"'Faith' means not *wanting* to know what is true."
Friedrich Nietzsche, Aphorism 8
from the Net
I hear you people screaming, "I thought you never did Net stuff
in ST NEWS," but this is a thing that i think everybody ought to
know of. It was sent across various groups of people by Lord
HackBear, and here it is...
The text is dated June 6th 1995.
* Use the Jaguar Server to develop Jaguar programs !
* The Jaguar Server runs on all Atari ST/STE/Falcon/TT computers.
* The hardware plugs into your computers cartridge port. From the
cartridge hardware goes a 40 pin ribbon cable into the Jaguar.
* You can change betweeen 'modified' and 'orginal' Jaguar by the
flick of a switch. A reset button is also installed.
* Uses a slightly modified standard Jaguar. Soldering experience
is needed to successfully complete the modification.
* No programing restrictions apart from a 2Mb main memory limit
in the Jaguar. Future software updates will be able to upload
data at the command of a running Jaguar program.
* You use the Jaguar Server software to upload programs/data to
the Jaguar.
* Software updates to JagOS (Jaguar Operating System) are
possible without burning a new EPROM chip.
* Upload transfer rate is currently 65 Kb per second on a 8 Mhz
Atari and 108 Kb per second running at 16 Mhz.
* Use the Devpac 3 assembler or any other code generator to write
* A remote debugger is under development.
* The Jaguar Server development kit contains this...
+ Jaguar Server cartridge (hardware)
+ Jaguar Server shell (software)
+ Switches, ribbon cable, connectors and everything else
that is needed to modifie your Jaguar.
+ A few Jaguar (*.JAG) programs and example source code.
- No 68000 or Atari RISC assemblers.
- No Jaguar technical documentation.
* 'Hacker' experience and good knowledge of assembler programming
is STRONGLY recommended because of lacking Jaguar technical
* Introduction price is :
1200 Skr for the complete Jaguar Server developer
kit and all parts needed. Soldering needed!
500 Skr for the Jaguar modification if you can't do
it yourself. You send your Jaguar to us...
(you'll get about 7.3 Skr for 1 US$)
* Questions? URL: http://www.pt.hk-r.se/~di94rkr/di94rkr.html.
The text of the articles is identical to the originals like they appeared
in old ST NEWS issues. Please take into consideration that the author(s)
was (were) a lot younger and less responsible back then. So bad jokes,
bad English, youthful arrogance, insults, bravura, over-crediting and
tastelessness should be taken with at least a grain of salt. Any contact
and/or payment information, as well as deadlines/release dates of any
kind should be regarded as outdated. Due to the fact that these pages are
not actually contained in an Atari executable here, references to scroll
texts, featured demo screens and hidden articles may also be irrelevant.