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? Dave 'Spaz of TLB' Moss

 "It's  far easier to forgive an enemy after you've  gotten  even
with him."

                   THE ST NEWS ADVENTURE INDEX

 In  the  previous 35 issues of ST NEWS we have offered  quite  a
substantial amount of adventure solutions,  the majority done  by
adventure  wizard Math Claessens.  I never cease being amazed  at
the  amount  of  bravura that some  magazine  surround  adventure
solutions  with that have been on offer in ST NEWS for  something
close to decades already! It can be repeated here that nobody can
beat  Math,  and  I'm  glad  to have him as  a  regular  ST  NEWS
 This  article  comprises  an  index  to  the  various  adventure
solutions that have been published through the years,  up to  and
including  this  issue  - so that you need not  look  around  any
 I  still  have  almost  forty further  solutions  lined  up  for
publication in future issues, so don't despair if you do not find
the solution you want in this index.  In that case,  it might  be
useful to drop me a line with a special request or something.
 You  will find that the list contains most (if not ALL)  Sierra,
Magnetic  Scrolls and Infocom stuff.  In total there are a  kinda
massive 81 entries...

Title                                   Volume    Issue
Altered Destiny                         8         2
American Tale, An                       9         1
Amazon                                  2         3
Azarok's Tomb                           9         1
Ballyhoo                                2         6
Black Cauldron                          2         3
Borrowed Time                           2         2
Bureaucracy                             7         3
Chrono Quest                            3         7
Chrono Quest II                         8         1
Codename: Iceman                        7         2
Conquest of Camelot                     8         2
Corruption                              3         5
Crime Time                              8         2
Crimson's Crown                         3         3
Cruise for a Corpse                     7         2
Cutthroats                              7         2
D.A.A.                                  5         2
Deja Vu                                 5         1
Deja Vu II                              8         1
Demon's Tomb                            9         1
Dragons Lair                            7         1
Elvira                                  7         2
Enchanted                               2         6
Fahrenheit 451                          2         5
Fantasy World Dizzy                     8         1
Fish!                                   4         1
Gateway                                 2         2
Gnome Ranger                            7         3
Goldrush                                9         1
Grail, The                              4         2
Guild of Thieves                        2         6
Hero's Quest                            8         2
Hero's Quest II                         9         1
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy        2         2
Hollywood Hijinx                        5         1
Horror Zombies                          7         3
Indiana Jones                           5         1
Infidel                                 2         4
Jinxter                                 3         1
Kings Quest                             2         3
Kings Quest II                          2         3
Kings Quest III                         2         7
Kings Quest IV                          5         1
Kings Quest V                           7         1
Krystal, The                            7         1
Larry                                   3         2
Larry II                                4         1
Larry III                               6         2
Larry V                                 7         3
Legend of the Sword                     3         6
Loom                                    7         2
Lurking Horror                          4         2
Manhunter                               8         2
Manhunter II                            5         1
Maniac Mansion                          8         2
Mindshadow                              2         5
Monkey Island                           6         2
Mortville Manor                         8         3
Myth                                    5         1
Operation Stealth                       5         2
Pawn, The                               2         1
Personal Nightmare                      9         1
Police Quest                            3         3
Police Quest II                         5         1
Police Quest III                        8         1
Rise of the Dragon                      7         2
Seastalker                              2         6
Shadowgate                              3         4
Sorcerer                                2         4
Space Ace                               7         1
Space Quest                             2         2
Space Quest II                          3         1
Space Quest III                         5         1
Space Quest IV                          8         2
Spiderman                               2         7
Star Trek                               2         4
Tanglewood                              3         4
Tass Times                              2         5
Time and Magic                          8         2
Time Quest                              9         1
Transylvania                            3         2
Treasure Island                         8         1
Tusker                                  7         2
Uninvited                               2         8
Wishbringer                             2         5
Wonderland                              6         2
Zak McKracken                           7         2
Zork I                                  1         3
Zork II                                 1         4
Zork III                                7         3

 That's all folx! In case you're waiting for a specific adventure
solution  to be published,  don't hesitate to drop me a  note.  I
still have a couple of dozen solutions lined up for inclusion  in
future issues,  so if you want a particular adventure to be given
priority, just write to me and you're there. 

The text of the articles is identical to the originals like they appeared in old ST NEWS issues. Please take into consideration that the author(s) was (were) a lot younger and less responsible back then. So bad jokes, bad English, youthful arrogance, insults, bravura, over-crediting and tastelessness should be taken with at least a grain of salt. Any contact and/or payment information, as well as deadlines/release dates of any kind should be regarded as outdated. Due to the fact that these pages are not actually contained in an Atari executable here, references to scroll texts, featured demo screens and hidden articles may also be irrelevant.