by Richard Karsmakers
This is no popularity poll. You do not have to fill in your
favourite graphic artists, favourite games and other things
alike. No. As ST NEWS is sometimes spread quite slowly, the
logistics involved would be enough to baffle anyone - let alone
two anyones such as Stefan and me.
Over the years, ST NEWS has been proud to offer a wide variety
of articles. But what did you think of those articles? Which
articles would you like to see more? Which articles did you
particularly dislike and which ones did you particularly like?
We would very much like you to print out this article (this can
be done in the pageview mode) and send it back to us with your
opinions scribbled down on it (and the appropriate boxes ticked).
As we are non-commercial, we are not able to offer any valuable
incentives. No prizes to be won here. However, if you care to
send in this poll you can add one disk and request us to send any
ST NEWS back-issue you care to have (or two disks for the Final
Compendium). You only have to add one International Reply Coupon
per disk - with a maximum of one disk to be sent (or two in the
case of the Final Compendium). Alternatively, you can ask for the
first upcoming issue (probably Volume 7 Issue 3, one disk in
size) to be sent.
I know this isn't much, but it's all we can do.
Please take the trouble to fill in this poll! We would really
like to know what you think of ST NEWS and the articles we offer
in it. This poll has appeared before in ST NEWS Volume 7 Issue 1
and we have received quite a lot of replies. The reason that this
article is used again is that we would like even more people to
Some of you may now be eager to tell us that we're becoming
commercial, that we're planning to do whatever the reader likes.
This is not the case.
We merely wanted to do this poll so that we get to know if
people happen to like things we liked to write but didn't write a
lot of because we thought it wouldn't go down well (you dig?).
The address to send it to: Richard Karsmakers, Looplantsoen 50,
NL-3523 GV, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Wherever you find 'O', please tick the appropriate 'O'.
How many issues of ST NEWS have you ever read?
O One O Two-five O Six-ten O Ten-twenty O Twenty-thirty
To how many people do you averagely copy ST NEWS when you get
O One O Two-five O Six-ten O Ten-twenty O Twenty-thirty
Is ST NEWS easily available through your local PD libraries?
O No O Yes, but they don't have 'em all O Yes
What do you think of the following types of articles, all of
which have appeared during the six previous volumes of ST NEWS?
Don't tick any boxes if you haven't read them.
Bad Average Good Excellent
Computer-related articles:
Adventure solutions O O O O
Software review intros O O O O
With Cronos Warchild O O O O
Software reviews O O O O
Programming tricks 68000 O O O O
Programming tricks GfA O O O O
68000 course O O O O
Forth course O O O O
The Wizards O O O O
ST Software news O O O O
Did you know that O O O O
Real-time articles O O O O
The ST's Viruses O O O O
Crimson's 'walkthrough' O O O O
Interviews O O O O
Non computer related articles:
Small novels O O O O
Pin-ups O O O O
Serious, deep stuff O O O O
Now follows a list of topics that are woven into various ST
NEWS articles/issues. What do you think of them?
Bad Average Good Excellent
Human interest O O O O
Films/movies O O O O
Books O O O O
Music O O O O
Girls O O O O
Absurd religion O O O O
Plantiac O O O O
The ST NEWS pictures O O O O
The ST NEWS music O O O O
What do you think of the ST NEWS user interface as such? Any
Which issue of ST NEWS did you think contained the best music?
(Please only fill in if you have seen more than five issues with
music in them)
Which issue of ST NEWS did you consider to be the all-time best?
(Please only fill in if you have seen more than five issues)
Which articles would you like to see more of?
(Please use the list with the 'bad'/'average'/'good'/'excellent'
question at the top)
Remember that you're also welcome to write something yourself,
so feel free to submit articles with this poll!
Which articles have you not seen so far, but would you surely
like to see one day?
Please fill in your personal details here, and then mail it off!
Feel free to add a note with miscellaneous other remarks, or
even a crazy letter of some sort! We love receiving mail! If you
have some extra International Reply Coupons lying around that
you're not doing anything with, please send those as well...
Thank you!
The text of the articles is identical to the originals like they appeared
in old ST NEWS issues. Please take into consideration that the author(s)
was (were) a lot younger and less responsible back then. So bad jokes,
bad English, youthful arrogance, insults, bravura, over-crediting and
tastelessness should be taken with at least a grain of salt. Any contact
and/or payment information, as well as deadlines/release dates of any
kind should be regarded as outdated. Due to the fact that these pages are
not actually contained in an Atari executable here, references to scroll
texts, featured demo screens and hidden articles may also be irrelevant.