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? Knighthawks

 "Spinster: A bachelor's wife."

                      by Richard Karsmakers

 Should  you  want  to send anything to ST NEWS (and  I  do  mean
anything - letters,  videos,  tapes,  CDs,  demo tapes, bootlegs,
cash,  pictures,  enticing  lingerie for my girlfriend  to  wear,
etc.),  please  send it to the address mentioned below.  You  may
also  send birthday cards on or around the 3rd  of  November,  or
Christmas cards around the end of the year.  Whatever you do,  if
you  expect a reply you shouldn't forget to include  valid  Dutch
stamps  or preferably International Reply Coupons (IRCs -  little
green  pieces  of  paper available at your  local  post  office).
Including  cash to cover postage costs is OK with  me,  too,  but
bear  in mind never to send any coins.  Packages or letters  that
don't include something with which I can obtain sufficient  reply
postage  will have to be of more than regular interest for me  to
reply  to at all!  Some people have been known to see this  as  a

 Richard Karsmakers
 Looplantsoen 50
 NL-3523 GV  Utrecht
 The Netherlands

 As  they  say:  I will expect my mailbox to be assailed  by  the
proverbial flurry of rabid mailmen (and possibly worse)!  I  also
have  an  email  account in case you may  alternatively  want  to
contact me there. I will expect my electronic mail box (which has
email  account  address "")  to  be
assailed by the proverbial flurry of electrons (and let's keep it
at that).
 If  you  want the latest issue of ST NEWS sent to you  (do  note
that  this  offer is for email only!) just inquire  at  my  email
address. You'll even get sortof a subscription then.


 This address is valid at least up to summer 1995.  After that  I
will probably have moved and I cannot guarentee your letter being
forwarded properly!  Try to locate a more recent issue of ST NEWS
to find out what the new address will be! I cannot emphasize this
enough - try to find out my proper address and save yourself (and
me) a lot of hassle!

 Engaging "wait for reactions"

The text of the articles is identical to the originals like they appeared in old ST NEWS issues. Please take into consideration that the author(s) was (were) a lot younger and less responsible back then. So bad jokes, bad English, youthful arrogance, insults, bravura, over-crediting and tastelessness should be taken with at least a grain of salt. Any contact and/or payment information, as well as deadlines/release dates of any kind should be regarded as outdated. Due to the fact that these pages are not actually contained in an Atari executable here, references to scroll texts, featured demo screens and hidden articles may also be irrelevant.