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? Dave 'Spaz of TLB' Moss

 "A closed mouth gathers no feet."

                             - or -
                             PART 11
                    CHAPTER TEN - THE PRINTER
                          by Han Kempen

Printer ready

 If you send data to your printer (HARDCOPY,  LPRINT, etc.), your
ST  will wait 30 looooooong seconds if the printer happens to  be
not  ready.  Always check if the printer is ready before  sending
data to the printer, e.g. by using GEMDOS 17 (Cprnos):

       EXIT IF GEMDOS(17)
       ALERT 3," Printer| | not ready !!",1," OK ",k


 You  can send a screendump to the printer by using  the  command
HARDCOPY or by pressing <Alternate> <Help>. In both cases you can
abort the screendump by pressing <Alternate> <Help>.

 You can use CONTROL.ACC to change the printer-parameters.  Don't
forget to save the desktop,  otherwise these parameters will  not
be stored in the file DESKTOP.INF.  Look for '#b' in  DESKTOP.INF
if  you're  curious.  The  parameters  will  only  be  read  from
DESKTOP.INF if CONTROL.ACC is installed after a reset!  I suggest
the  use  of  XBIOS 33 (Setprt) in a  program  instead  of  using
CONTROL.ACC.  For a screendump from the High resolution screen to
an Epson-compatible printer, clear bit 1 and set bit 2:

     ~XBIOS(33,&X100)    ! screendump to Epson(-compatible)

 If  you set bit 2,  TOS assumes you connected  an  Epson-printer
(which  prints 960 dots/line).  Clear bit 2 and TOS  assumes  you
have  an  Atari-printer (1280  dots/line).  The  following  table
should look familiar:

     bit       0                 1

      0   matrix-printer      daisy wheel
      1   monochrome          colour
      2   1280 dots/line      960 dots/line
      3   draft               NLQ
      4   parallel            serial
      5   fanfold paper       single sheets

 If you use HARDCOPY, the width/height ratio of the printout does
not correspond with that of the screen.

 It  should  be possible to send only a (GET-)rectangle  to  your
printer  with XBIOS 36 (Prtblk) or V_OUTPUT_WINDOW (VDI  5,Escape
21). Anybody out there who knows how?

 Never,  I repeat,  never swap disks during a screendump, as this
could  be fatal for the new disk.  TOS ignores the  write-protect
state  during  a  screendump,  so  it  will  miss  the  disk-swap
completely.  TOS will use the old FAT for the new disk,  and that
usually is fatal (no pun intended).

 If   you  have  installed  a  GFA-Basic   printer-driver   (e.g.
PTEPSON.PRG),  a screendump seems to be impossible. The bit-image
mode  of  the  printer can't be used after the  driver  has  been

                     Procedures (CHAPTER.10)

Init_star24                                                STAR24
 This Procedures initializes global variables and Functions  that
can  be  used  as commands for a  Star  LC24-10  (24-dot  matrix-
printer). You'll probably need just a few variables/Functions, so
you  could  delete  everything you don't need  in  your  program.
Compare the definitions with your own manual if you have  another
printer.  Please stick to the proposed names.  One of the  strong
points of Public Domain GFA-programs is that it's easy to adapt a
program.  Or rather,  it should be easy.  Using the names in this
Procedure is one step in the right direction.  To send a  command
to your printer you have to LPRINT it (use a semicolon to prevent
an unwanted linefeed):
     LPRINT "This is printed in Prestige style"
     LPRINT "This is ";subscript.on$;"a subscript";$
     LPRINT @lf$(5);                ! 5 linefeeds
     LPRINT quad.size$;
     LPRINT "Quadruple size";normal.size$
     LPRINT @epson.special$(5)      ! prints a clubs-symbol in
     LPRINT ff$;                    ! form feed

Screendump                                               SCRNDUMP
 Ordinary screendump to an Epson-compatible matrix-printer:
 Because HARDCOPY is used, the height/width ratio is not correct.

Screendump_atari_laser                                   LASERDMP
 Screendump to Atari laser-printer:

Screendump_deskjet                                       DESKJDMP
 Screendump to a HP Deskjet:

Screendump_epsonfx80                                     FX80_DMP
 Screendump to an Epson FX-80 (or compatible 9-needle printer):
 Reasonably fast and correct height/width ratio.

Screendump_hp_jet                                          HP_DMP
 Screendump to HP Laserjet or to HP Deskjet (500/Plus):

Screendump_star24                                        STR24DMP
 Screendump to a Star LC24-10 (or compatible 24-needle printer):
 I don't think a faster screendump is possible.  The height/width
ratio is correct and it looks good if the ribbon contains  enough

Screendump_star24_degas                                  STR24DEG
 Slow but flexible screendump to a Star LC24-10:
 The Procedure uses two Degas assembly-routines.  You can  choose
one  of the following formats (in cm):   27x16   18x11   13.5x8.5

                     Functions (CHAPTER.10)

Printer_ready                                            PRTREADY
 Test if printer is ready:
     IF @printer_ready
       (...)             ! send data to the printer
       (...)             ! user doesn't want to print

The text of the articles is identical to the originals like they appeared in old ST NEWS issues. Please take into consideration that the author(s) was (were) a lot younger and less responsible back then. So bad jokes, bad English, youthful arrogance, insults, bravura, over-crediting and tastelessness should be taken with at least a grain of salt. Any contact and/or payment information, as well as deadlines/release dates of any kind should be regarded as outdated. Due to the fact that these pages are not actually contained in an Atari executable here, references to scroll texts, featured demo screens and hidden articles may also be irrelevant.