"Knowing Murphy's Law won't help either."
by Richard Karsmakers
This section is a new regular column in ST NEWS, of which this
is the second occurrence. I have also kept the list of special
services and interesting net magazines.
Items in bold face type have been added or updated since the
previous version of this column. Universal Resource Locators
(URLs) have been added for your convenience.
My first experience in a MOO...
I still don't exactly know what a MOO is, nor what it stands
for. But this morning I spent about fifteen minutes in a kind of
text adventure with custom-built locations, populated by a great
deal of people who had all "built" their piece into this virtual
I walked in and right away didn't know what to do. People
starting talking to me poetically and doing all kinds of things,
much more hectic than in an adventure game, really. I already
felt a few hairs on my back raising in anticipation. MOO's are
cool, especially when you start spending some more time in them
and, indeed, building your own bit of the virtual world.
The keyword, of course, is time. And as I had none I didn't
write down the MOO address (it was the BayMoo, which also had a
Bay Area that didn't have Thrash in it, sadly) and specs because,
frankly, I know myself. With my lack of time and my inclination
to get sortof addicted to new things, I knew it was dangerous to
stay there any longer.
As the QUIT, EXIT and BYE commands were not understood I simply
closed the window, logging out unceremoniously. Saved in the nick
of time, I think. I could already feel myself turning into an
anti-social geek who is only capable to establish human contacts
in cyberspace.
Phew <wiping sweat off my brow>.
In commercial for stuff that affects your teeth, a small
"toothbrush and toothpaste" icon needs to be displayed, at least
in the Netherlands that is the case. I think all mentionings of
MOOs and the like should have accompanying them a small icon of
sorts, too. Maybe two pairs of lips chatting in real time, with a
large "X" right through it?
And thus ended my first - and, hopefully, last - experiences in
a MOO.
Below you will find a list of some special Internet services
that might just make life easier or more interesting to you. 6969 (telnet)
This is the address to Telnet to to join the MegaDiner, where
Dave Ellefson and Dave Mustaine of Megadeth are said to roam
around regularly. Mustaine's email address, by the way, is
robgraves@bazaar.com. If you mail stuff for Nick, dave Junior
or Marty Friedman, it will also arrive at the right person.
almanac@halcyon.halcyon.com (finger)
An almanac offering birthdays and events.
american@recordings.com (address)
The email address of Def American Recordings, the record
company of, among others, Slayer. I think it's really cool
that even these companies are discovering email.
bdj@engr.uark.edu (address)
Sending a message here will get you subscribed to a more or
less monthly list of forthcoming films. Unbelievably hot info
buckmr@rpi.edu (finger)
This will get the current billboard hot 100 chart on yer
screen. Note that you have to use the "finger" command here!
chem.ucsd.edu (telnet)
A huge Webster dictionary/spelling service. Enter "HELP" (all
caps) for help. Login as "webster". It should be noted that
extensive Webster/Thesaurus services are also available
through Gopher.
cheshire.oxy.edu 7777 (telnet)
A so-called "Zen MOO". If life on the net is too fast for you,
telnet here and find peace of mind.
dewey.lib.ncsu.edu 7777 (telnet)
This is a more full-fledged MOO, a new generation kind of
thing that might be worth checking out.
dra.com (telnet)
A literature database, not really complete, but contains many
technical books and non-technical stuff as well.
drink@drink.csh.rit.edu (finger)
This is connected to a Coca Cola vending machine in the
Rochester Institute of Technology. Fingering it will cause you
to find out what's left in the machine. Not particularly
useful, but fun nonetheless. If instead you'd like to check
out a vending machine at the University of Wisconsin you can
finger coke@cs.wisc.edu.
freedom.nmsu.edu (telnet)
A DruidMUCK, kind of a Multi User Dungeon. Give it a try. Just
follow the directions after logging in.
gwar@delphi.com (addres)
If you want to communicate with the filthiest scumdogs of the
universe - Gwar - or talk with them about their multi-media
projects then this is the address to write to. They have plans
of setting up a mailing list and stuff, so check this out if
you're not totally grossed out by these guys.
holonet.net (telnet)
The address of the Compact Disc Connection, where info can be
found on over 60,000 CD titles. Enter "CDC" at the opening
info.rutgers.edu (telnet)
This service offers a dictionary, Thesaurus, quotations
info-rama@wired.com (address)
Access to the automated server of "Wired" magazine. It can
provide you with about everything you want from the mag. Back
issue articles, press releases, additional info about
articles, contacts with authors, subscriptions, and so on.
Simply send "help" in the body of the message for all info
lamb-da.parc.xerox.com 8888 (telnet)
This is one of the most famous MOOs.
listserv@mitvma.mit.edu (address)
Send a message to this address containing the following text
in the body only (!): "subscribe mini-jir your-name-here". You
will then get the Journal of Irreproducible Results, a semi-
serious scientific weird kind of publication.
majordomo@cs.uwp.edu (address)
This is the reincarnated "new releases" list, for those of you
who always want to know which albums are about to be released
(music, that is). Just send a message to this address
containing the text "subscribe new-releases" in the body.
metclub@aol.com (address)
The official Metallica fanclub (the expensive American one).
michael.ai.mit.edu (telnet)
This is supposed to be a good MUD (Multi-User Dungeon). Log in
and enter your name as "guest". That should suffice.
mkwong@sdcc13.ucsd.edu (address)
This is the address to get a "Musical List of Lists, a massive
>100 Kb file that no music fan should be without. Your request
is processed manually, so just ask for it. The owner would
rather you try a different method, listed below:
Via the Unix finger command at ayukawa@server.berkeley.edu
Via anonymous FTP at:
Or via the WWW as plaintext at:
mmilitia@freenet.tlh.fl.us (address)
The email address of the official International Yngwie
Malmsteen Fan Club, the Malmsteen's Militia.
movie@ibmpcug.co.uk (address)
Send an EMPTY message with the SUBJECT "HELP" to this address
to find out how to get biographies of actors/actresses and
info on just about any film you'd care to know anything about.
You'll get sent a full user manual for further use. It's very
extensive and very powerful. I believe their database is
something like 80 Mb. There's nothing like it anywhere.
nasanews@space.mit.edu (finger)
This will get you the latest NASA press releases, including
recent discoveries and launch schedules.
ned.ipac.caltech.edu (telnet)
When you enter with a login of "ned" this will give you access
to a huge extragalactic stellar database.
normg@halcyon.halcyon.com (finger)
Here you can get the Nielsen Ratings, in case you're
interested in that kind of thing.
pratchett-server@cp.tn.tudelft.nl (address)
Send a message with "help" in the body to get information on
the vast possibilities of the Pratchett Archives (including
reference files, bibligraphy, FAQ, and more). In the US, try
pratchett-server@rincewind.mech.virginia.edu instead.
president@whitehouse.gov (address)
If you want to be among the >100,000 people per year
(subversives included) that mail to the US president, you have
to mail here. If you want to write to the vice-president, just
add "vice." (or "vice-"?) to the beginning of the addresss.
quake@geophys.washington.edu (finger)
Gives you the latest earth quake information. You can also
just telnet to geophys.washington.edu and login/password as
resolve@cs.widener.edu (mail)
This is an IP address solver. Internally, all addresses of
computers (such as cs.widerner.edu in this case) are numbers.
Sometimes if you enter a name the computer isn't found because
somehow the numbers can't be found. If you mail to this
address with the body of the letter containing "site" followed
by the name of the computer, it will send you back the numbers
that you can use alternatively.
sepultura@cougar.vut.edu.au (address)
The address of the Sepultura mailing list, "Infected Voice".
The subject should be "ADD ME", the body should contain your
email address.
ukanaix.cc.ukans.edu (telnet)
A history database. You should login as "history". It also
offers Compuserve info if you login as "ex-ussr".
ytsejam-request@arastar.com (address)
This is the address to get a subscription to ther amazing
Ytsejam Dream Theater mailing list.
The net has a wealth of talent. Many people have set up on-line
magazines that you can subscribe to for free. Here's some of
Core rita@eff.org
This does short fiction, poetry and essays, and is
quite small.
Cyberspace Vanguard cn577@cleveland.freenet.edu
This does news & reviews pertaining to the scifi
and fantasy universe. Quite big, with hot news and
stuff about future films and books. Really good.
DargonZine white@duvm.bitnet
This does fiction only, but stories are all part
of a shared-world anthology thing that you really
have to get into to enjoy.
InterText jsnell@ocf.berkeley.edu
A fiction-only magazine. Nothing more, nothing
less. Very good.
Quanta quanta@andrew.cmu.edu
Just like "InterText", but started a bit earlier.
Very big and very good, too.
Twilight World r.c.karsmakers@stud.let.ruu.nl
Just like "Quanta" and "InterText", but not as
old. Just ask to be put on the list and that's it.
For us Atari users it would certainly be worth while sending a
message to "AEO-by-EMail-request@maximized.com" for a
subscription to the hottest Atari computer mag, "Atari Explorer
Online". This will get you about 200-250 Kb of text every two
weeks (or a bit less often). Make sure the text "subscribe aeo-
by-email" is in the body, and that you have no subject.
Other general magazines obtainable from the net can be found in
the "Disk Magazine Roundup" published about every year in ST
For an utterly complete list of electronic magazines mail to
John Labovitz (johnl@ora.com) or FTP from etext.umich.edu in
"/pub/Zines" as "e-zine-list" (ASCII text version). For an even
completer list of all mailing lists (not just electronic
magazines), mail to arielle@bonkers.taronga.com and request some
Abrahamsen, Gard (Scriba) ga@www.hials.no
Acher, Georg (Blow Up) acher@informatik.tu-muenchen.
Acid Maker (Polish coder) acidmake@plearn.edu.pl
Apollo of NPG spatzene@informatik.
Arndt, Ole (Chagall) ole_arndt@of2.maus.de
Artzt, Bernhard (Poison!) bernhard_artz@w.maus.de
Atari Explorer Online (editor) aeo.mag@genie.geis.com
Avion, Jesus Cea (G.D.I. 'Zine) jcea@ait.uvigo.es
Aycock, Bill (Cal) 76703.4061@compuserve.com
Barbiero, Patti (Atari United!) atariunited@delphi.com
Barefoot Software (SMPTE) barefoot@genie.geis.com
Beckemeyer Development (HD Sentry) d.beckemeyer@genie.geis.com
Becker, Stefan (Papillon) stefan_becker@zw.maus.de
Behne, Wilfried (NVDI) wilfried_behne@maush.han.de
Ben of the Overlanders b1621@dpx20.iut-orsay.fr
Biederman, Ralf (Turbo Cache) ralf_biedermann@hb.maus.de
Binner, Andreas (WinRec) andreas_binner@N.maus.de
Bock, Stefan (WatchIt) sbock@informatik.uni-kl.de
Boer, Mark van den (ex-ST NEWS) mvdb@mda.ca
Bornemark, Sven (SB Musik) sven@dada.ct.se
Boyd, Mickey (Atari Archive Boss) boydm@atari.archive.umich.edu
or boyd@math.fsu.edu
Boyeau, Stephane (Falcon SX) boyeau@orque.unice.fr
(Valid until June '95)
Brod, Claus (Scheibenkleister) clausb@hpbeo79.bbn.hp.com
Brookes, Chris (Sircware VK Pro) cbrookes@nyx.cs.du.edu or
Bruhn, Victor (Winglord) vicb@clark.edu or
Bruinsma, Tjeerd tjeerd@sterbbs.nl
Brumleve, D.A. (Kidprogs) dabrumleve@genie.geis.com
Bubeck, Till (Chaos Inc. of DF) bubeck@peanuts.informatik.
Burkley, Michael (Unabas.Atarioph.)mrburkley@delphi.com
C-Lab (Falcon Mk.II) 100434.3795@compuserve.com
Clarkson, Richard (ST NEWS dist.) t821431@minyos.xx.rmit.edu.au
or targa@werple.mira.net.au
Clear Thinking (EdHak) c.harvey@genie.geis.com
Clegg, Paul Jason (The ST Guide) cleggp@rpi.edu
Coates, Stuart (RDD) scoates@filesys.demon.co.uk or
100010.2106@compuserve.com or
Codehead (Warp 9) codehead@genie.geis.com
or j.eidsvoog1@genie.geis.com
Cole, John (Lexicor) j.cole@lexicor.com
Collins, Kim (Pianistics) d.beckemeyer@genie.geis.com
Columbus Soft (Ergo!Pro) christof_schardt@f.maus.de
Compo USA (That's Write) compo@genie.geis.com
Connor, Joe jconnor@cix.compulink.co.uk
Crouzen, Alex (TNS of QX) alex@dataweb.nl
Dalichow, Christian (Everest) christian_dalichow@ki.maus.de
Davey, Richard (FOG UK) requiem@armory.com or
Davis, Kevan (ST Beermat) c1kd@de-montfort.ac.uk
Delaney, Steve (Floppyshop) sdelaney@steil.wintermute.co.
Denman, Stuart (Speed of Light) sdenman@cs.washington.edu
DMC Publishing USA (Calamus) potechin@genie.geis.com
Dr. Bobware w.parks3@genie.geis.com
Duchalski, Gregor (Flydials) gregor_duchalski@do.maus.de
Dupuydauby, Cyrille (Backward) cyrille_dupuydauby@email
Eberl, Michael (Blow Up) eberl@informatik.tu-muenchen
Eissing, Stefan (Gemini) stefan_eissing@ac.maus.de
Fair Dinkum Technologies hutch@genie.geis.com
Falkenberg, Casper (Danish STN dis)falken@stud.mdb.ku.dk
Federle, Robert (Watchdog) robert_federle@k.maus.de
Fiebelkorn, Dieter (GEMView) Lost email connection?
Forget, Michel (MasterBrowse) mforget@elfhaven.ersys.
edmonton.ab.ca or
Frisby, Keith keith@fris.foobar.co.uk
Fritze, Markus (Turbo Ass) markus_fritze@hh2.maus.de
Fung, Michael (VoxMail) jf4y+@andrew.cmu.edu
Gadgets by Small Inc. (Spectre) davesmall@genie.geis.com
Gal, Ofir (GEM Bench) ogal@cix.compulink.co.uk
Gaubatz, Gunnar (Big Alec of DF) ggaubatz@eikon.e-technik.
Gehnen, Gerrit (3D button CPX) gehnen@hni.uni-paderborn.de
Gerle, Stephan (FSearch) stephan_gerle@do.maus.ruhr.de
Gibson, Gordon (Sinister Developm.)sinigord@cix.compulink.co.uk
Goldleaf Publishing (Wordflair II) wordflair@genie.geis.com
Graham, Phil (Grazey of PHF) phil_graham@metnet.demon.co.uk
Gribnif Software (NeoDesk/Geneva) gribnif@genie.geis.com or
Griffiths, Martin (ProTracker) mdg@ukc.ac.uk
Grimes, Nial (Freelance ST Review) nialg@cix.compulink.co.uk
Gruenenberg, Christian (LZH) christian_grunenberg@s2.maus
GT Software (Cardfile) t.gill7@genie.geis.com
Gutschke, Markus (Shanghai) markus.gutschke@uni-muenster
Hagedorn, Dirk (Don't Worry B.H.) dirk_hagedorn@pb.maus.de
Hagg, Daniel (New Core) daniel.hagg@sml.marine
Hansen, Heino (Arabesque) heino_hansen@fl.maus.de
Hartmann, Heiko (Falcon compat.lst)zcam1121@rpool4.rus.uni-
stuttgart.de or
Hatlemark, Ronny (ex-ST NEWS dist.)kdh@oslonett.no
Hill, Johannes johannes_hill@wi2.maus.de
Hill, Stephen D. (Digital Disk) sh1aoy2@greenwich.ac.uk
Hisoft hisoft@cix.compulink.co.uk or
Hoekstra, Randy (Grocery Lister) r.hoekstra1@genie.geis.com
Holland, Chris (CIH of Maggie) cih@rushden.demon.co.uk
Hollis, Dan (US ST NEWS distrib.) goemon@venice.mps.ohio-
Holst, Kai (Antidote, Scriba mag) kh@unix1.hials.no
Hoogenboom, Diederik (CIA of G6) diederik@sci.kun.nl
ICD Inc. icdinc@genie.geis.com
Independent Assoc.of Atari Devel. iaad$@genie.geis.com
Independent Assoc.of Jaguar Devel. iajd$@genie.geis.com
Jankowski, Hans-Dieter (ProfiBuch) hans-dieter_jankowski@un.maus
Jensen, Quin (ASM56) jensenq@qcj.icon.com
Jerchel, Patrick (OverScan) pj@contrib.de or
Johnson, Charles F. (Codehead) c.f.johnson@genie.geis.com
Jones, Damien M. (View II) dmj@genie.geis.com
Jung, Robert K. (ARJ) robjung@world.std.com
Karsmakers, Richard (ST NEWS/UVK) r.c.karsmakers@stud.let.ruu.nl
Katzschke, Dirk (KAOS) dirk_katzschke@maush.han.de
Kesseler, Georges (Gunstick/ULM) kesseler@crpht.lu or
Knokke, Gert van de (DBA Magazine) gertk@ttgk.textlitho.nl
Koischwitz, Kolja (Freedom) joust@cs.tu-berlin.de
Koveos, Dimitri (ST Program packer)dimitri@cix.compulink.co.uk
Kromke, Andres (Mag!X, KAOS) and@thor.mim.uni-hannover.de
Krüger, Christian (Freedom) chrisker@cs.tu-berlin.de
Lang, Philipp (MSA II) langpp@minnie.informatik.uni-
Lemmen, Frank (ex-ST NEWS co-consp)lemmen@iaehv.nl
Lemoine, Raphael (BrainStorm) raphael@brasil.frmug.fr.net
Lexicor Software sales@lexicor.com or
staff@lexicor.com or
help@lexicor.com or
lexicor@delphi.com or
lexicorworld@delphi.com or
75300.763@compuserve.com or
Linz, Arnaud (Lasers and Men) No more Internet access
Lord, Keith (DSP) k.lord@genie.geis.com
Malmqvist, Niclas (Tanis of TCB) d94-lru@nada.kth.se
Martins, Filipe (Crayon DTP) sm001pe@unidui.uni-duisburg.de
Matts, Mark No more Internet access
McAllister, Mike (Cal of PHF) mike_mcallister@metnet.demon
Meisek, Olaf (Interface) olaf_meisiek@fl.maus.de
Miller, Steve (Atari) smiller@farad.elee.calpoly.edu
Minter, Jeff (Llamasoft) llamaman@ix.netcom.com
Missionware (Flash II) j.trautschol@genie.geis.com
Munro, Barry S. (GfA Shell) ceebsm@vaxa.hw.ac.uk
Neukirchen, Helmut (MultiDialog) hn@pool.informatik.rwth-
Nitz, Tassilo (XBoot) tassilo_nitz@do.maus.ruhr.de
Noyce, Michael lmnoyce@pine.shu.ac.uk or
Oakley, David (Astrasoft) dxo@cs.bham.ac.uk
Odero, Fabrice (Fury of Legacy) b1624@dpx20.iut-orsay.fr
(DTX of Legacy can be reached there too)
Øygard, Karl-Anders (Wizzcat/DF) karlo@ifi.uio.no
Oregon Research (Diamond series) ora@genie.geis.com or
orres@teleport.com or
O'Reilly, Leon (Maggie & Tautology)cmslorei@vax.liverpool-john-
Ose, Torbjørn (Lord HackBear of DF)torbjorn.ose@hedmarkdh.no or
torbjorn@eunet.no or
Osterud, Lars-Erik lars-erik.osterud@byte.bbs.no
Panke, Dan (Integrity/Grammarian) d.panke@genie.geis.com or
Pomey, Vincent (ST Zip) vincent@stell.frmug.fr.net
Pope, George (Artific.Weirdness) pope@feynman.ucdavis.edu
Posthuma, Stefan (ex-ST NEWS) sposthuma@graymatter.on.ca
Quester, Thomas (LZH, PFX Pak) thomas_quester@hh.maus.de
Raasch, Michael (Daryl of TEX) raasch@worms.fh-rpl.de
Radermacher, Stefan (Selectric) stefan_radermacher@k.maus.de
Ray of Delta Force froemmin@informatik.
Rehbock, Bill (Atari Corp) b.rehbock@genie.geis.com
Reschke, Julian jr@ms.maus.de or
Richstein, Hansi (Kobold) hansi_richstein@zw.maus.de
Rinke, Stefan (Omikron Basic) stefan_rinke@ka.maus.de
Rosomak (Polish coder of TFTE) russa@elektron.pol.lublin.pl
Rudolph, Arne (Before Dawn) arne_rudolph@ac.maus.de
San, Jez (Argonaut Software) jez@argonaut.com
Schardt, Christof (ERGO!pro) christof_schardt@f.maus.de
Scheel, Oliver (Let'Em Fly) oliver_scheel@lu.maus.de
Scheutzow, Harun (XControm) harun_scheutzow@b.maus.de
Schoenfeld, Harald (WinRec, 525) mppi76@cd4680fs.rrze.uni-
Schorr, Roland (MTOS Desk Copy) roland_schorr@hd.maus.de or
Seibert, Ewald (Blow Up) seibert@informatik.tu-muenchen
Seiler, Lee (Lexicor) l.seiler@lexicor.com
Seimet, Uwe seimet@chemie.uni-kl.de
Sherdley-Davies, Mark (MSD of POV) mrsd1@bnfl.co.uk
SKWare One (Seurat) s.webb7@genie.geis.com
Smith, Eric (MiNT) ersmith@netcom.com
Soehnitz, Volker (Viredetektor) volker_soehnitz@ac.maus.de or
Soft-Logik (Pagestream) deron.k@genie.geis.com or
Spowart, Richard (Felice of Maggie)felice@rushden.demon.co.uk
Squire, L. (Glankonian Software) l.squire@genie.geis.com
Stanford, John (Lexicor - Spectrum)j.stanford@lexicor.com
Stanley, John L. (STarSaver) jls@dynasoft.mn.org
Steffens, Gereon (ZOO) gereon_steffens@k2.maus.de
Stein, Jan Mathias (JMS of Anim.M.)js@h.maus.de
Stepper, Anton (Scheibenkleister) anton_stepper@wue.maus.de
ST Format stf@futurenet.co.uk
Still, Darryll (Atari UK) 75300.2632@compuserve.com
Strata Software (STalker/STeno) e.rosenquist@genie.geis.com
Sudman, Lars-Thorsten (Richter) lars-thorsten_sudmann@RS.maus
Sundström, Lasse (ST-klubi ry) ljs@mits.mdata.fi
Tamminen, Eero (Clac calculator) puujalka@modeemi.cs.tut.fi
Torvalds, Linus (Linux) torvalds@cs.helsinki.fi
Tramiel, Sam (Atari Corporation) 75300.3443@compuserve.com
Watson, Mike (Sinister Developmnt) mike@sindev.demon.co.uk or
Welzel, Arno (Thing Desktop) aw@zaphot.augusta.de
Wessels, Hans (ARJ/UNARJ) mr_ni@mbh.lightstream.nl
Wiedijk, Martijn (Lucifer Eksod) ac1503@triton.heao.hsa.nl
Wilga, Dan (Gribnif NeoD/Geneva) gribnif@genie.geis.com
Wilhelm, Achim (Email address list)achim_wilhelm@m4.maus.de
Wills, Ciaran (HCC) cjw@dcs.ed.ac.uk
Woodside, George (VKill) 76537.1342@compuserve.com
Wouters, Eloy (Apache of QX) wouters@amolf.amolf.nl or
eloy@sara.nl or
Wroblewski, Krysztof (ST NEWS dist)wroblews@klio.umcs.lublin.pl
or savage@sokrates.umcs
.lublin.pl or
Yannikos, Marinos (Zork of SOTE) nino@mips.complang.tuwien
Zwerschke, Christoph (LED Panel) christoph_zwerschke@ka.maus.de
The above addresses are believed to be correct, most certainly
at the time of publication, but of course I can't be held
responsible for them. If you know of any additions or changes,
please tell me about them. The Internet is a very dynamic place
and addresses become non-valid or alter within the blink of an
Most individual entrants have either given permission to be
included or have been taken from other similar lists where I
assume permission was given already. If you want your address to
be removed from this list, please contact me.
Thanks to Gard for supplying the URL specifications!
The text of the articles is identical to the originals like they appeared
in old ST NEWS issues. Please take into consideration that the author(s)
was (were) a lot younger and less responsible back then. So bad jokes,
bad English, youthful arrogance, insults, bravura, over-crediting and
tastelessness should be taken with at least a grain of salt. Any contact
and/or payment information, as well as deadlines/release dates of any
kind should be regarded as outdated. Due to the fact that these pages are
not actually contained in an Atari executable here, references to scroll
texts, featured demo screens and hidden articles may also be irrelevant.