All problems, various correspondence, questions (or answers to
questions), GfA Basic tips & tricks (and problems, of course),
reactions, articles, comments, etc. can be mailed to the address
below, where they will be inspected and answered if needed (if an
answer is required, please do not forget to supply enough stamps
or International Reply Coupons to cover our post costs). Letters
of praise are of course also welcomed, as are letters filled with
criticism. Just feel free to write.
Kievitstraat 50
NL-5702 LE Helmond
The Netherlands
The text of the articles is identical to the originals like they appeared
in old ST NEWS issues. Please take into consideration that the author(s)
was (were) a lot younger and less responsible back then. So bad jokes,
bad English, youthful arrogance, insults, bravura, over-crediting and
tastelessness should be taken with at least a grain of salt. Any contact
and/or payment information, as well as deadlines/release dates of any
kind should be regarded as outdated. Due to the fact that these pages are
not actually contained in an Atari executable here, references to scroll
texts, featured demo screens and hidden articles may also be irrelevant.