Editorial remark: This was a spontaneous reaction of our oldest
faithful reader. I thought it to be so nice that I could not
resist to publishing it.
Rocky STood rooted to the SpoT. He had just been STruck by the
SighT of the STunningly beautiful Willeke. As he STared at her
his heart STrings STruck a STupendous chord and he STruggled as
he SoughT to find the right words to STop the glorious girl in
her STeps.
"ST-STay, please ST-STay one moment", he STammered as she STrode
along. As she turned her wondrous blue eyes upon the STatarian he
STrained for self-control. "May I please dedicate my STagazine to
you?", (Lord, give me STrength he prayed) "please reST assured
the ScripT is SomeThing of subSTance". ThiS tongue twiSTing
SenTence subdued the STutter and reSTored his courage. Was there
not a degree of eSTeem as well as aSTonishment in her gaze, he
Willeke was STartled by this STrange approach but the sun shone
as she responded with a smile to the SmiTten scribe. Ricky was
ecSTatic - if he could suSTain the momentum he might manage to
manuouevre her into a STate of going STeady. As she faSTened a
STrand of silky blonde hair into place she responded poSiTively.
If it will STimulate the STudious STranger, she thought, then I
will SupporT his requeST. "Of course, she replied, "but may I
have SighT of the SubjecT matter firST?"
Ricky the STatarian offered her as many copies as the local
poSTman could deliver becasue he STrove to get ST News delivered
to every STreet corner. "juST one please", the STrikingly pretty
girl STressed, and kindly sent it to this address." STuffing the
STar-STudded piece of paper into his near empty wallet Ricky
could nevertheless feel the STretch as he reSTored the wallet to
the pocket neareST his heart.
SoeST - she lived at SoesT! He knew that he could reach it
quickly for it was juST SouTh-EaST of AmSTerdam but, and it was a
big but, he would soon be at UniverSiTy and STudying so hard that
time would be ShorT. Perhaps his friend STefan PoSThuma would
assiST but could he risk that? Suppose that STef got too
intereSTed in Willeke? - the thought of losing her made Ricky
scared STiff. A troubled look SeTtled on his face and Willeke
wondered what was so diSTurbing as she said goodbye to this not
inSignificanT young man.
The text of the articles is identical to the originals like they appeared
in old ST NEWS issues. Please take into consideration that the author(s)
was (were) a lot younger and less responsible back then. So bad jokes,
bad English, youthful arrogance, insults, bravura, over-crediting and
tastelessness should be taken with at least a grain of salt. Any contact
and/or payment information, as well as deadlines/release dates of any
kind should be regarded as outdated. Due to the fact that these pages are
not actually contained in an Atari executable here, references to scroll
texts, featured demo screens and hidden articles may also be irrelevant.