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 "This  year  it is 500 years since  the  North-American  Indians
discovered an explorer named Christopher Columbus..."

                   THE ST NEWS ADVENTURE INDEX

 During  the last six years of ST NEWS,  we have offered quite  a
substantial amount of adventure solutions,  the majority done  by
adventure wizard Math Claessens.  Sometimes,  we cannot help  but
chuckle  somewhat when we see 'hot' adventure solutions in  other
magazines - I guess nobody can beat Math, and we're proud to have
him as a member of the ST NEWS team.
 This  article  comprises  an  index  to  the  various  adventure
solutions  we  have  published  through  the  years,  up  to  and
including  the previous issue - so that you need not look  around
any  further.  We have over fifty further solutions lined up  for
publication in future issues, so don't despair if you do not find
the solution you want in this index.  In that case,  it might  be
useful to drop us a line with a special request or something.
 You  will  find that the list  contains  most  Sierra,  Magnetic
Scrolls and Infocom stuff...

Title                                   Volume    Issue
Amazon                                  2         3
Ballyhoo                                2         6
Black Cauldron                          2         3
Borrowed Time                           2         2
Chrono Quest                            3         7
Corruption                              3         5
Crimson's Crown                         3         3
D.A.A.                                  5         2
Deja Vu                                 5         1
Dragons Lair                            7         1
Enchanted                               2         6
Fahrenheit 451                          2         5
Fish!                                   4         1
Gateway                                 2         2
Grail, The                              4         2
Guild of Thieves                        2         6
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy        2         2
Hollywood Hijinx                        5         1
Indiana Jones                           5         1
Infidel                                 2         4
Jinxter                                 3         1
Kings Quest                             2         3
Kings Quest II                          2         3
Kings Quest III                         2         7
Kings Quest IV                          5         1
Kings Quest V                           7         1
Krystal, The                            7         1
Larry                                   3         2
Larry II                                4         1
Larry III                               6         2
Legend of the Sword                     3         6
Lurking Horror                          4         2
Manhunter II                            5         1
Mindshadow                              2         5
Monkey Island                           6         2
Myth                                    5         1
Operation Stealth                       5         2
Pawn, The                               2         1
Police Quest                            3         3
Police Quest II                         5         1
Seastalker                              2         6
Shadowgate                              3         4
Sorcerer                                2         4
Space Ace                               7         1
Space Quest                             2         2
Space Quest II                          3         1
Space Quest III                         5         1
Spiderman                               2         7
Star Trek                               2         4
Tanglewood                              3         4
Tass Times                              2         5
Transylvania                            3         2
Uninvited                               2         8
Wishbringer                             2         5
Wonderland                              6         2
Zork I                                  1         3
Zork II                                 1         4

The text of the articles is identical to the originals like they appeared in old ST NEWS issues. Please take into consideration that the author(s) was (were) a lot younger and less responsible back then. So bad jokes, bad English, youthful arrogance, insults, bravura, over-crediting and tastelessness should be taken with at least a grain of salt. Any contact and/or payment information, as well as deadlines/release dates of any kind should be regarded as outdated. Due to the fact that these pages are not actually contained in an Atari executable here, references to scroll texts, featured demo screens and hidden articles may also be irrelevant.