Bride, n.:
A woman with a fine prospect of happiness behind her.
Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary"
Some time ago ST NEWS offered an article on a thing called the
"Jaguar Server". This was a piece of hardware with which it was
possible to program the Jaguar cheaply (or at least a lot cheaper
than Atari would rather have you do it). However, not too long
ago I received an update for that press release, current to
January 1st 1996. I have offered it here again, for I think one
should help the Atari market with every possible effort...
Info about the Jaguar Server
Current hardware revision B
BootROM B001, JagOS version 1.07
The Jaguar Server project started out in August '94. The goal
was to make a cheap developer kit for anyone that wanted to
program for the Jaguar. Atari's own developer kit was $5500 and
that was WAY too much if you just wanted to hack and program the
Jaguar just for the fun of it.
The very first prototype was built around the Mega ST's
'MegaBus' All of it was hand wired together using a total of 21
IC's. I can tell you that this board had VERY little empty space
on it... This prototype was soon scrapped, as I begun work on the
Rev A board, using a different approach this time. It was built
for the cartridge port and could then be used on all Atari
computers not just the ones having a 'MegaBus'.
To keep the cost down, I also decided to use the Jaguar's 2MB
main memory and not include any expensive RAM chips in the Jaguar
Server hardware.
The Rev A board was up and running with very simple software in
February '95. As the Rev A board had some small flaws, I made
some changes to the layout and came up with the Rev B board.
More serious work now begun on the Software - The Shell running
on the Atari computer and the JagOS - Running on the Jaguar.
General Info
* Use the Jaguar Server kit to develop Jaguar programs !
* The Jaguar Server runs on all Atari ST/STE/Falcon/TT computers.
* The hardware plugs into your computers cartridge port. From the
cartridge hardware goes a 40 pin ribbon cable into the Jaguar.
* Uses a slightly modified standard Jaguar. You send our Jaguar
to me for modification, and i'll send it back to you.
* You can change betweeen 'modified' and 'orginal' Jaguar by the
flick of a switch. A reset button is also installed. ABSOLUTELY
_NO_ compability problems with Jaguar games.
* No programing restrictions apart from a 2Mb main memory limit
in the Jaguar. Future software updates will be able to upload
data at the command of a running Jaguar program.
* You use the Jaguar Server software to upload programs/data to
the Jaguar. The software looks best in resolutions over
* Software updates to JagOS (Jaguar Operating System) are
possible without burning a new EPROM chip simply by using newer
* Upload transfer rate is currently 83 Kbyte per second on a 8
Mhz Atari and 131 Kbyte per second running at 16 Mhz.
* Use the Devpac 3 assembler or any other code generator to write
* A remote debugger is under development.
* Software updates and info are availible on InterNet World Wide
Web at and by
filerequest with any FidoNet compatible mailer to STacken BBS
on FidoNet 2:204/219 under the magic name JSERVER
* A Jaguar Server Developer Mailing list are availible for
programming discussions. NOT open for anyone. E-mail to for more info.
* The Jaguar Server development kit contains this...
+ Jaguar Server cartridge (hardware)
+ Jaguar Server Shell & JagOS (software)
+ Switches, ribbon cable, connectors and everything else
that you need to start programming right away.
+ A few Jaguar (*.JAG) programs and example source code.
* IT DOES _NOT_ CONTAIN THE FOLLOWING... You have to get these
things yourself....
- No 68000 or Atari RISC assemblers.
- No Jaguar technical documentation.
* 'Hacker' experience and good knowledge of assembler programming
is STRONGLY recommended because of lacking Jaguar technical
* The Jaguar Server is NOT connected to Atari Corp. in ANY way.
* _Introduction_ price is :
3400 Skr
730 DM
330 GBP
510 USD for the Jaguar Server and a new Jaguar console
(Swedish PAL without game!), modified and ready
to be used directly.
1500 Skr
325 DM
145 GBP
225 USD for the Jaguar Server and modification.
You send your Jaguar to us...
Shipping is NOT included in these prices and will be added!
Around 200 Skr for shipping is normal.
Some technical info
A Jaguar (*.JAG) program is built around a header. There are
currently five different headers, each with it's own use and
advantages depending on the development environment and programs.
For example, one of the headers looks like this (for Devpac 3)
* Standard JagOS 3 Upload & Run parameters *
* ? Roine 950420 *
OUTPUT i:\*.JAG * Output standard Atari Executable.
down EQU $5000 * Download adress in Jaguar.
start EQU $5000 * Program start adress in Jaguar.
OPT D- * No debugging info.
dc.b 'JAGR' * Magic to skip Devpac Header.
dc.w 3 * JagOS 3 - Recive & Run.
dc.l down * Download adress.
dc.l c_end-c_start * Lenght of Jaguar Code.
* A dc.l 0 are also possible.
dc.l start * Start adress.
ORG start * If position dependent code.
c_start * Jaguar code start.....
ILLEGAL * Not much of a program... Hmm...
c_end * Jaguar code end.
Jaguar Modification
As there has been some trouble with users installing things
wrong when modifying their Jaguars to accept the Jaguar Server
Development kit, I have decided to NOT to let users do this
modification on their own any more.
I really think that this solution is the best for both parts.
This means that the Jaguar Server Development kit will work when
you get it, just plug it in the computer and start programming
and I will get happy customers with working kits!
This means that you now _MUST_ send us your Jaguar console and I
will do this modification for you. This will ensure that the
modification is correctly done and working 100%
It is also possible to order a complete new Jaguar Console (PAL)
if you for some reason can't send your Jaguar to us.
Misc Info
If you have more specific questions or want to order, write me
by E-Mail...
The text of the articles is identical to the originals like they appeared
in old ST NEWS issues. Please take into consideration that the author(s)
was (were) a lot younger and less responsible back then. So bad jokes,
bad English, youthful arrogance, insults, bravura, over-crediting and
tastelessness should be taken with at least a grain of salt. Any contact
and/or payment information, as well as deadlines/release dates of any
kind should be regarded as outdated. Due to the fact that these pages are
not actually contained in an Atari executable here, references to scroll
texts, featured demo screens and hidden articles may also be irrelevant.