ART-AND FILM DIRECTOR by Richard Karsmakers
I am sorry to tell you that we will not be able to offer you a
true review, since we still have not received anything from
Pharma Data System (PDS), the company that is distributing these
packages in Holland. Therefore, we have only had a sneak preview
of them at an acquaintance of ours. And my first impressions were
Let's start with "Art Director", a drawing program of superb
standards with outstanding possibilities. As you might have read
elsewhere in this issue of ST NEWS, it is even difficult to keep
them all apart - they are with so many! Let's sum up a few of
them: There are 7 palettes, you can define your own fonts in the
program, you can cycle colors (in "Degas Elite" and "Neochrome",
this is called 'Animation') and you have all kinds of brush
modifiers: Transparent, Black, Silhouette, Flip, Halve, Double,
Turn & Assimilate. Then there are the advanced features. It is
possible to Rescale, Stretch, Distort, Rotate, Bend (horizontal
as well as vertical), Bulge, Perspect, Cut Oval, Smear, Scrape,
Melt and lots of other options like Shading, Patching, etc. All
works fully under GEM but it sometimes is a hassle when you have
to get rid of pull-down menus or strange things hanging on your
mousecursor. Also, the program works with two mousecursors which
is very confusing sometimes ("Film Director" does this the same
way). Altogether, my impression was that "Art Director" is
definately one of the best drawing programs around, but not very
easy to work with on first sight. I'll still prefer "Degas Elite"
(but then, I also prefer "DB Master One" above "Astodat",
"Laserbase" and "Zoomracks" so some people might call me a bit
out of my mind) above this very extended drawing package. Best,
however, is to have both packages and simply convert a picture
from one to the other when you want to do anything that is best
in any of these packages (e.g. draw in "Degas Elite" and
afterwards Bulge, Bend, etc. the picture using "Art Director").
But I do realise that we're talking big bucks here, as both
programs cost about 200 Dutch guilders, which can hardly be
called cheap. This create somewhat of a dilemma, but this can
undoubtedly be gotten rid of.
"Film Director" can be regarded to be an extension of "Art
Director"; pictures made with the latter program (anyway,
pictures that are put on disk in this program's picture format)
can be processed to form complete animated cartoons.
You might remember a review of "The Animator" in the previous
issue of ST NEWS, but I now must say that the userfriendlyness
has increased a dozen times; even I was able to achieve something
after a few minutes working with "Film Director", while I still
haven't been able to achieve something mentionable in Michtron's
program. Anyway, with the help of "Film Director" it is possible
to display certain parts of "Art Director"-pictures on specified
locations on the screen in specified combinations in specified
order on "Art Director"-backgrounds, thus achieving animation. It
all sounds simple and the program is quite simple to handle as
well. It also uses GEM with two mouse cursors, but most functions
(or rather, modi) can be switched using the function keys as
well. This way, you are able to cut out pieces of the "Art
Director"-pictures into patterns, that you can join together to
form a group (e.g. a boy on a bicycle will be a group, whereas
the boy's head will be a pattern). These can be put in a certain
order to form frames (e.g. a boy riding his bike). It is possible
to repeat frames and it's even possible to have the program
calculate intermediate groups; if you have a boy's head on the
left lower corner on the screen of group #1 and a boy's head in
the upper righthand corner on group #20, you can let the program
calculate groups 2-19. However, both groups have to be of the
same size and style. It would have been nice to have a head
looking up and a head looking down and then having the program
calculate the intermediate groups, but this is unfortunately
quite impossible.
It's also possible to change the background and the so called
polygons. Polygons are rather simple forms that are put on top of
the background, like a trampoline or the lines of a tennis-court.
"Film Director" further allows addition of sounds that can
actually form musical compositions, and allows the use of "Trace
mode". In trace mode, no drawn groups are erased and this creates
a rather nice effect. "Film Director" also includes some basic
drawing options, like "Zoom", "Draw" and changing the color
palettes (7 in number, again).
I hope to get my hands on these programs soon so I will be able
to properly review them. I hope that will take place in the next
issue of ST NEWS, due for release by the middle-end of Februari
this year!
You can write to Pharma Data Systemns for information. Their
address is: van Gijnstraat 11, 2280 HV Rijswijk, The Netherlands.
The text of the articles is identical to the originals like they appeared
in old ST NEWS issues. Please take into consideration that the author(s)
was (were) a lot younger and less responsible back then. So bad jokes,
bad English, youthful arrogance, insults, bravura, over-crediting and
tastelessness should be taken with at least a grain of salt. Any contact
and/or payment information, as well as deadlines/release dates of any
kind should be regarded as outdated. Due to the fact that these pages are
not actually contained in an Atari executable here, references to scroll
texts, featured demo screens and hidden articles may also be irrelevant.