W
$25FA Foreground pattern 3 W
$25FC Background pattern 4 W
$25FE Foreground pattern 4 W
$2600 Background pattern 5 W
$2602 Foreground pattern 5 W
$2604 Background pattern 6 W
$2606 Foreground pattern 6 W
$2608 Background pattern 7 W
$260A Foreground pattern 7 W
$260C Background pattern 8 W
$260E Foreground pattern 8 W
$2610 Background pattern 9 W
$2612 Foreground pattern 9 W
$2614 Background pattern 10 W
$2616 Foreground pattern 10 W
$2618 Background pattern 11 W
$261A Foreground pattern 11 W
$261C Background pattern 12 W
$261E Foreground pattern 12 W
$2620 Background pattern 13 W
$2622 Foreground pattern 13 W
$2624 Background pattern 14 W
$2626 Foreground pattern 14 W
$2628 Background pattern 15 W
$262A Foreground pattern 15 W
$262C Screen type W
$262E Number of background colors in colpal W
$2630 Supported text effects W
$2632 Raster scaling W
$2634 Number of bit planes W
$2636 Lookup table support W
$2638 Performance factor W
$263A Contour fill possibility W
$263C Text rotation possibility W
$263E Number of writing modes W
$2640 Level input possibility W
$2642 Text alignment possibility W
$2644 Inking possibility W
$2646 Rubberbanding possibility W
$2648 Maximal number of coördinates for
polyline, polymarker and fill W
$264A Maximal size of INTIN W
$264C Number of mouse buttons W
$264E Style for wide lines W
$2650 Writing modes for wide lines W
$2652 - $2684 Reserved 26W
$2686 Screen width in pixels W
$2688 Screen height in pixels W
$268A Exact scaling possibility W
$268C Width of a pixel in micrometer W
$268E Height of a pixel in micrometer W
$2690 Number of characters heights W
$2692 Number of line types W
$2694 Number of line widths W
$2696 Number of marker types W
$2698 Number of marker sizes W
$269A Number of textfaces W
$299C Number of patterns W
$299E Number of hatch styles W
$26A0 Number of predefined colors W
$26A2 Number of GDPs W
$26A4 GDP 1 - Rectangle W
$26A6 GDP 2 - Part of circle W
$26A8 GDP 3 - Piece of pie W
$26AA GDP 4 - Circle W
$26AC GDP 5 - Ellipse W
$26AE GDP 6 - Part of ellipse W
$26B0 GDP 7 - Part of elliptical pie W
$26B2 GDP 8 - Rounded rectangle W
$26B4 GDP 9 - Filled rounded rectangle W
$26B6 GDP 10 - Specified graphics text W
$26B8 GDP 1 attribute W
$26BA GDP 2 attribute W
$26BC GDP 3 attribute W
$26BE GDP 4 attribute W
$26C0 GDP 5 attribute W
$26C2 GDP 6 attribute W
$26C4 GDP 7 attribute W
$26C6 GDP 8 attribute W
$26C8 GDP 9 attribute W
$26CA GDP 10 attribute W
$26CC Color possibility W
$26CE Text rotation possibility W
$26D0 Area fill possibility W
$26D2 Cell array possibility W
$26D4 Number of colors obtainable W
$26D6 Number of locator devices W
$26D8 Number of valuator devices W
$26DA Number oh choice devices W
$26DC Number of string devices W
$26DE Workstation type W
$26E0 Mouse X-position W
$26E2 Mouse Y-position W
$26E4 Mouse show/hide flag W
$26E6 Mouse button status W
$26E8 Red 0 W
$26EA Green 0 W
$26EC Blue 0 W
$26EF Red 1 W
$26F0 Green 1 W
$26F2 Blue 1 W
$26F4 Red 2 W
$26F6 Green 2 W
$26F8 Blue 2 W
$26FA Red 3 W
$26FC Green 3 W
$26FE Blue 3 W
$2700 Red 4 W
$2702 Green 4 W
$2704 Blue 4 W
$2706 Red 5 W
$2708 Green 5 W
$270A Blue 5 W
$270C Red 6 W
$270E Green 6 W
$2710 Blue 6 W
$2712 Red 7 W
$2714 Green 7 W
$2716 Blue 7 W
$2718 Red 8 W
$271A Green 8 W
$271C Blue 8 W
$271E Red 9 W
$2720 Green 9 W
$2722 Blue 9 W
$2724 Red 10 W
$2726 Green 10 W
$2728 Blue 10 W
$272A Red 11 W
$272C Green 11 W
$272E Blue 11 W
$2730 Red 12 W
$2732 Green 12 W
$2734 Blue 12 W
$2736 Red 13 W
$2738 Green 13 W
$273A Blue 13 W
$273C Red 14 W
$273E Green 14 W
$2740 Blue 14 W
$2742 Red 15 W
$2744 Green 15 W
$2746 Blue 15 W
$2748 Minimal character width W
$274A Minimal character heigth W
$274C Maximal character width W
$274E Maximal character heigth W
$2750 Minimal line width W
$2752 0 W
$2754 Maximal line width W
$2756 0 W
$2758 Minimal marker width W
$275A Minimal marker height W
$275C Maximal marker width W
$275E Maximal marker height W
$2766 ASCII-and scan code of pressed key W
$2768 Input mode, choice W
$276A Virtual workstation parameter address L
$276E Fontaddress of default system font face
table L
$2772 Address of 6*6 font in RAM L
$2776 Address of 8*8 font in RAM L
$277A Font address of loaded font L
$277E Font address L
$2782 Number of (system) text faces W
$2786 Input mode, locator W
$27DA Input mode, string W
$27DC Input mode, valuator W
$27DE Mouse flag (mousebutton pressed, mouse
move) W
$27E0 Cursor on flag W
$27E2 Address of mouse coördinates L
$27E7 Mouse update flag B
$27E8 Return address of GEMDOS call L
$27EC Address of save area for cursor pos. L
$28F8 Timer Interrupt L
$28FC Old vector timer interrupt L
$2900 Button change vector (from mouse) L
$2904 Cursor change vector L
$2908 Mouse movement vector L
$290C Character height W
$290E Maximal cursor column W
$2910 Maximal cursor line W
$2912 Bytes per character line W
$2914 Background color W
$2916 Character color W
$2918 Screen address of cursor L
$291C Offset in bytes W
$291E Current cursor column W
$2920 Current cursor line W
$2922 Load cursor flash rate flag B
$2923 Cursor flash counter B
$2924 Pointer to font data L
$2928 Largest ASCII code in font W
$292A Lowest ASCII code in font W
$292C Form_width (width of a font) W
$292E Screen width in bits W
$2930 Pointer to font offset data L
$2934 Cursor flag B
Bit 0 = cursor flash on/off
Bit 1 = cursor phase
Bit 2 = Cursor on/off
Bit 3 = line wrap on/off
Bit 4 = reverse on/off
Bit 5 = position saved yes/no
Bit 6 = update flag
$2936 Screen height in bits W
$2938 Bytes per screen line W
LINE A VARIABLES (This might be the notorious VDIBASE)
$293A V_planes (Number of bit planes) W
$293C V_lin_wr (Bytes per screen line) W
$293E Address of CONTRL array L
$2942 Address of INTIN array L
$2946 Address of PTSIN array L
$294A Address of INTOUT array L
$294E Address of PSTOUT array L
$2952 _Fg_bp_1 W
$2954 _Fg_bp_2 W
$2956 _Fg_bp_3 W
$2958 _Fg_bp_4 W
$295A _Lst_lin W
$295C _Ln_mask (VDI line style) W
$295E _Wrt_mode (writing mode) W
$2960 _X1 W
$2962 _Y1 W
$2964 _X2 W
$2966 _Y2 W
$2968 _Patptr (pointer to fill pattern) L
$296C _Patmsk (fill pattern mask) W
$296E _Multifill (multi-plane fill flag) W
$2970 _Clip (clipping flag) W
$2972 _Xmn_clip W
$2974 _Ymn_clip W
$2976 _Xmx_clip W
$2978 _Ymx_clip W
$297A _Xacc_dda W
$297C _Dda_inc W
$297E _T_sclsts W
$2980 _Mono_status W
$2982 _Sourcex W
$2984 _Sourcey W
$2986 _Destx W
$2988 _Desty W
$298A _Delx W
$298C _Dely W
$298E _Fbase L
$2992 _Fwidth W
$2994 _Style W
$2996 _Litemask W
$2998 _Skewmask W
$299A _Weight W
$299C _R_off W
$299E _L_off W
$29A0 _Scale W
$29A2 _Chup W
$29A4 _Text_fg W
$29A6 _Scrtchp L
$29AA _Scrpt2 W
$29AC _Text_bg W
$29AE _Copytran W
$29B0 Address of a routine for contour fill L
$29B4 Maximum access time (*20 Ms) L
$29B8 Last random number L
$29BC Printer port flag B
$29BE P_blkptr (Pointer to buffer memory for
hardcopy) L
$29C2 P_offset W
$29C4 P_width W
$29C6 P_height W
$29C8 P_left W
$29CA P_write W
$29CC P_srcres (Screen resolution) W
$29CE P_destres (Printer resolution) W
$29D0 P_colpal (pointer to color palette) L
$29D4 P_type W
$29D6 P_port W
$29D8 P_masks (default mask) L
$4150 Blue level for color printer (hardcopy) W
$415C - $4147 8*8 font header
$4DB8 Address of BPB L
$4DBA ????
$5220* Directory buffer
$5622 Mark diskette number W
$5624 Red level for color printer (hardcopy) W
$575E Atari Color Matrix Printer flag B
$5780 Epson B/W Matrix Printer flag B
$578C* Workstation Parameter buffer
$5FE4 Medium resolution indicator (f. hardcop)B
$5FE6 High resolution indicator (for hardcopy)B
$5FE8 Green level for color printer (hardcopy)W
$5FFE Quality mode flag (for hardcopy) B
$6032 - $6079 8*16 System Font header
$609A Low resolution indicator (for hardcopy) B
$609C Atari Daisywheel Printer flag B
The following conventions were used in this table: First, the
address is given in hexadecimal notation. When a '*' is added
after the address, this means that it is no numeric variable but
a piece of memory (often used to store a lot of numeric variables
or strings). In the middle column, you'll find a very brief
description. The rightmost column beholds the variable length
character: B means byte, W means word and L means longword.
The information displayed in this article was taken from ST
Intern and Atari ST Gem, both from Data Becker, as well as my
personal digging in the operating system (sometime together with
Now for some practical use of some of these variables. When
checking the variables that are used by the floppies, is is very
handy to use $9C2 to $9C8. If you can check these variables
constantly (using an interrupt routine) you can always keep an
eye on which drive, side, track and sector the drive is working.
In your own programs, you might just want to check if the write
protect notch is closed or not (so that you can or cannot write
on a disk). These are the possible values of the WP Status flag
at $9B2 (which is a word):
%0000000000000000 Write on A as well as B
%1111111100000000 Write possible only on B
%0000000011111111 Write possible only on A
%1111111111111111 No writing possible at all
This is a 'read-only' variable. You cannot simply POKE a value in
it so that you can write on write-protected disks, for example
(that would have been nice, wouldn't it?). This variable is handy
to use in a copy program or something like that.
When you're writing a game, you'll undoubtedly want to know where
to get joystick data. On location 3593 (decimal), you'll find a
byte with the following bits:
|||¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Up
||¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Down
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Left
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Right
Combinations are also possible - in that case several bits will
be set. The firebutton data can be fetched from 0 of 3582
(decimal). That location will give the following values:
%11111000 No buttons pressed
%11111001 Joystick port 1 button pressed
%11111010 Joystick port 0/mouse button pressed
These methods only work to read joystick port 1 (the back one).
Do not use this variable to check the mouse key!
We were talking about the mouse, weren't we? Somewhere in memory,
you can easily PEEK the values of the mouse position, and the
nice thing is: These variables are READ and WRITE variables (that
means that you can also change the mouse position using this
piece of memory!).
The interesting locations are:
$26E0 Mouse X position (word)
$26E2 Mouse Y position (word)
$26E6 Mouse button status (word)
As these locations are old a word long, you'll have to use DPEEK
in GfA Basic or PEEK in ST Basic (PEEK in GfA always works on
only one byte, which unfortunately happens to be no more than
half a word).
This following small GfA Basic programs demonstrates the
possibilities of these POKEs and PEEKs. It simply prints all the
contents of the appropriate mouse addresses, and when you hit a
key it puts the mouse in the right top corner.
Print At(10,12);Dpeek(&H26E0)
Print At(10,14);Dpeek(&H26E2)
Print At(10,18);Dpeek(&H26E6)
If Inp?(2)
Dpoke (&H26E0),0
Dpoke (&H26E2),0
There are also two locations that contain the line and column
that the cursor is on (also possible to READ as well as WRITE):
$291E Cursor Column
$2920 Cursor Line
These are both words (16 bits) and you can PEEK the current
cursor position as well as POKEing is somewhere on the screen.
Then there's a last useful location: The shift status byte at
$E1B (which is actually present at $E61 in the MEGA ST!). This
location is also used by GfA Basic to check if the ALT-CONTRL-
SHIFT keys are pressed. This doesn't work on the MEGA ST anymore,
but if you run the following program with your GfA Basic disk in
the drive, it will modify the GfA Basic (only version 2.0!!). It
was found out and written originally by Claud Brod and published
in September's "ST Computer" magazine.
Open "U",#1,"\GFABASIC.PRG"
Seek #1,&H63AD
Out #1,&H61
Close #1
And what about the actual values that this variable can get? The
individual bits in this byte each have their own specific
Bit 0 Right Shift (1)
Bit 1 Left Shift (2)
Bit 2 Control (4)
Bit 3 Alternate (8)
Bit 4 Caps Lock (16)
If you'd PEEK this address and you'd get a value of 31, this
would mean that all the special keys are pressed.
The text of the articles is identical to the originals like they appeared
in old ST NEWS issues. Please take into consideration that the author(s)
was (were) a lot younger and less responsible back then. So bad jokes,
bad English, youthful arrogance, insults, bravura, over-crediting and
tastelessness should be taken with at least a grain of salt. Any contact
and/or payment information, as well as deadlines/release dates of any
kind should be regarded as outdated. Due to the fact that these pages are
not actually contained in an Atari executable here, references to scroll
texts, featured demo screens and hidden articles may also be irrelevant.