- or -
- or -
The following writers contributed to this article. The
editorial staff of ST NEWS wishes to stress the fact that each of
the contributors to this article is responsible for what he has
written. We take no responsibility whatsoever except for which we
have written ourselves.
The contributors to this article as a whole, with exception of
the ST NEWS editorial staff, were (in more or less of an
alphabetical order): 2Stein of ST Connexion (Julian), Abel of
Electra (of the Union now!), Alien of ST Connexion, Armin
Hierstetter (of the German mag "TOS"), Axe of Superior, Big Alec
of Delta Force, Bilbo of Ripper Off, Billy Lakefear (?!), Captain
Headcrash of Total Vision Incorporated, Carnera of NPG, Chaos
Inc. of Delta Force, Chris of Unlimited Matricks (ex-The Garlic
Eaters), Crush of the Menacing Cracking Alliance, Daryl of The
Exceptions, Dbug II of NEXT, Deel of Dynamite Dynastie, Dire of
Animi Dux (Birgir, the Insane Icelander), Dogue de Mauve of the
Overlanders, Dr. Death of Light, DTX Sync of Legacy, Duke of The
Respectables (Der Große Dumme), EVE of Galtan Six/ENS, Fishbone
of ST Connexion, Flix of Delta Force, Ford Perfect of Black
Monolith Team (Michael), Fury of Legacy, Furyo of the
Overlanders, Genital Grinder of Alcoholica (Undead Sprog of The
Lost Boys), Gunstick of the Unlimited Matricks, Headcoder of
Digital Vision, Humungus of the Overlanders, Icaruz of Electra
(of the Union now!), Illegal Exception of Scum Of The Earth,
Jacky of Alien Cracking Formation (or Alien Child Fuckers, or
whatever), Jora of Black Monolith Team, Krazy Rex of ST
Connexion, Leviathan of Light, Lowlife of Sewersoft, Mad Max of
The Exceptions, Manikin of The Lost Boys, -ME- of The Exceptions,
Mega Tri of Light, Mr. Bee of the Overlanders, Mr. Spirit of
Mystic, New Mode of Delta Force, One of Galtan Six, Oxygene of
The Lost Boys, Quicksilver of Mystic, Raphael of Scum Of The
Earth, Ray of Delta Force, Relayer of the Quartermass Experiment
(a.k.a. Jurie Hornemann, Code-God of Holland , Master Of The Whip
and J.), Sammy Joe of The Lost Boys (Mike of the "Maggie" Team),
Schnulz, Scum of Sewersoft, Slime of Delta Force, Stick of
Ripped-Off, Tanis of The Carebears (Coprophagic Necrocannibal
Eviscerator of Alcoholica), Timo Schmidt (of the "Maggie" Team),
The Fate of Unlimited Matricks (Maestro), The One of Vector, Thor
of Black Monolith Team, TLS of Black Monolith Team, Toxic Foetus
Eater of Alcoholica (Spaz of The Lost Boys), Tsunoo Rhilty of
Troll & Co (the Lord of STCS), Typhon of the Overlanders, Tyrem
of The Respectables, Vantage of ST Connexion (Klaus) and Vulcan
of Legacy.
This totals to 70 people writing, which is an all-time record in
the history of real-time articles!
Fak ya all you British bastards (including Ripped Off, TLB and
all of you who are here).
We left Michael Schüssler now because he isn't that fucking
brilliant blow-jobber and so we have decided to search among all
those lovely Froggies (or Fabian was suggested by Tim, too).
See ya!
New Mode & Slime
Ha! Check out the time, suckahs. Yeah, I made it!! New Mode
and Slime are only just trying to get their acts together. Stick
is in seriously bad nick. He's not awake yet, but the trusty
camera is waiting for him when he does!!
OK guys, it's time for Duke of the Respectables to leave a few
words here. My live is now filled for one year with the fucking
army. Yesterday I left Gerolstein and drove directly to Stuttgart
to be here in time but I am very sorry that I have to leave today
at 20:00.
I spent a very lovely night between Marc and Dave on the stage
behind the curtain. Although it was a short night I'am not as
tired as I'm supposed to be.
Today we will finish our new screen for the Lost Boys Mega Demo,
which means that we will write some very rude greetings to the
various groups in the ST world. OK, I have to stop now because we
will have some foooooood now....
I am now fully awake, and I have to admit that I haven't slept
as good as I have slept last night in two days! Really! I could
borrow Stefan's air matress and that's a true Godsend if ever
there was one.
Outside, the sun is doing desperate attempt to shine - and it is
Just a moment. I have to fart.
Thank you.
I am now going to wash myself and all that stuff that is
required to get into gear with life in the fast lane.
Morning Flix.
Sleeping in the car was quite nice and restful and above all
else: QUIET!!!
I woke up with my legs folded painfully at some times, but since
it didn't rain I just opened the door and continued my deep
I was woken up by some strange people with a video camera going
around and filming the various lifeforms that hid themselves in
the cars on the parking lot. I guess I was one of those unique
species of human beings too.
Today is also the swimming pool day so I have been told and I am
also quite hungry, so it is time to find some food.
By the way, Diederik (CIA of Galtan Six) and friends have
arrived - some more Dutchies!!
I'm Fuckin' Tired cause last night everbody kept playing fucking
Amiga shitty music or ST even shittier music at full blast...
There was also some guy who kept on laughing with a really gay
laugh, fuckin' fag!!!!
I just put on my glasses and I was thoroughly relieved, with
emotions of chauvinism coarsing through my veins, that actually a
load of Dutchies have arrived. One of them is Crush (Master of
being Insulted). Jurie is also back again, immediately walking
around with the aforementioned 'hunk to insult' (these are
Jurie's words, as I think Crush is even uglier than what Bilbo
thinks of himself).
I heard that we'll be swimming when break has been fast.
I hate Frenchies.
Toxic Foetus Eater
Yes! The curly haired one has arrived and is manifesting his
personality. I would never insult him! He is the best!
Short correctional intermezzo : "When break has been fast"??!!!
What's that supposed to be? Surely you mean "When we have broken
our fast"??? Ha!
End of intermezzo.
Yes people, the time has come for all great men (that's me) to
be insulted. I can stand it, because I've risen above these petty
behaviourial misconceptions. Ha! So insult me and I will laugh in
your face!
Crush (Not drunk (yet?))
Alright, I'm back. I have to work, you know. That's why I'm
called away every now and then. So, let's start insulting. Crush
is a curly-haired bastard. Wow! Oh yeah! That was hard! Oh! Ah! I
hope I don't hit him too hard. Wow! I like this! Hmmm.... what
about this... Crush is a rabbit-brained vegetable. Oh! Yes! Yes!
What a great insult! I really showed him this time! Oh yes!
And... yes! He's bleeding! He's getting weaker! Yes! Owwww yes! I
like it! I like it!
Well, enough of this. I am surrounded by Dutch guys, i.e. C.I.A.
of Galtan Six, Scum and LoWLiFe of Sewersoft, and the virtual
Crush of the MCA (Micro Channel Architecture). What an unwise
feeling to be lulling in my mother's language again. It is really
completely the end. Out of your roof, man. Not to be filmed.
(Don't worry if you don't get this. It's double Dutch I guess,
Old Aenigmatica feelings are coming back up again.
"But, some good things came from Aenigmatica, didn't they ?"
Crush quote
"Yes. Our son."
Me quote (not -ME-)
Don't worry, this stuff is quite accepted nowadays. You know,
the bees and the bees, all that stuff. Flix of the Delta Force
asked Scum if he was from Australia (a popular misconception).
Some people are talking about "Genesys III" (The Unreleased
Version). Some realtime up-to-date info:
Everyone is going swimming. What fun.
Coming soon: Page 71!!!
"Thermometer II - Can you stand the heat ?"
Crush quote
(Alert: This is a "Terminator II" joke. "Terminator" sounds like
"Thermometer" in Dutch.)
10:20 AM (in the morning)
It's good to know some things never change. The rising of the
sun, the bad taste of Coca Cola, the insults from your friends.
Life's great.
A whole bunch of freaks has left for their first bath since they
arrived here, i.e. they went to the swimming pool. Poor cleaning-
lady-of-the-pool, she'll have work for weeks to come. Alas,
"c'est la vie" as they say in France, when the sun is shining and
the people are being good to each other and lots of love is made
10:35 (still in the morning)
Do you know what you can do with a monitor which is turned off
and has no antireflective screen ??? Well as there's no mirror
here with a power plug or a power plug with a mirror near by, you
can use the monitor as shaving mirror.
Gunstick of Unlimited Matricks
How interesting! ULM gets more out of their hardware than other
people. Crush is walking around with my "Xenon II" cap, not
realizing that he looks completely ridiculous. Ah well. I might
tell him in a moment that the cap is bad for his health, after
which he will give it to me with a shocked expression on his
childish face. I will take the cap from his powerless hands and
gently smack his cheek. Then again, I might just let him walk
around and let everyone laugh at him. This will be a good
formative experience for him. Ah, the troubles of parenthood.
Hey! This is going to be a nice real time article after all.
There's nothing to liven up a boring piece of ASCII-code but some
insults. Now, a real life funny situation :
"Where's the fresh Coke ?"
Eve quote
"Through that door, on the right."
Crush quote
"Don't drink the urine samples by mistake."
Relayer quote
The inspiration is bursting forth from Crush's sensuous lips. I
might take one of his ideas and pretend I thought of it.
Hey you guys! I've got a great idea!
But it will have to wait. Crush writes pornographic stories in
his spare time. This is very interesting but fills the page
Crush : "It's not pornographic! The most perverted thing I
wrote in those stories is : 'She walked through the
forest, naked, apart from her clothes.'"
Relayer : "What?! I read some really smutty stuff on your
harddisk, man!"
Crush : "Those were the sources for my new intro."
Relayer : "Oh."
Crush : "No-one understands me."
Relayer : "At least you understand my jokes. Not a lot of people
Crush : "Yes. It requires an enormous amount of intelligence,
which is only given to few."
Relayer : "Yes. You are of course the exception to the rule."
Crush : "Yes. For instance, if I take this cap and throw it
through the room, that's not funny at all."
Relayer : "That's true. Also, I would have to do things with your
knee-caps which aren't funny either."
Crush : "Yes. I would pour Coke all over you."
Relayer : "Sure."
Crush : "Yeah, you know, thumbscrews and stuff."
Relayer : "Yeah, the usual stuff. Boys among each other."
Well, this was an example of an ordinary conversation between me
and Crush. I will now aa
What's new? I don't know exactly, but one great (???) graphics
artist told me: "Give me the picture, 'coz I want to modify some
In fact, the modification is only one yellow pixel removed!
That's really impressive, and I'm sure the "Phaleon Demo" will be
really better with this great work (Don't kill me, I'm terribly
out of ideas)!
I think that's all for now. Perhaps later?
Dbug II
This is Jora again... with the 2nd part of his greetings!
Megabig HI! to: Alex Schüller (Sorry you couldn't come...), the
DDC (Hi Flyguy and Homeboy). Megabig *SMACK* to: Simone, Tanja,
Silke, Steffie (Graf? ED.).
See ya
I have some great news for you! The Swedish crew "Electra" and
the Luxembourgish crew "Unlimited Matricks" (latter one
'maybe probably') are members of the Union since half an hour!!!
We've been swimming in the local swimming pool, when we decided
to ask ULM and Electra to join us. As I promised in the "Musical
Wonder - 1991" we'll make the Union rise from the dead (like ST
NEWS did). Well, and I can say that thoughts exist about a
"Union Demo II"... STigels of Electra might paint a new Union-
We had much fun in the pool. For the first time in my life, I've
seen the "ES"-Bomb. I gotta stop now, 'cause we've got to write
our "Maggie" interview...
12:13 on a German keyboard...
Alien from ST Cornichon speakin' here. We are just back from the
swimming pool and feeling slightly cleaner. Swimming pools in
Germany are amazimgly big compared with those in France: They
consist of a conglomeration of smaller pools. Everybody was sunk
at least once. Apart from that this ICC conference was a good
occasion for Ajrarn and me to meet Zweistein, the Austrian member
of our crew.
As always ST Cnx tried to write a demo in too little time: I now
think I'll need at least another month to finish it. Therefore
I've started another one, easier to code but rather boring in my
opinion. Anyway it won't participate in the competition so I
won't be totally humiliated! Other news is that our demo disk
("Bless dis Mess") may come out at end of my holidays, my third
year university courses taking up too much time during the terms.
Apart from that Klaus and Patrick still haven't done their
interviews for ST MAG so unless they get a move-on we won't
finish anything! Well if no demos from us come out you can still
read our articles! Well Richard is standing behind me, ready to
seize the keyboard, so good bye.
Alien (ST Connnexion)
I still hate the fuckin' French!
Toxic Foetus Eater
Richard is begging me to write something... Hell, I'm not in the
mood for it!
Actually typing is now quite difficult for me, as I have left my
glasses in the trunk of Erik's car - who is not here and who is
reported last to have been seen in a pizza parlour somewhere.
The reason: I went to the swimming pool with him and came back
with Mr. Kimmi.
The swimming pool is an experience like nothing else, each time
again. The particular swimming pool we went to was located at
about 5 minutes' drive from the gym. It has an outside-and an
inside part, a high jumpboard (as well as a lower one for wimps
like me), and convenient locations for the throwing in of other
conference visitors that had gathered enough courage to go
We have been quite busy (as usual) trying to drown Erik of TEX,
as well as Klaus of TRB. We have launched Kimmi dozens of times
(he seemed to get off radically on this), and we also actually
swam a bit. All in all, it allowed us to leave it clean,
refreshed, tired and less energetic. We also left clean,
refreshed, tired and less energetic ourselves (thanks R.).
I wouldn't know what I would do without a dip in a swimming pool
now and again.
For those of you that are interested in knowing who went there
(like myself), I shall mention all I remember and know: Stefan
the Posthuman(n), Manikin, Spaz, Genital Grinder, -ME-, Mad Max,
Daryl, ES, Duke, Tyrem, Hawkmoon, Flix, Big Alec,Fate and all
Electra guys.
A very interesting thing happened in the swimming pool, by the
way. At a certain time, Tyrem had just been launched into the
air by four or five people, he saw something.
"Hey! There's a blond piece without a bra!"
He pointed vigorously at a something blond that came by with a
towel wrapped around the shoulders that revealed that nothing
was present under it.
All heads turned with unparalleled vigour, to reveal upon the
back of our eyebulbs the figure of Genital Grinder.
(This is a true story)
A bit later, some of the TEX chaps started dipping each other
(or trying to). Thus we have learned a new German word: TEX-SEX
(which Tyrem came up with and which he told me not to forget to
I will now leave the keyboard. Someone of DF (I think it's Flix
or something) asked me to write a scrolltext - no he didn't ask
Udo, he asked me (sick)!
I still have no glasses so I will first have to wait for Erik to
Luckily, some chairs are conviently perched outside for me to
put myself on for this long wait. The sun is singing but I
didn't as yet hear any birds shining, so I'm going to listen
That will be difficult without glasses though.
Oh! I am so grateful! Tyrem gave me a piece of paper containing
all details of "Terminator II": When it's playing, where, how to
get there, the weight of Schwarzenegger's left forearm, etc.,
etc. Tyrem is a nice guy. You can let go of my arm now, man.
Crush is sitting on my left and is hurt deeply because he is not
the only person I like. That's all right, Crush. I'll still tuck
you in tonight and smash your teeth in, so you will sleep better.
He seems happier now he saw me typing the above.
Have you ever noticed the striking familiarities between the
words "Crush" and "crash"? Funny, isn't it?
(What about "Flush"? co-ED.)
Alright. I will do something weird now.
No-one from TCB is here so I don't get a lot of reactions. Fury
looked up, but that doesn't count. Ah... if only Gogo were here,
or Tanis, they would try to beat me up for sure. Ha haa!!! Guys
from Galtan Six are going to buy a bicycle... err... oh no!
Mistake! We just sent someone off to a bar which he'll never
find. Ha haaa!!! What fun.
"Jurie, would you please care to quote me since you are
typing at tghe moment? I have been un-in...er...inunvalidated...
err... vali... I have been uninvalidated. Well, write something
anyway. No, not that. Asshole."
Richard quote
Well, that was interesting isn't it ?
"Gee, if only Tanis was here."
Jurie quote, talking to Crush
Crush & Jurie quote
Jurie (CGoH,MotW,J)
Well fuck you Jurie! Fuck you and your fucked up fucking fuck!
You fucking fuckers are a stupid, fat shitforbrains. TCB are some
utter bastards, OK, but we have monopoly in calling people by bad
names! So fuck you!
Coprophagic Necrocannibal Eviscerator
Well, this is Icaruz of Electra of the Union of Europe of Earth
of this solar system of Milky way... I'm really tired now, but we
have to do some screens for the ICC #2.
I'm working on a new boooring starfield, like the one in our
reset-demo, but with about 1740 stars. Then I hope I will finish
my self-sorting, self-modified, self-rotating, self-showing,
self-les, self-everything vectorballs (so it seems I don't have
to do anything...). I hope they will be the fastest ones, but
we'll see...
By the way, I must take the opportunity to give some reaaaly
biiiig fucking greetings to Alcoholica (Coprophagic Necrocannibal
Eviscerator is sitting right next to me...). Well, the only thing
we in Electra can add to this text is that now we understand why
German crews must work so hard for their programs. Their fuckin'
keyboards works like this:
Move.l #$23,2(a0,d0.w) becomes Move.l §$23,2éa0,d0.wè
I hate German kezboards...
Abel of Electra
Me too éfucking bracketsè...
Icaruy of Electra
I am almost sleeping after driving all the night to Leutenbach
(if that is what it is called !!!) and to stay awake I am typing
some text on the keyboard. This was the idea of Lowlife, but
after taking place behind the keyboard, it is me who does all the
working... Still 28 hours to go and my stomach is grumbling while
Lowlife is eating a little knakebröd, the jerk. I think this is a
great idea so I will leave the keyboard alone for a while and
make a move at the food... See ye.
EVE (Galtan 6 / ENS)
Mmmm, I have nothing special to write, onlz (y) shit QWERTZU-
keyboard!! Mmmm whe just went to get us some food in this little
village. I think it's 26 degrees Celcius outside, so it's pretty
hot. Hehe, I think I am going to do some nutty things. OK 8ter
I haven't typed for quite a while, have I not?
"No you haven't! You just typed this morning! You don't need to
Everybody quote
Well I am going to do it anyway.
The temperature is slowly increasing. The sun is shining a lot,
and outside little children are holding a fair or some other kind
of childish spectacle. Why don't they seem to notice the warmth?
I never understand why kids want to move and be energetic all day
when it's warm like this.
By the pangalactic bypass, I would like to mention that I have
scant problems with this kez...er...keyboard. But, then again, I
haven't been using anything else for about two years now.
Well here I am.
I will leave this place today, you know, with Ray and Flix of
Delta Force, as those two guys have to be back home tomorrow and
as I am a non-ST-freak I will hit the road (Yeah, by car...) with
them. I am looking forward to see all the demos that will be
released at this party or shortly after (like Lost Boys'!) and I
will kill Big Alec if he doesn't copy them so that I can have a
look at them at his place in Germering. I had a lot of fun on my
first computer party ever and I wish you the best for the last
For the last twenty minutes I have been quickly leafing through
the bits that were written during my sleeping and swimming hours.
Again, dear reader, I would like to emphasise that we are not
responsible for anything of the crap that was written there. If
you feel offended by it, excuse my words, tough shit.
We feel that not censoring anything is the only way to
faithfully capture the atmosphere of what is happening here, and
the personalities of the contributors. You have for example
learned that Relayer/Jurie is very intelligent, Crush is very
ugly and weird, most French are very demo-oriented, the
Alcoholica 'persons' are the lowest you can get, a combination of
Ripped Off and Delta Force is healthy for anal muscles, and more
Isn't that worth while to know in case you would meet any of
There are things that happen in live one just can't imagine.
Such as that I just finished my screen for the "Phaleon Demo".
Well, I must leave now, cause you must not believe everything you
read (there are still a lot of bugs in my code, uharhar)
Jurie (Mr. Rela....you know that by now) is leaving. Together
with Erik Simon, actually. What kind of crap is that, leaving one
entire f.cking day too soon?
I think they are the top of decadence, but then again, there is
nothing us mortals can do about this.
I will, however, undertake a quest to have the Writer Of The
Exalted Burblings, the Holy Typings, write some more before
actually hopping off!
Goodbye y'all. Life is short but my dick is long.
Don't boast that much, potatobrain!!
At least, my fractal screen survived the crash ....
Ford Perfect
Hi! Here is Chaos, Inc. of Delta Force again. I've visited this
conference only a few times, because I had a lot to do
(studying...). Now a few words of my girlfriend. She's called
Steffi, and she's visiting us now.
"Many people here -> bad air... Bye."
Steffi quote
Good bye for this year... May the (Delta) Force be with you...
Chaos, Inc.
Well the last part of our demo menu is finally nearly done.
Digital Insanity coded a nice version of life to go onto the help
screen. It looks pretty good and we are currently having to slow
it down because it is too fast. A novelty for us! This party has
been a lot of fun and it is still about 1 day before the end so I
guess more interesting stuff will be going on before the party
ceases to exist.
"Fuck you!!"
Krazy Rex quote (when trying to kill a fly)
Speaking of flies: Damn those German flies. They are simply the
most ugly, stupid, bitchy, slimy, fucky and urkukade creatures
in the whole fucking world, however the Germans aren't too
fucking bright either! For example, yesterday I went to the local
food store too buy some... dananana danananaaaa... Food!!! And
when I had paid for the stuff I said to the (ugly) woman in the
counter "Du var allt en ful jävel!" wich means about like "You
sure are a ugly motherfucker!".
The woman smiled at me and said "Auf Wiedersehen"...
Encouraged by the big success yesterday, today I said: "Tack för
bajset!" to the woman who served our spaghetti. It means
something like: "Thanks for the shit!"
But she only smiled... If anyone around here should happen to
know Swedish I'll just tell him/her "Oh, excuse me, I thought you
were German!"...
Hey I.E. you wanna write???
OK. Here we go... Yeah! It's Illegal Exception of Scum Of The
Earth at the keys!! Well, as Raphael has been entertaining you
now for quite a time with his small episodes of the (ab)normal
way of living in this little place called Leutenbach just outside
Winnenden (which is just outside Stuttgart... (which is in the
southern part of Germany... (which is a country in Europe by the
way... (I almost forgot to tell U that Germany is located on a
planet called Tellus (also known as Earth...))))), I will not
entertain you instead.
At the moment the crowded room is filled with great music made
by Chris of ULM (I think...). Well, in case you'll visit Sweden
someday I can give U a small set of (very) useful phrases which
can be used in various situations:
SWEDISH phrase Translation
"Vill du snaska min kotte?" "Would U mind putting my penis
in your mouth?"
"Jag maaste tömma kuken!" "I have to let my cum out...!"
More phrases to come later.....
Raphael and Illegal Exception/(S)Cum Of The Earth signing off
"I wouldn't mind having a 16 year old female member".
Richard quote (a reaction to the description of the female
member of the Respectables)
Quite a bit of time has been 'spoiled' by answering some
interviews with Stefan and myself (for "Maggie"), and I have also
admired the GfA Basic demos by the Overlanders. I had
(remarkable though it may sound) never seen them and I was
completely, honestly and genuinely stunned (almost out of my
wits, but not enough to prevent myself from asking them to write
an article in ST NEWS about opening borders there).
However, I sense that Stefan is sitting next to me eating
something warm called "Curry wurst". He got it at this children's
fair outside to I guess I am going there now as well.
They Who Are About To Get A Disgustingly Fattening German
Sausage Greet You.
Graaaatglessttt!!!! I (Raphael) just re-entered this big fucking
hall after a very well needed toilet visit. It's a wonder that
I'm still alive.
"The air in the loo picks up every urine article and brings it
our way!"
Richard quote (freely)
He was wrong, cause more than half of the truly disgusting smell
remains in the toilet areas (even though the smell that reached
the sleeping room (scene) was absolutely revolting)!
Try to imagine the smell that appears when about 50 (I don't
know why people write the figures with letters, but there is
probably something to it so... - fifty) people's body fluids
mixed with old consumed Coke and the usual smell that occurs on
public lavatories, and you'll know what I mean...
Can somebody go to Winnenden or Stuttgart or something else next
(Note: "Wunderbaum" is a Swedish & German thing that is put in a
toilet and that gives the smell of walking through of forest.
They use it in a car more often, actually. Maybe they shit in
their cars. I don't know about Swedish customs. ED.)
Raphael / Scum Of The Earth!
Finally I started my interview sessions for "ST Magazine" this
afternoon. It's amazing how much easier it is to interview the
different persons when you have a guy from their country with
you... In fact I do speak English and can handle German not too
badly, but having our German member 2Stein with me during the
interviews of -ME- or ES or Delta Force for instance made things
a lot easier: The conversations were longer and went more down to
the details. I still have a bunch of important interviews to do
(ULM, TLB, Respectables, Electra...) and I would hereby like to
thank all these people for giving some of their precious time (?)
for the sake of the French readers of "ST Magazine".
Klaus of ST Connexion
I just found out that one can slip smoothest on the, by now,
very dirty floor of this gym. But that's not the subject to write
about at this tragic moment. We - that are Flix, Ray and me,
Deel - are leaving right now after a two hours' delay. We say
bye, thanx and good night and wish all of you readers a happy
last day here at Leutenbach. Out of words and out of here.
Well, well, well.
Finally, this ST is free for me to write a bit more. I coded the
'life' for the background of the help screen of the main menu of
our demo. It's not totally finished but it works.
On the parking lot outside the hall, they are having this local
fire department show or something and they have a kind of
barbeque and it is being raided by the conference attendants.
Poor people, I hope they have enough for the rabid masses of
hungry computer freaks.
Right, my inspiration has fled, so toedeloe.
I did enjoy my shit today!!!!
Toxic Foetus Eater
The text of the articles is identical to the originals like they appeared
in old ST NEWS issues. Please take into consideration that the author(s)
was (were) a lot younger and less responsible back then. So bad jokes,
bad English, youthful arrogance, insults, bravura, over-crediting and
tastelessness should be taken with at least a grain of salt. Any contact
and/or payment information, as well as deadlines/release dates of any
kind should be regarded as outdated. Due to the fact that these pages are
not actually contained in an Atari executable here, references to scroll
texts, featured demo screens and hidden articles may also be irrelevant.