"Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons."
Woody Allen
by Richard Karsmakers
Concerning ST NEWS
...this is the twelfth undead issue of ST NEWS, Volume 10 Issue
...it is the 39th issue in total?
...it was finished on June 17th 1995?
...this issue is dedicated to Dream Theater?
...an interview with the band can be found somewhere in this
...this issue includes the first (large) part of an (even larger)
...although it was not explicitly written for ST NEWS, this is an
exclusive one?
...it's called "The Bloodless Coup" and written by a guy who's
written more stuff for ST NEWS in the past, Mr Roy Stead?
...the forthcoming three issues of ST NEWS will have the rest of
the story?
...I think it's quite brilliant?
...I'd like to thank Roy very much for allowing it to be used?
...the music in this issue has been conceived by Big Alec again?
...we are again very proud to offer this song called "Crystal
...it was composed and programmed by him, too?
...this issue's "Software Reviews in Short" article mysteriously
vanished on the day of the finishing?
...it contained a variety of contributions, including short
reviews of "Thing", "UFO War" (nice graphics, not so good
gameplay), "NTK4 Mod" (really nice), "Boom 2 Preview"
(promising), "Bubble Bobble 2000" (really cool, but with a few
nasty things such as monsters falling quicker than you, and
them not waiting for about 2 seconds before they start moving,
like in the original), "Zorg", "Don't Worry be Happy" (nice
board game implementation), "Clac", "Geneticopoly" (quite
brilliant "Monopoly" version), "Backward with Patches" (the
ultimate ST emulator for the Falcon), "Lasers and Men 2.0"
(the last version of this game, with some minor revamps and
about half a dozen extra levels, abandoned by the author now
in favour of a more proper "Doom" clone to be programmed from
scratch), "Punssi", "Tautology II" (an improved version of
the original, really quite excellent, now also VGA
compatible), "Steel Talons" (disappointing helicopter
simulator) and a lot of other stuff?
...I really regret losing the file, also because it contained
about half of Kev Davies' contributions for this issue?
...I am very sorry about this, also because I'd promised Keith
Frisby I'd do a "Thing" review?
...I feel very frustrated?
...I would like to mention, to make up for this a bit, that
"Thing" is an excellent alternative desktop although I
couldn't get me to abandon "NeoDesk" 4?
..."NTK4 Mod" (a module player) and "Geneticopoly" (an
genetically intelligent "Monopoly" game) are to be found in
the "FEATURES.ZIP" archive on this ST NEWS disk?
...this shareware program is much worth checking out, especially
if you haven't got another alternative desktop already?
...subscriptions to ST NEWS are possible, sortof?
...this is possible only if you have an email address?
...by sending a message to r.c.karsmakers@stud.let.ruu.nl you can
request to be put on a mailing list that will mail you a small
message each time an ST NEWS issue is released?
...it will tell you exactly where to get it?
...all you have to to is send one message out and you'll get it
...it is not possible to get the latest issue or back-issues this
...this issue of ST NEWS contains the third part of Han Kempen's
highly acclaimed "GfA Basic" tutorial?
...it is actually kind of a book, but changed to run line a
...I'd like to thank Han for allowing me to use it?
...this issue of ST NEWS includes the 100th adventure solution in
its entire history?
...it even includes the 101st, too?
...I think it's cool that we got to this milestone?
...we've got a new official distributor?
...he's to take care of the Spanish side of things (Portugal,
too, probably)?
...the details of this guy, who's called Jesus, can be found in
the "Colophon" article?
...the postal code of our Swedish distributor, Lars Johansson,
has changed?
...order conditions have changed, too?
...you need now never include 10 Skr for any issues?
...this issue of ST NEWS was finished with Karin, my girlfriend,
back in the Netherlands?
...she has wrapped up her 9 months at Bristol University and came
back to the Netherlands on June 13th (after I had gone to
England with my parents to meet her on June 9th)?
...my life is complete again?
Atari - Jaguar
...below you can find the latest "Jaguar Update List", taken from
the American online magazine "Atari Explorer Online"?
...it should tell you all you need to know about current and
forthcoming Jaguar released?
The following list of game titles has been confirmed to the best
of AEO's ability as of March 27th, 1995. Entries in the "S"tatus
column reflect any "e"rrors, "u"pdates, "n"ew titles, titles that
are in "P"roduction, or "?"uestionable listings since the last
AEO list. Entries in the "M"edia column reflect whether the title
is "C"D-ROM or "H"ardware (blank entries are assumed to be
cartridge software).
ETA dates are dates that have been provided by the developer.
//// Titles in Development
S M Title ETA Developer/Publisher
P AirCars 7/95 MidNite
u C Alien vs. Predator: The CD 2/96 /Atari
u Arena Football League 8/95 V Real Prod/Atari
C Artemis Mid96 Springer Spaniel
n Attack of the Mutant Penguins 10/95 /Atari
u C Baldies 8/95 Atari
u C Batman Forever 4/96 Atari
u C Battlemorph 8/95 Att.to Detail/Atari
u Battlesphere 9/95 4Play
Battlewheels 1995 Beyond Games
u C Black ICE\White Noise 12/95 Atari
u C Blue Lightning 8/95 Att.to Detail/Atari
u C Brain Dead 13 10/95 Readysoft
u C Brett Hull Hockey 11/95 /Atari
u Casino Royale - Telegames
Center Court Tennis ? Zeppelin Games
u Charles Barkley Basketball 9/95 /Atari
u C Commando 11/95 Microids/Atari
Conan - Arcade Zone/
u C Creature Shock 8/95 Argonaut/Virgin
u 'Dactyl Joust 11/95 High Voltage/Atari
n C Dante 6/96 /Atari
n Deathwatch 12/95 Visual Design/Atari
u C Defender 2000 10/95 LlamaSoft/Atari
u C Demolition Man 8/95 Virgin Interact/Atari
C Deus ex Machina 12/95 Silmarils/
u C Dragon's Lair 8/95 ReadySoft
Droppings ? Delta Music Systems/
n C Dune Racer 1/96 /Atari
Dungeon Depths ? MidNite/
? Evidence ? Microids/
C FIFA International Soccer - Electronic Arts/
u Fight For Life 7/95 Atari
P Flashback 7/95 Tiertex/U.S. Gold
u Flip Out 8/95 Gorilla Syst./Atari
u C Formula Racing (was F1 Racer) 11/95 Domark/Atari
u Frank Thomas Baseball 4/96 Acclaim/Atari
u C Freelancer 2120 Q3/95 Imagitec/Atari
Galactic Gladiators ? Photosurrealism/
u Hardball 3 - Atari
u C Highlander I 8/95 Lore/Atari
u C Highlander II 10/95 Lore/Atari
u C Highlander III 11/95 Lore/Atari
Horrorscope - V-Real Productions/
u Hover Hunter 9/95 Hyper Image/Atari
n C Hover Strike CD 9/95 Atari
u Hyper Force - Visual Impact/C-West
Indiana Jags - Virtual Xperience/
n C Iron Soldier II 1/96 Eclipse/Atari
n Ironman/Exoman 1/96 Acclaim/Atari
C Ishar Genesis 12/95 Silmarils/
C Jack Nicholas Cyber Golf ? Hand Made/Atari
James Pond 3 Q2/95 /Telegames
? Kick Off 3 ? Anco Software Ltd./
u Legions of the Undead Q4/95 Rebellion/Atari
? Lester the Unlikely ? DTMC/
C Litil Divil - Gremlin Interactive/
C Lobo ? Ocean Software Ltd./
u C Magic Carpet 12/95 Bullfrog/Atari
n Max Force 9/95 /Atari
n C Mind-ripper (was The Outpost) 2/96 /Atari
n V Missile Command VR 12/95 /Atari
? Mountain Sports ? DTMC/
u C Mortal Kombat III 4/96 Williams/Atari
H MPEG - Atari
n C Myst 8/95 /Atari
u NBA Jam TE 12/95 Acclaim/Atari
Nanoterror ? Delta Music Systems/
C Need For Speed - Electronic Arts/
Nerves of Steel ? Rainmaker Software/
u C Netwar (was Redemption) Q3/95 Atari
? C Neurodancer ? PIXIS Interactive/
P Pinball Fantasies 6/95*8*Spider Soft/C-West
u Pitfall 2: The Mayan Adventure 8/95 Activision/
u Power Drive Rally 7/95 Rage/Time-Warner
C Powerslide 1995 Williams/Telegames
u C Primal Rage 11/95 Time-Warner
Rainbow Warrior ? 3D Games/
u RayMan 7/95 UBI Soft
Return of Magic Q4/95 Virtual Artistry/
C Return to Zork - Activision/
u C Rise of the Robots Q4/95 Williams/Time-Warner
u C Robinson's Requiem 8/95 Silmarils/Atari
u Ruiner 8/95 High Voltage/Atari
u Skyhammer 10/95 Rebellion/Atari
u Soccer Kid 8/95 Krisalis/Ocean
u C Soulstar 9/95 Core Design/Atari
u C Space Ace 8/95 ReadySoft
u Space War 9/95 /Atari
u C Starlight Bowl-a-rama 10/95 V-Real Productions/
u Super Burnout 6/95 Shen/Atari
u Super Kart 10/95 Cyberdreams/
Super Off-Road - /Telegames
u Supercross 3D - /Atari
T-Mek - Time-Warner/
u C Thea Relm Fighters 10/95 High Voltage/Atari
u Tiny Toons Adventures ? Telegames/Atari
Ultimate Brain Games - /Telegames
u Ultra Vortex 7/95 Beyond Games/Atari
u C Varuna's Forces 11/95 Accent Media/Atari
u C Vid Grid 8/95 Atari
Virtual Warriors ? Rainmaker Software/
C Virtuoso 1995 Williams/Telegames
Waterworld ? Ocean Software Ltd./
u C Wayne Gretzky NHL Hockey 11/95 Time-Warner
u White Men Can't Jump 7/95 High Voltage/Atari
Wild Cup Soccer 1995 /Telegames
C Wing Commander III - Electronic Arts/
u World Class Cricket - /Telegames
? World Cup ? Anco Software Ltd./
n V Zone Hunter - Virtuality
Zzyorxx II - Virtual Xperience/
//// Unnamed Titles in Development
S M Title ETA Developer/Publisher
H Jaguar / PC card ? Sigma Designs/Sigma
3D shooter ? iThink/
Football - /Atari
Miniature Golf ? DTMC/
Racing - Gremlin Graphics/
Fighter - Level 7/
C Sports - AM1/Atari
Movie tie-in -
//// Current Releases
M Title Rated Company/Publisher
Alien vs. Predator 9 Rebellion/Atari
Brutal Sports Football 7 Millenium-Teque/Telega.
Bubsy 6 Imagitec Design/Atari
Cannon Fodder 7 Virgin Interac./C. West
H Cat Box N/ANEW Black Cat Design
Checkered Flag 5 Rebellion/Atari
Club Drive 7 Atari
Crescent Galaxy 3 Atari
Cybermorph 7 Attent.to Detail/Atari
Doom 9 id Software/Atari
Double Dragon V - NEW Williams Entertainment
Dragon 7 Virgin Interac./Atari
Evolution Dino-Dudes 6 Imagitec Design/Atari
Hover Strike - NEW Atari
International Sensible Soccer - NEW Williams/Telegames
Iron Soldier 10 Eclipse/Atari
Kasumi Ninja 8 Hand Made/Atari
Raiden 6 Imagitec Design/Atari
Syndicate - Bullfrog/Ocean
Tempest 2000 10 LlamaSoft/Atari
Theme Park 6 Bullfrog/Ocean
Troy Aikman NFL Football 7 Telegames/Williams
Wolfenstein 3D 8 id Software/Atari
Val d'Isere Skiing... 5 Virtual Studio/Atari
Zool 2 7 Gremlin Graphics/Atari
Atari - Falcon 030
...I have finally got some final news on the C-Lab Falcon Mk.II?
...there'll be a 14 Mb RAM, 500 Mb SCSI HD version with 16 bit
audio converters, Motorola DSP chip and full MIDI interfacing,
aimed at the music market?
...it will retail for under US$ 3000 (excluding tax)?
...C-Lab may be contacted at C-LAB Digital Media GmbH, P.O. Box
700 303, D-22003 Hamburg, Germany?
...if you want the "GNVA_TOS.PRG" file of "Geneva" release 003 to
work on the Falcon, you need to make a small patch yourself?
...this file will cause a crash if you execute .TOS or .TTP files
on the Falcon normally?
...you should change byte $D8 on offset $4A4F to $D6?
...this can be done using a disk editor?
...that's all there's to it?
Software - Disk Magazines
..."Maggie" will celebrate its first lustrum in coming August?
...it looks like some more news - maybe with a real-time article
- will be found in a future issue of ST NEWS?
...ST NEWS has recently aided "DBA Magazine" with their awesome
issue 12?
...this issue, released last May, was the first to use their new
Falcon-specific shell?
...it featured plenty of articles written or co-written by
"Maggie" editor Chris Holland and yours truly?
...it's the first kind of co-operation like this, and most likely
not the last?
..."Scriba" is, like, half dead?
...this is because Gard is finishing his education in Ålesund and
is moving to the other side of the Atlantic ocean?
...he will be working as "international system administrator" at
O'Reilly and Associates?
...Gard is still as completely insane as before, though?
Software - General
...James "Power" Matthews has set up an independent software
label called Top Byte Software?
...he will release various games?
...these include "STarioland" (a Mario clone platform game),
"Brenarvious" (a mad shoot'em up), a 1 Meg STE Fruit Machine
simulator (using 4096 colour palette, four screens high, etc.)
and a massive disk utility similar to "Harlekin" only better?
...you may want to check out a large PD library in the USA?
...it's called "Suzy B's Software" and is run by Michael R.
Burkley (who is none other than the Unabashed Atariophile that
every reader of "Atari Explorer Online" will no doubt know)?
...you should inquire into getting their 2-disks catalogue at the
following address: 3712 Military Road, Niagara Falls, NY
14305, USA?
...Gribnif will release updates of their "Geneva" and "NeoDesk 4"
products soon?
...these will be "Geneva" 004 and "NeoDesk 4" 003?
...there is a new alternative item selector you might want to
check out?
...it's called "Freedom", and a full review of this shareware
product may be found elsewhere in this issue?
...Oregon Research have released a significant update of "Diamond
Edge", version 2?
...the interface has been overhauled, the manual rewritten and
the program improved?
...the package now also includes the "Diamond Advanced Disk
Editor", a low-level disk editor?
...I hope to be able to review this package in the next issue of
..."Obsession", the pinball machine, will likely be superceded by
a Falcon-specific version?
...this wil entail DSP 16-bit sound, 256 colour tables, faster
flipper response and, possibly, extra tables?
...this sounds really interesting?
...one of the members of Laser (the demo group) is working on a
...no details are known as yet?
..."Stardust" by Bloodhouse/Aggression has been finished?
...it's an "Asteroid" kind of game?
...there is some really interesting news for people who are
seeking an alternative means of data storage?
...it is called a "ZIP Drive" and will work with media similar to
standard 3.5" disks?
...the machine itself should be available in an SCSI or parallel
port version at US$ 199, with separate cartridges retailing at
about US$ 20?
...one such cartridge can store a massive 100 Mb?
...this sounds really interesting?
Miscellaneous (personal stuff and other)
...Stefan has started work in Canada now, at a company called
Gray Matter?
..., should any of you want to contact him - for old times' sake
or anything for that matter - he can be reached at 50
Stephanie St., Appt #1506, Toronto, Ontario M5T 1B3, Canada?
...Damien M. Jones' address has changed, too?
...it is now 3207 SW Bessey Creek Trail, Palm City, FL 34990,
...it seems like both these people have advanced greatly,
geographically speaking?
...Gard has found another completely insane individual?
...this is his girlfriend, Bethani?
...she lives in Marietta, Georgia?
...they actually met on the Internet (and only on the Internet,
so far)?
...Mark van den Boer, "Machine Code Course" writer of old (in
1986 & 1987), will get married on September 30th?
...he will marry Genevieve Bovey, who works in the Canadian
branch of the company that Mark works for in Australia?
...he will go and work in Canada, too, around that time?
...Canada seems to have a strange but strong appeal to people
these days?
...the new "Red Dwarf" TV series will be shot this summer/winter?
..."ST Format" has increased their cover price to £4.25?
...I hope to see all of you back in the next issue of ST NEWS?
See ya!
The text of the articles is identical to the originals like they appeared
in old ST NEWS issues. Please take into consideration that the author(s)
was (were) a lot younger and less responsible back then. So bad jokes,
bad English, youthful arrogance, insults, bravura, over-crediting and
tastelessness should be taken with at least a grain of salt. Any contact
and/or payment information, as well as deadlines/release dates of any
kind should be regarded as outdated. Due to the fact that these pages are
not actually contained in an Atari executable here, references to scroll
texts, featured demo screens and hidden articles may also be irrelevant.