"A marvelous creature. A model of specialization... Who else
could suck an ant up his nose and enjoy it?"
About anteaters, "B.C." strip by Johnny Hart
by Evil Dead
This article should originally have been released in the
previous issue of ST NEWS, but in the end there wasn't enough
room for the source material to be included with it. So now it
is, finally, so some of you people may finally get introduced to
demo coding on the Falcon.
True colour 32x32 sprites
Here I explain how to code 32x32 sprites in 320x200 true color
mode. The sprites are masked and each sprite could have its own
coordinates. I've coded it in a way that it works on both SVGA &
RGB modes.
I think the Falcon is too slow for its hardware; it has true
colour video capabilities and full stereo 16 bit sound with a
main processor based on a pseudo 32 bit processor running at
16Mhz with 512 bytes total cache. If you look at the other
platforms you'll notice that all machines with simillar specs are
equiped with at least a 32 bit 32Mhz processor. When trying to do
some real graphic movement you'll notice that the 16 Mhz 32/16
bit processor of the Falcon is really too slow...
I've noticed that the Falcon is basically too slow to display
many sprites; I can get only about 6 sprites (with screen
switching), but if I optimize the code there should be more.
Using the DSP chip with this code will not decrease the CPU time
here, because there isn't mucht to calculate. In this version the
sprite underground will be saved and restored so that the sprites
can be drawn on a picture or something like that.
Basic principles:
You have to restore all screen data first before saving the new
sprite data.
You could do this with multiple 'movem' instructions in a 'dbra'
loop (I think this is the fastest way). The restore positions
should be saved while calculating the screen offsets when saving
the sprites. Saving sprites is nothing else then reading screen
data and throwing it into a buffer... Drawing the sprite data is
more complex since you must mask the sprite data with the data
already on screen, but in true colour (where each pixel has its
own data word) this is no big deal (only data must been drawn, so
the only thing to do is skip empty data (black). A simple way to
do this is:
move (a0)+,d0 * fetch sprite dataword (1 pixel)
beq.b nodraw * if empty (d0=0) skip drawing
move d0,(a1) * draw pixel on screen
addq.l #2,a1 * update screen pointer
dbra d7,nextpix * repeat drawing
In this version I made a simple sinus table which is based on an
old ST resolution (where I multiplied all Y coordinates with 160
for fast calculating). In true colour 320x200 mode every scanline
is 640 bytes and where 640/160=4 I only have to shift left the Y
position 2 times (which is much faster than multiplying the Y
position by 640!). The X position should be shifted left once
(since one pixel horizontally is one word screen data). A simple
screen offset routine looks like this:
* d0=xpos
* d1=ypos (multiplied with 160)
lsl #1,d0 * multiply x with 2
lsl #2,d1 * multiply y with 4 (y=(y*160)*4)
add.l d0,d1 * add x+y
add.l d1,a1 * add to screen base
Now you have your screen address.
A simple way to manage sprite position resetting and multiple
sprite pointers is to declare an array with an equal ammount of
elements as sprites:
r set 0
rept numspr
dc.l sinus+r,sinus+r *(where the first long is
the actual
r set r+300 *position and the second
the reset pos)
When you calculate the screen address you must check the
pointers for resetting The most simple way to do this is:
lea posits(pc),a1
move.l (a1),a0
move (a0)+,d0
move (a0)+,d1
bpl.b notreset
move.l 4(a1),(a1)
bra.b doagain
Screen switching on the Falcon is not more complicated than on
standard STs. The Falcon has 3 video address registers which
makes it more simple to set a screen anywhere. I made a simple
routine which allows you to code most routines (which run
normally on 1 screen) on two screens. You only need to declare
two screens and a few instructions at the start of the VBL:
movem.l d0-a6,-(a7)
tst which(pc)
beq.b screen1set
move.l screen2(pc),d0
move.l screen1(pc),screen
move.l screen(pc),screen2
move.l d0,screen1
bra.b go
move.l screen1(pc),d0
move.l screen2(pc),screen1
move.l d0,screen2
move.b d0,d1
extb.l d1
lsr #8,d0
move.b d1,$ffff820d.w
move.l d0,$ffff8200.w
eori #1,which
If you do screen switching like this you don't need to use
absolute addresses.
I think this code is far from perfect but since it is nothing
more than a spare time project I don't care...
I hope that I can make some more articles in the near future
about the ups and downs on the Falcon.
If you want to contact me:
*** EVIL DEAD ***
Reinwardtstraat 132
NL-2522 AG Den Haag
The Netherlands
Tel: ++31-70-3990535
I Hope this source will help you to develop the most amazing
demos ever :-)
Greetings from * Evil Dead *
The text of the articles is identical to the originals like they appeared
in old ST NEWS issues. Please take into consideration that the author(s)
was (were) a lot younger and less responsible back then. So bad jokes,
bad English, youthful arrogance, insults, bravura, over-crediting and
tastelessness should be taken with at least a grain of salt. Any contact
and/or payment information, as well as deadlines/release dates of any
kind should be regarded as outdated. Due to the fact that these pages are
not actually contained in an Atari executable here, references to scroll
texts, featured demo screens and hidden articles may also be irrelevant.