Novagen's Paul Woakes finally decided to launch this very well
written 3D action game on the Atari ST series: The Mercenary
Compendium. Actually, it are two games: Mercenary Part I - Escape
from Targ - and Mercenary Part II - The Second City. In this
article I will have a look at the English version - so not the
German version that I've seen elsewhere. Some key instructions
will be different!
The game starts up in a rather dull way: You are confronted with
a crash of your intergalactic craft - Prestinium - on the planet
Targ. We speak of the 21st century. After the crash, you'll find
out that you've crashed in Central City, a beautiful and
mysterious city built three centuries ago, designed by the famous
architect Walton (later in the game, you'll be flying along
Walton Boulevard on which you will see the Walton Monument. It
turns out that you have crashed in the middle of this now mostly
deserted town, where there's a war going on between the Palyars,
the original and peace loving inhabitants of this planet, and the
Mechanoids, an alien race of robots. Your target is to escape
from the planet Targ to the Palyar Colony Craft (the dot that
sometimes occupies part of your screen on the far, far horizon),
that's located at 65,000 M height. It won't be possible to go
there right now; first, you'll have to reload energy and find
your own means of escaping. How and when you do that, is entirely
up to you. I'll give you one hint: Somewhere where your craft
crashed, you will be able to buy a Dominion Dart (top speed of
4950). In that, you will be able to fly around the planet untill
it gets shot down (When that happens? You will find it out soon
enough!). There are other things for sale at Targ, like
Hovercars, Hexapods, the Concord III and even an Interstellar
The games come with an exceptional manual, that provide maps
(even of all subterrenean complexes), aircraft specifications, a
novelette (though not a short as the ones we usually publish in
ST NEWS) and all kinds of classified information. Solving the
problem of how to Escape from Targ will be made a bit easier with
the help of these documents, but the writer willfully doesn't
supply the player with any hints & tips to "The Second City"
whatsoever! According to the guide, this second game uses all
tricks in the book (and some that are not in the book, I suppose)
to hinder your escape. There's a totally new degree of complexity
(also, the second game is situated in the eerie red dusk of
Targ's Southern hemishpere long winter).
On your quest, you are accompanied by your in-helmet 9th
generation PC Benson. He'll help you as much as he can (although
this isn't much).
The Mercenary Compendium is a well taken care of game, that comes
supplied with enough documentation to ensure many pleasant and
enjoyable evenings behind your computer (or should I say even
more?). The 3D graphics are excellent, though not as complex as
some AVG (Amazing Vector Graphics) in "Starglider". The game
works only on color monitors and uses the joystick as well as
some key options (R run, W walk, B board vehicle, L leave
vehicle, T take object, E operate elevator, D drop object, 0-9
forward power level (speed), F1-F10 reverse power level, +
Increase power, - Decrease power, [space bar] stop and [help]
quit; with Control-S and Control-L you can save or load a game
respectively). The documentation also supplied you with an
"Unhelpful Hint" for "The Second City": Triangular doorways
which appear regularly at places of interest give access to the
author's 'cheat room'. Unfortunately, he has the key!
Game Rating:
Name: The Mercenary Compendium
Author: Paul Woakes
Publisher: Novagen
Graphics: 8.5
Sound: 7
Playability: 9 (also because of the documentation)
During attracktiveness: 9
Overall rating: 8.5
Remarks: A very well designed game, which makes
the ST even better for entertainment!
The text of the articles is identical to the originals like they appeared
in old ST NEWS issues. Please take into consideration that the author(s)
was (were) a lot younger and less responsible back then. So bad jokes,
bad English, youthful arrogance, insults, bravura, over-crediting and
tastelessness should be taken with at least a grain of salt. Any contact
and/or payment information, as well as deadlines/release dates of any
kind should be regarded as outdated. Due to the fact that these pages are
not actually contained in an Atari executable here, references to scroll
texts, featured demo screens and hidden articles may also be irrelevant.