"I'd worship the ground you walked on if only you walked in a
better neighborhood."
Billy Wilder
by Richard Karsmakers
Maybe some of you are getting bored reading about viruses in
every deity-damned issue of ST NEWS. The thing is, however, I am
not yet even moderately bored writing them. So for those few
among you who have some sense of reality in them, this is yet
another (20th or something) occurrence of ST NEWS' viral column.
It starts off with some negative vibes.
The June 20th 1995 HDD crash
Less than two weeks before I was to print out, duplicate and
start shipping the "Ultimate Virus Killer Book", a mishap befell
me. Let me tell you about it, so that it may never happen to you.
I was copying ST NEWS Volume 10 Issue 1, using "FastCopy Pro"
with "use harddisk as buffer" switched on to partition J. I had
plenty of space free on my 42 (!) Mb partition J, which I only
used to store some buffer files, some fellow disk magazines
(recent "Maggie" and "DBA" issues), and to edit the "Ultimate
Virus Killer" >500 Kb text file on.
Great was my bafflement when I had finished copying and it
turned out that partition J had been utterly trashed. Obviously,
on my particular system setup (Falcon with "Geneva" and
"NeoDesk"), "FastCopy Pro" had found it necessary to write the
buffer starting on the FAT and directory tracks. There I had been
thinking that the program would write the buffer into a file of
sorts, silly me.
Because the last "UVK Book" backup file I had was dated mid
April, it meant that the book had to be rewritten for almost 50%
in those remaining two weeks. It had actually been finished for
about 99% when I trashed the file, so you can imagine that I
didn't feel all too well. A lot of the notes and stuff that I had
written into the book no longer existed, even.
I just wanted to share this with you for a minute. The motto:
Don't just make regular copies of your vital HDD bits, but also
never use "FastCopy Pro" with the "buffer to hard disk" option
In the end, like somehow always tends to happen, the new version
of the book was better than the previous one. Still, however, I
could have done without the extra work.
"What about 'Diamond Edge' then?" I hear you ask, "Certainly you
have those 'Diamond Edge' info files that can restore a hard disk
partition's FAT and directory data in a jiffy?"
Indeed I did.
They were on partition J, too, and were obliterated with the
rest of its contents.
"UItimate Virus Killer" - recent history
- Version 6.5GB (April 20th 1995)
Yet another new version, for the most part finished on a day
when the sun was shining so much it was ridiculous.
* A different GEMDOS initialisation method was used, to prevent
the program from bombing out during link virus search. I would
like to note that this is due to GEMDOS not handling stuff
correctly, causing internal GEMDOS memory to run out when too
many files have been opened and closed. Because this bug in
GEMDOS seems persistently absent in Falcon TOS 4.04 I haven't
been able to try verify if it works now. I just hope it does...
In case it doesn't, try using the FOLDR100.PRG that is also on
the disk. You can rename it to more folders, up to 999
* Another thing I built in but haven't been able to test because
I haven't got the required hardware: Atari SLM laser printer
output support. It *should* work when you have "Diablo" driver
version 1.4 or higher installed. Previously, only serial and
parallel printer output was supported.
* During the translation of the program into German, a few text
malfunctions got discovered. These have been discovered in the
others, now, too.
* Due to the discovery of a slightly mutant version of the
"P.M.S." virus that was in itself not much different at all,
the recognition of this virus has been improved and made more
This version's main statistics: 1584 recognized bootsectors, 89
recognized bootsector viruses, 5 recognized link viruses, 40
recognized anti-viruses, 175 recognized resident applications and
89 recognized packer/archive version formats (of a total of 33
different packers/archivers). A total of 747 different
bootsectors can be restored.
- Version 6.5USA (April 20th 1995)
Identical to version 6.5GB, with the exception of the main menu
address, the date entry format and selected text changes. Made
for distribution by Oregon Research Associates in the United
States of America.
- Version 6.5NL (April 20th 1995)
Identical to version 6.5GB, with the exception of the name ("ACN
Final Virus Killer") and all text output, which is in Dutch. Made
for distribution in the Netherlands by ACN.
- Version 6.6GB (August 2nd 1995)
Life has been getting better and better. The "Ultimate Virus
Killer Book" is now finally finished (about three years overdue)
and available! Karin is back in the Netherlands for good and
we're, as they say, as happy as can be. This version experienced
about a month's delay, but that can all be blamed on the summer
and the fact that, for the second year running, average July
temperatures were higher than they'd been in 200 years...
* Most importantly, the bomb crash in the link virus check (whole
partition) has finally been fixed. I still don't know how it
could occur, but as it turned out the link virus check
sometimes seemed to want to check a file with a spaced-out file
name that didn't exist. GEMDOS apparently feeds it this name
occasionally. I am quite sure it's a bug in GEMDOS, actually,
or perhaps in "GfA Basic", so the virus killer now first checks
whether it gets a valid filename before it tries to open a
file. It turned out to have nothing to do with the FOLDR100.PRG
thing (the internal GEMDOS memory pool).
Thanks to P. van Zanten for allowing me to use his system one
sunny afternoon so that I could fix it on a system where the
error occurred all the time (you see, it never appeared on
* The BIOS Parameter Block Repair parameters have been extended.
"Sectors per Cluster" now caters for 1, 2, 4 and 8; "Directory
Entries" now caters for 16 right through to 112 in steps of 16
(such as is possible with the "FastCopy Pro" format option).
* One evening was particularly well spent: The system status
check screen has been drastically reorganised internally. The
system is now checked with 45% speed increase. A few
recognitions have been improved (such as those of the Horror,
DJA, Pashley, Signum A, Maulwurf, Megaguru and Freeze viruses),
some others better documented. APPLICAT.TXT file has been
updated accordingly.
* Extended output obtained when clicking on inverted addresses in
the system status screen now has a different format, easier for
me to work with (for those interested in the technical side:
Absolute addresses, which can vary immensely, are filtered
* Most bootsector virus scan dialog boxes displaying some kind of
"result" now have an extra button added: "Look at it". You can
now look at just about every interesting bootsector that comes
along, including those with a virus or harmless game booters on
This version's main statistics: 1591 recognized bootsectors, 93
recognized bootsector viruses, 5 recognized link viruses, 40
recognized anti-viruses, 179 recognized resident applications and
89 recognized packer/archive version formats (of a total of 33
different packers/archivers). A total of 747 different
bootsectors can be restored.
- Version 6.6USA (August 2nd 1995)
Identical to version 6.6GB, with the exception of the main menu
address, the date entry format and selected text changes. Made
for distribution by Oregon Research Associates in the United
States of America.
- Version 6.6NL (August 2nd 1995)
Identical to version 6.6GB, with the exception of the name ("ACN
Final Virus Killer") and all text output, which is in Dutch. Made
for distribution in the Netherlands by ACN.
- Version 6.7GB (November 5th 1995)
A bit of a delay again (this tends to become more a rule than an
exception, I am sorry to say). University is wrapping up itself,
but not so without extensive input from me (some final research
and thesis writing).
* Went to check compatiblity with the C-Lab Falcon MK I & MK II.
Made some slight changes and additions where needed. It already
worked pretty flawlessly, but now even more so. Chances of full
compatibility on the new MK III (to be released mid '96) are
* There was a small sort order mistake in the system recognition
data, introduced in the previous version due to the massive
speed-up operation and resident application recognition data
restructuring, causing several popular resident programs no
longer to be recognised. Fixed that.
* The entries on the following viruses in "VIRUSES.TXT" have been
updated: "Signum A", "Mad A", "Ghost A", "C'T", "Kobold #2 A",
"Milzbrand" and "Uluru".
This version's main statistics: 1609 recognized bootsectors, 93
recognized bootsector viruses, 5 recognized link viruses, 40
recognized anti-viruses, 183 recognized resident applications and
89 recognized packer/archive version formats (of a total of 33
different packers/archivers). A total of 753 different
bootsectors can be restored.
- Version 6.7USA (November 5th 1995)
Identical to version 6.7GB, with the exception of the main menu
address, the date entry format and selected text changes. Made
for distribution by Oregon Research Associates in the United
States of America.
- Version 6.7NL (November 5th 1995)
Identical to version 6.7GB, with the exception of the name ("ACN
Final Virus Killer") and all text output, which is in Dutch. Made
for distribution in the Netherlands by ACN.
A review of the "Ultimate Virus Killer Book" by Michael Burkley
(which appeared in "Atari Explorer Online")
Last time I told you that I was going to give you a review of
Richard Karsmakers new book "The 'Ultimate Virus Killer' Book."
Amazingly enough I'm going to do that. Of course, you could
always just go out and buy it and skip the review. You'd get an
excellent read that much sooner!
Several months ago I saw an online ad by Richard Karsmakers
touting his upcoming book. In case you don't know, Richard has
written and is constantly updating a superb virus detection and
killing program named The Ultimate Virus Killer (UVK). I had
recently purchased UVK because of all the scores of PD programs I
go through each month. Unfortunately the program has proven
useful. That made me even more interested in the book. I found
the cash, sent it off, and waited anxiously for the book. The
wait was worth it! I think I've read it through twice now, and it
is so jam-packed with interesting and amusing information that
I'll likely keep picking it up in the future.
The book arrived in my mailbox from the Netherlands shortly
after I ordered it (the Post Office isn't so slow after all -
sometimes!). It is an 8 x 6 inch (about) softcover book of almost
200 pages. I appreciate the binding because it easily allows the
book to be laid flat. The print is a little small for my eyes,
but not overly much so, and having it larger would only expand an
already large book unnecessarily. Overall, I thought the
composition of the book was well-done. More importantly, the
information in it is even better!
Richard Karsmakers is a student of English at Utrecht University
in the Netherlands. He doesn't claim to be an elegant programmer
(his code works, and works well, which is his justification to
his fellow programmers), but he is a dedicated Atariophile and
articulate author. UVK has gone through numerous versions since
its original incarnation in 1987, each an improvement on the
other. Now fully multitasking friendly, ST--Falcon compatible,
this program recognizes scores of boot-sector viruses (viruses
that hide on the boot sector of your floppy disk) and link
viruses (those that insert themselves right inside your program's
code). By some insightful programming, the author has even
allowed his program to recognize viruses that haven't even been
written yet! How's that for looking ahead!
Richard has obviously either not read many computer manuals and
books or has ignored their examples completely when writing this
book. Doesn't he know that manuals are supposed to be boring and
dry, and almost completely unintelligible to the average computer
layperson? "The Ultimate Virus Killer Book" reminds me of David
Small's reviews and the manual for his SST board, and Ralph C.
Turner's Atari books. Stories that make me want to laugh, and
stories that make me want to cry abound in this book. Viruses and
their history on several different computer platforms are
illuminated and a step-by-step history of the war between us and
the virus killers on one side and the virus programmers on the
other is presented.
I've really appreciated Richard's careful definition of terms,
his detailed (yet clear) explanation of how viruses work, and his
helps on preventing them from working on your system. In one
interesting section of his book he lists all of the viruses and
their characteristics that he is aware of (and which UVK kills).
It's sad to think of the warped creativity of those virus
programmers. It seems to me much more rewarding to program
something constructive rather than program something that only
destroys. <sigh> Oh well, it makes me want to pray for the world,
which is a good thing!
I could detail many more things I like about this book, but I'll
only mention a few more. I appreciate Richard's humor. It's not
overbearing, but it does help carry the book forward. After
reading this book you will likely feel that you have been offered
an open door into his life. He talks about his schooling, his
jobs, the love of his life (congratulations Karin!), and more. I
also appreciate his ability to tell just enough about virus
programming to help me understand what is possible and yet not
tell enough to make it easy for someone to program a virus
(unlike a German magazine which once included detailed
instructions on how to create a virus - dumb!). The book is fully
up-to-date, having only been finished in July.
I haven't mentioned that he has included the expanded manual for
the Ultimate Virus Killer program in his book. Astounding!
I would recommend "The Ultimate Virus Killer Book" to you all.
It's an education in things Atari for both the novice and the
advanced programmer. But if you want to get this book you have to
act quickly. It will only be available through December 31, 1995.
You must order directly through the author.
[order details deleted]
The "ST Format" review
Well, in "ST Format" issue 77 the "Ultimate Virus Killer" came
off rather less at an "ST Format Verdict" of 55%. I had expected
their criticism ("too much personal revelations", "bad binding",
"pages look like photocopies", so it's "priced outrageously"),
and it's well-deserved. Obviously they don't know about me as a
person and, well, if I am going to write a book and finance it
myself I think I am entitled to write it the way I want - which
basically means it's a lot like ST NEWS in the human interest
department, with technical sections added. The book was a
personal thing and therefore became personal itself. And the fact
that the pages look like photocopies is simple: They are.
Thankfully they also saw some good things about the book ("good
to have the manual in print now", "excellent technical
reference"), which is rather better, I think. They missed out on
the manual section being a lot bigger than the official "UVK"
one, though.
The review affirms that the book is aimed at a fringe market:
People who want to have something to read that will inform them
yet in some way involve them, too. I think 55% is a bit harsh (I
personally think 65% would have been better after weighing their
pros and cons), but I'll live.
I would like to explain the price of the book, too. In the UK it
is sold at £12 when bought directly through me. Because it is
photocopied in small batches, each copy costs about £7
(including postage). Douglas Communications sell and promote it
in the UK at £15. An amount of £10 goes to me, and Douglas
Communications gets the rest. So in the end I have a profit of
£3, and Douglas Communications makes about £4 (which is nowhere
near the usual 40% dealer margin on software and books). I don't
think it's that outrageous, actually.
I am glad "ST Format" reviewer Frank Charlton didn't pick on the
Lucky Lady stuff to point out.
The "UVK" official distributors list
Right now the official list of distributors is as follows:
Dutch distributor: German distributor:
ACN Compo Software GmbH
P.O. Box 5011 Vaalser Str. 540
NL-2000 CA Haarlem D-52074 Aachen
Netherlands Germany
Tel. 023-351100 Tel. 0241-83098
(Costs Hfl 49,95) (Costs DM 49,-)
French distributor: American distributor:
CompoScan S.A.R.L. Oregon Research
12, Rue Maurice Arnoux 16200 S.W. Pacific Highway
F-92120 Mont Rouge Suite 162
France Tigard, Oregon 97224
Tel. 01-473-58966 United States of America
Tel. (503) 620-4919
Rest of the world:
Douglas Communications
P.O. Box 119
Cheshire SK2 6HW
United Kingdom
Tel. 01625-850270
(Costs £ 12.99)
The Ultimate Virus Killer Book
I am please to announce that the "Ultimate Virus Killer Book" is
shipping. This book, which I've been writing for the last few
years and which is the ultimate book for those of you interested
in the virus phenomenon or protection against it, is available
for a limited time only.
The book contains text on a variety of topics, such as...
o What to do against viruses.
o What viruses can and can't do.
o A history of viruses on Atari, MS-DOS, Apple and other
o Extensive virus classification described.
o All sense and nonsense ever said about Atari viruses
o A full and extended "Ultimate Virus Killer" manual.
o A list of all Atari viruses and their symptoms.
o The biggest glossary you ever saw.
Ordering conditions
United Kingdom:
£11.99 to be sent as a UK cheque made out to "Mr. J.P.
Karsmakers". Please *clearly* state your name and address and
send your cheque off to the address below. Never mind the name
not being mine, but that's because my dad has an English account.
Cashing British cheques in Holland costs too much to make it
viable for you or me.
Nederland / The Netherlands:
Hfl 29,95 per Nederlandse cheque op naam van "Dhr. R.
Karsmakers". Let op: Het boek is in het Engels! Vermeld s.v.p.
*duidelijk* Uw naam en adres en stuur Uw cheque naar het
hieronder vermelde adres.
The rest of the world:
US$ 25 (Germans: DM 30) to be transferred via an IMO (that's
"International Money Order") or cash. Absolutely no cheques!
Please *clearly* state your name and address and send your IMO
off to the address below.
The address to send your stuff to
International: For the Netherlands:
Richard Karsmakers Richard Karsmakers
P.O.Box 67 Postbus 67
NL-3500 AB Utrecht 3500 AB Utrecht
The Netherlands
Do note
o Please allow up to six weeks for delivery.
o If you have an email account and specify it upon ordering, I
will let you know that I've received your payment.
o The prices include postage and packaging costs.
o Remember: The book won't be available anymore after December
31st 1995! Orders received after that date will not be
More info of matters highly viral will doubtlessly be found in
the next issue of ST NEWS.
The text of the articles is identical to the originals like they appeared
in old ST NEWS issues. Please take into consideration that the author(s)
was (were) a lot younger and less responsible back then. So bad jokes,
bad English, youthful arrogance, insults, bravura, over-crediting and
tastelessness should be taken with at least a grain of salt. Any contact
and/or payment information, as well as deadlines/release dates of any
kind should be regarded as outdated. Due to the fact that these pages are
not actually contained in an Atari executable here, references to scroll
texts, featured demo screens and hidden articles may also be irrelevant.