by Richard Karsmakers
* = Already published
# = Demo seen
~ = Screenshot(s) seen
- Aackosoft: Flight Deck, Police Academy II, Indy 500, Battle
- AB Software/Talent: Lispas II, Technist
- ABC Software: GEM Desktop#, together with several converted
applications from the PC.
- Accolade: Hardball*, Test Drive*, 4th and Inches, Pinball
Wizard, Mini Putt Apollo 18
- Activision: Super Sprint*, Enduroracer#, Rampage, Lock On,
Championship Sprint, Wonder Boy, Championship Baseball, Game
Maker (including library disks), Portal, Quartet, Spindizzy,
Larrie, Titanfind (from Destiny), Knightmare
- Addictive Software: Football Manager
- Advance: Butch Hardguy
- Adventuresoft: Bushido
- Aegix: Perfect Patch, Four Patch+
- Alligata: Addictaball*
- Alpha Systems: Powerprint ST, Polydisk ST, Watchcart ST
- Analog: Floyd the Droid*
- Anco: Las Vegas* (stupid), Karting Grand Prix*. Jump Jet~,
Flight Path 737~, Trivia Trove, Strip Poker II (the girls are
called Samantha en Donna), Thai Boxing*, Classic Bridge*
- Antic/Analog/The Catalog: Cyber Studio*, CAD 3D V2.0*, G.I.
Sound Tool*, Spectrum* (512-color drawing program), Shoot the
Moon, Flash 1.52, Genesis (3D molecule program)
- Aquatic Productivity Group: Wizzard (utility)
- Arcana: Mars Cops, Powerplay
- Argus Press Software: The Hunt for Red October*
- Astona Engineering: Astodat II Plus#
- Atari: Crack'ed*, Robotron, Xor
- Audiogenic: Impact*
- Avant Garde Systems: PC Ditto*
- Banana Software, Inc: Q-2-Q/Multi Strats
- Beam Team: XSytnh Transformer*, X Notes, X Script
- Beery's Bit Software: Colorburst 3000!
- Bethesda Softworks: Gridiron* (American Football simulator)
- Biolog: Medi ST, Medi Compta
- Black Lion Software: Command Processor (C.P.)
- Bomico: Asterix*, Blueberry*, Lucky Luke*
- Brøderbund: Print Shop, Karateka, Lode Runner, Print Shop under
- Bug Byte: Droid (Floyd the Droid with minor
- Caged Artist: FB01/DX 21/27/100 Editor, Kaway K3 Editor,
Oberheim Matrix-6 Editor, Lexicon PCM70 Editor
- California Dreams: Vegas Gambler*, Club Backgammon, TrainGO
- Cascade: Air Combat Emulator II~
- C Lab: X-Alyzer, Creator
- Cobra Soft: Dames 3-D Champion
- Codemasters: BMX Simulator, Grand Prix Simulator
- Compu-Mates: Korg DW Synth-droid
- Computer Concepts: FastBasic*, Calligrapher* (desktop
publishing), Fast Assembler
- Creation Software: Skyrider*
- Creative Computer Design: Tempus 2.0, Tempus Word, ST Pascal
Plus 2.0
- Creative Sparks: Vikings
- CRL: Academy* (Tau Ceti II)
- Cursor Soft: Chamber*
- D3M: Tonic Tile*, Football~
- Digidesign: Softsynth
- Digital Research: GEM Draw+, GEM Graph, GEM Wordchart, GEM
Write, GEM Paint
- Domark: The Living Daylights, Jeffrey Archer*, Star Wars*
- Dr. T's Music Software: Midi Recording Studio V1.1*
- Durell: Saboteur II
- EH Services: Erebus*
- Eidersoft: Pro Sound Designer monochrome version, Xenon,
Metropolis*, Pro Midi~, Pro Drum~, Pro Light~
- Electric Dreams: See Activision
- Electronic Arts: Marble Madness*, Bard's Tale*, Music
Construction Set*, Deluxe Paint, Return to Atlantis, Empire,
Earl Weaver Baseball, Quizam, Deluxe Print II
- Elite: Buggyboy~, Battleships~, 1942, Paperboy, Space Harrier~,
- Endurance: Eye
- English Software: Leviathan, Elektraglide, Knight Games
- Epsilon: MProlog
- Ere Informatique: See Infogrames
- Faster than Light: Dungeon Master#, Sundog II, RPV, Oids#
- Final Frontier: Space MAX, Lunar MAX
- Firebird: Enlightment, Bubble Bobble*, Thrust, Warhawk, Mission
Genocide, Harvey headbanger, Pandora, Black Lamp, ST Genesis,
Star Trek*, Flying Shark, Magnatron
- GDAT: APL 68000
- G DATA: G-Diskmon II*, G-RAMDisk II*, AS Sound Sampler II*,
Disk Help, Interprint (versions with and without RAMdisk,
Harddisk Help & Extension
- Geerdes: S-900 Editor
- GfA Systemtechnik: GfA Draft Plus*, GfA Basic V3.0, GfA Movie#,
GfA Basic V2.02* (including compiler: ON ERROR GOSUB doesn't
work!), Master CAD and a drawing program with which you can draw
in 4096 (!!) colors (!?!?!)
- Go!: See U.S. Gold
- Gremlin: Alternative Games, Lineker's Superstar Soccer, Blood
Valley, 3D Galax*, Deflektor, Tour de Force, Duel Master,
Masters of the Universe (based on the movie - the U.S. Gold game
is based on the cartoon)
- GST: 1st Word Plus 2.02*, GST DTP
- Hewson - Ranarama*
- Hisoft: FTL-Modula 2
- Hybrid Arts: MIDI Maze (game)
- Iliad Software: Teacher's Pet/PDOS, Athena II, Circuitmaker
- Incentive: Driller
- Infocom: Stationfall*, Hollywood Hijinx*, Bureaurocracy*,
Lurking Horror*, Nord & Bert couldn't make Heads and Tails of
it, Plundered Hearts*, Beyond Zork
- Infogrames: Les Passengers du Vent II*, TNT*, L'Affaire*,
Sidewalk*, The Three Musketeers, Precipe, Waterski World
Championship*, Prohibition II, Get Dexter II, Stryfe II,
Pigalle, Tin Tin, Crafton II, Phoenix*, Space Renegade, The
Grand Vizir - Iznogoud*, Anaconda 111, Bob Morane *, Captain
Blood, Bubble Ghost*, Trauma*, Bivouac*
- Interactive Microsystems: Font Partner (for Publishinh Partner)
- Jagware: Alien Fires
- JCD Midi Software: ST Studio 2.0, Sound Manager
- Jellinghaus: C-Mix
- Kingsoft: Willy the Kid* (this kid is shit), Terra Nova,
Emerald Mine
- Konami: Nemesis, Comic Bakery, Yie-ar Kung Fu, Jailbreak (I
read the latter three in "F.A.S.T.E.R.")
- Kuma: K-Roget*, K-Rikki, K-Occam*, K-Scope, K-Expert, K-Spread
2*, K-Graph 2*, K-Word 2*, K-Comm 2*, K-Switch*, K-Rhyme*,
- Level 9: Gnome Ranger*
- Llamasoft: Colourspace II#, Kill Filth#
- Logotron: Xor~
- Looking Glass Software Ltd.: Alice Pascal
- Loriciels: Bob Winner*, Mission*, Mach-3*, Sapiens*, Massacre*
- Low Price Software: Briefcollectie*, Suck & Fuck Slideshow*,
Strip Art*, Soft Art*, Pro Drum*
- Mansfield Place: Formula DTP
- Martech: Zoids
- Magister: Powers of Armelin
- Mastertronics: Chopper-X*, Outcast/Renegade*, Strike*, Tasar
- Melbourne House: The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, Aargh,
Metropolis (kinda Brataccas), Roadwards, Rockford, Kelly-X#
- Melbourne Software Systems: 3D Breakthrough
- Metacomco: Pascal 2, Cambridge Lisp
- Methodic Solutions: Battle Chopper
- Micro APL: Micro APL, Mirage Operating System
- Microdeal/Michtron: Goldrunner II~, Omega Run#, Leather Neck#,
Airball*, Airball Construction Kit*, Shadowworld, Black Che,
Rings of Triton, Tanglewood*, War Heli#, Make it Move II*, Tune-
Up*, Journey into the Lair (with laserdisk), Fright Night#, ST
Soccer~, Strikey's Revenge, GfA Basic Companion*, Perfect
Match*, 220 ST*, Trivia Challenge*, Cinko, Maz (Griffin
Software), Cashman, ABZOO, Algebra 1 Series, Invasion, Insanity
Fight, Quick Page
- Micro Electronic Arts: Monetary Matters
- Microids: Grand Prix 500 cc.
- Micro Illusions: Faery Tale, Land of Legends, Turbo, Galactic
Invasion, Firepower, Musix X
- Microleague: WWF Wrestling*, Microleague Baseball*
- Micro Partner: Clever & Smart*
- Micropool: Nuclear Embargo
- Microprose: Kennedy Approach, F-15 Strike Eagle*, Gunship,
Airborne Ranger, Project: Stealth Fighter, Moebius*
- Miles Computing Inc.: Quintette
- Mirrorsoft/Master Designer/Mindscape: Spitfire '40, The Bermuda
Project, Deja Vu, Shadowgate, Uninvited, Defender of the Crown*
Sindbad, King of Chicago#, Orbiter, Falcon, PT 109, 3D
Helicopter, Fleet Street Publisher V1.1*, Uridium*, Three
Stooges, Obsession
- New World Software: Multi Manager
- Nexus: Micronaut One, Nexus, Chameleon~, Skulldiggery*
- Northern Design Systems: SYMMETRY
- Novagen: Backlash*, Mercenary II: Damocles
- OCC: Personal Pascal 2
- Ocean/Imagine: Whizball#, Head over Heels, Eco#, Army Moves~,
Where time stood Still, Top Gun#, Slapfight~, Renegade,
Deathstar (?), Tai Pan*, Combat School, Platoon, The Arkanoid
Construction Kit II# (provisionally)
- Omikron: Omikron Basic*, Omikron Basic Compiler*
- Omnitrend Software: Breach* (adventure)
- Origin: Zie Microprose
- Palace Software: Starship, Barbarian*, Rimrunner
- Panatco: F.A.S.T.E.R. Volume 2 Issue 4*
- Pandora: Into the Eagle's Nest*, Goldreglon's Domin, Satar
- PBI: Strategic Conquest
- Pengiun: The Coveted Mirror
- Piranha: Flunky
- Polarware: Frak & Ernest Adventure, Guitar Wizard, Rainy Day
- PPS: Spy Catcher, Battlefield Germany, Leathernecks, Fortress
America, Final Frontier
- Precision Software: Superbase Personal*, Superbase
Professional, Paint Pro, Text Pro
- Prism Leisure: Turbo ST*
- Proco Products: ProCopy 1.50*
- Proficomp: Aladin V1.4
- Progressive Peripherals and Software: Wizard
- Project Base Systems: ExportMaster
- Prospera Software: Pro-Fortran 77
- PSS: Annals of Rome*
- Psygnosis: Terrorpods*, Barbarian*, Obliterator~
- Quicksilva: Pacland
- Rainbird: Time and Magik~, Under Westminster's Bridge, Knight
Orc*, Tracker*, Universal Military Simulator~, Dick Special~,
Jinxter* (follower-up of "Guild of Thieves"), Carrier Command~,
Advanced OCP Art Studio*, Zarch (a game that was originally
programmed for the Acorn Archimedes), Assassin, The Fish
- Rainbow Arts: Bad Cat*, Street Gang, Sky Fighter*, Down at the
Trolls~, Dragon's Flight#
- Red Rat Software: Speed Run~, Screaming Wings*, Creator (sprite
construction utility)
- Reeve: Adventure CON-STRUK-TOR, World Class Hockey, Disk Master
ST, News Station ST (desktop publishing)
- Regent Software: The Informer
- Reline: Space Port*
- Sahara Software: Swift-Lisp
- Sierra on Line: Police Quest, Thexder, Space Snatchers,
Mickey's Space Adventure, Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the
Lounge Lizards*, and a follower-up for 'Leisure Suit Larry
- Soft Bits: Animatic (Image editor+animator)
- Sophos Chess: Sophos Chess
- Starsoft (Germany): The Last Disk Utility*, Copystar 2.2*
- Starsoft (U.S.): Aliants*
- Steinberg: Pro-24 V2.2*, Masterscore*, Musigraph, R-100
Drumdroid, Edit Juno, S10/MK 100 Editors, TX-80 AX, SMP Body,
Soundworks Prophet, He ear
- Strategic Simulations Inc./Origin: Phantasie III*, Auto Duel*
Ultima IV*, Shards of Spring (Intermediate SSI adventure), Rings
of Zilfin*, Ogre*, Roadwar Europe*, Wizard's Crown
- STRIKE-a-LIGHT: Picworks 2.3# (for laser printer. Smashing!),
Picworks 2.0#, Strikey's Revenge
- SubLOGIC: Scenery disks voor FS II, Jet, Star Scenery Disks
- Synchro Systems: DX-Mate
- Synergy Resources: Syntheview
- System 3: Bangkok Knights, The Last Ninja~, International
- System Exclusive: ICONIX
- Systems Architecture: The Ancient Mariner~, Dimension 45
- The Edge: Risk, Warlock, Inside Outing, Garfield, Fairlight
Trilogy, Bobby Bearing
- Three-Sixty: Dark Castle
- Tommy Software: Dizzy Wizard*, Trash Heap*, Laser Deluxe
(laserprint utility), 1st Speeder* (diskette speeder), 1st
Freezer* (freeze program), Lispas II
- Tynesoft: Blood Sever, Winter Olympics '88, Formula One Grand
- Ubi-soft: Iron Lord, Zombie, Masque
- U.S. Gold: Indiana Jones*, Solomon's Key*, Gauntlet II~,
Masters of the Universe, Charlie Chaplin~, Impossible Mission
II, Outrun~, Alternate Reality II, Famous Courses of the World
(extension for Leaderboard), Trantor~, Captain America,
Bravestarr, Lazer Tag, Blue War*, Wizard Warz
- Virgin: Deluxe Scrabble, Dan Dare, Scruples
- Virtual Sounds: Sample Maker
- Virtuosonics Corporation: Virtuoso Software (MIDI)
- Word Perfect Corporation: Word Perfect V4.1* (extensive and
expensive word processor)
That's all, folks!
The text of the articles is identical to the originals like they appeared
in old ST NEWS issues. Please take into consideration that the author(s)
was (were) a lot younger and less responsible back then. So bad jokes,
bad English, youthful arrogance, insults, bravura, over-crediting and
tastelessness should be taken with at least a grain of salt. Any contact
and/or payment information, as well as deadlines/release dates of any
kind should be regarded as outdated. Due to the fact that these pages are
not actually contained in an Atari executable here, references to scroll
texts, featured demo screens and hidden articles may also be irrelevant.